Thursday, November 17, 2011

Rick Perry: Last, Best Hope to Fight Washington, D.C. Corruption (Col Sellin) | The Post & Email � ~ BLOGGER.GUNNY.G.1984 ~ (BLOG & EMAIL)

Rick Perry: Last, Best Hope to Fight Washington, D.C. Corruption (Col Sellin)

| The Post & Email � ~ BLOGGER.GUNNY.G.1984 ~ (BLOG & EMAIL):

Rick Perry: Last, Best Hope to Fight Washington, D.C. Corruption (Col Sellin) |
The Post & Email

November 17, 2011 Gunny G Edit Leave a comment Go to comments

Addressing the corrupt status quo

Admittedly, I am distrustful of politicians and skeptical regarding the promises they make.

Despite these reservations, Texas Governor Rick Perry is the only Presidential candidate who has thus far addressed the corruption issue as a major part of his campaign platform.

Perry’s proposals include:

Members of Congress are too entrenched in Washington, out-of-touch, and frankly do little to actually benefit the American people while they are in session. Work to establish a part-time, Citizen Congress, cut congressional pay in half and repeal the rules that prevent members of Congress from holding real jobs in their home states and communities.

Criminalize insider trading by members of Congress.

Congressional office budgets have doubled since 2000. Freeze federal civilian hiring and salaries until the budget is balanced.

End lifetime appointments of federal judges by instituting an 18-year term limit.....

Gunny G: Hey Readers! ~ Here's Some More of My GyG Posts !!!!! CLICK-HERE !!!!!


Hey, See the Reader Responses on each article,
they are gems in themselves!

For Various Reasons,Gunny G
Now Posting To Three Blogs...




LaRouche: To Stop World War III, Obama Must be Removed from Office Now � ~ BLOGGER.GUNNY.G.1984 ~ (BLOG & EMAIL)

LaRouche: To Stop World War III, Obama Must be Removed from Office Now

� ~ BLOGGER.GUNNY.G.1984 ~ (BLOG & EMAIL): LaRouche:

To Stop World War III, Obama Must be Removed from Office Now

November 17, 2011 Gunny G Edit Leave a comment Go to comments

Lyndon LaRouche issued the following statement this afternoon:

If Barack Obama is not thrown out of office soon, civilization is in mortal danger. The British Monarchy is out to destroy the United States as we know it, and Obama is their puppet instrument for accomplishing exactly that. The overall objective of this London-centered oligarchy is to reduce the world’s present population from the current official level of seven billion to less than one billion.

That is the issue that can no longer be dodged, if mankind is to survive the coming weeks and months. The present drive for World War III, beginning with the targeting of Iran and Syria, is driven by the British committment to wipe out more than 80 percent of the human race, just as Prince Philip has demanded on numerous public occasions. Anyone who tries to deny this reality is endangering mankind by their failure to face the truth.....

Retired Military Officers Oppose Obama’s Police-State Measures — Puppet Masters — � ~ BLOGGER.GUNNY.G.1984 ~ (BLOG & EMAIL)

Retired Military Officers Oppose Obama’s Police-State Measures — Puppet Masters — � ~


Retired Military Officers Oppose Obama’s Police-State Measures — Puppet Masters —

November 17, 2011 Gunny G Edit Leave a comment Go to comments

According to an Oct. 19 article in the North Carolina News & Observer, written by associates of Human Rights First, more than 20 retired U.S. Generals and Admirals have written to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV), and to the chairman and ranking Senator of the Armed Services Committee, to demand the removal of police-state “anti-terrorism” measures from the 2012 Defense Authorization Act.

Authors J. Adam Abram and Alston Gardner write, “The 666-page National Defense Authorization Act being considered by the Senate contains at least two provisions that are simply not consistent with American values…. Section 1031 of the act permits indefinite military detention of American citizens, without charge or trial, if those citizens are accused of supporting or being members of or supporting an affiliate of al-Qaeda.”

Most citizens are completely unaware of the dangerous measures in the bill.....

Is Putative President Barack Obama’s Mother, Stanley Ann Dunham, Really Jo Ann Newman? � ~ BLOGGER.GUNNY.G.1984 ~ (BLOG & EMAIL)

Is Putative President Barack Obama’s Mother, Stanley Ann Dunham, Really Jo Ann Newman?

Is Putative President Barack Obama’s Mother, Stanley Ann Dunham, Really Jo Ann Newman?

November 16, 2011 Gunny G Edit Leave a comment Go to comments

Is Putative President Barack Obama’s Mother, Stanley Ann Dunham, Really Jo Ann Newman?

By Mario Apuzzo, Esq.

November 15, 2011

Martha Trowbridge reports that she has uncovered the true identity of Stanley Ann Dunham, putative President Barack Obama’s mother.

She writes in her latest article, Stan The Sham, and True Love, posted at her blog, Terrible Truth, on November 15, 2011, at

2011/11/15/stan-the-sham-and-true-love/ that Dunham’s real name is Jo Ann Newman.

Why would Obama tell us that his mother’s name is Stanley Ann Dunham when it is really Jo Ann Newman, a white teenage girl from the Bronx, New York, who according to Ms. Trowbridge was Malcolm X’s teenage lover and devotee?


via Natural Born Citizen – A Place to Ask Questions and Get the Right Answers: Is Putative President Barack Obama’s Mother, Stanley Ann Dunham, Really Jo Ann Newman?.