Saturday, December 03, 2011

(“…DHS still lists Christians, anti-abortionists, homeschoolers, libertarians, conservatives and military rank and file as terrorists. Note: Islamists are still not included on the list…”) Iron Curtain Beginsted States of America| The Post & Email ~ BLOGGER.GUNNY.G.1984 . ~ (BLOG & EMAIL)

(“…DHS still lists Christians, anti-abortionists, homeschoolers, libertarians, conservatives and military rank and file as terrorists. Note: Islamists are still not included on the list…”)

Iron Curtain Beginsted States of America| The Post & Email  ~ BLOGGER.GUNNY.G.1984 . ~ (BLOG & EMAIL):

(“…DHS still lists Christians, anti-abortionists, homeschoolers, libertarians, conservatives and military rank and file as terrorists. Note: Islamists are still not included on the list…”)

Iron Curtain Beginsted States of America

| The Post & Email

December 3, 2011
Gunny G Edit Leave a comment Go to comments

…DHS still lists Christians, anti-abortionists, homeschoolers, libertarians, conservatives and military rank and file as terrorists. Note: Islamists are still not included on the list…


via Iron Curtain Begins Descending onto the United States of America
| The Post & Email.