Thursday, September 22, 2011

Prison � A Message For The Government: Get Off Our Backs!

Prison � A Message For The Government:

Get Off Our Backs!: Government in America has gotten completely and totally out of control. Our founding fathers originally intended to set up a nation where the power of government would be greatly limited, but today government has become a horribly bloated monster that is relentlessly growing.

It is not just the federal government that I am talking about. All over the country, there are state and local governments that have become monstrous as well. No matter who we elect, they just want even more of our money, they demand even more of our time and our resources, they pile even more rules and regulations on to our backs, they seek even more control over us and our children and they take even more of our liberties and freedoms away. They have invented hundreds of different ways to drain money out of us, and yet it is never enough.

They pile up nightmarish debts that they expect our children and our grandchildren to repay, and yet our cities and our infrastructure are crumbling all around us. Government seems to have a relentless appetite for demanding even more from all of us, and yet they seem to badly mess up everything that they try to accomplish.

Well, I have a message for the government. Get off our backs!........................

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