Saturday, June 25, 2011

Gunny G's Marines History and Traditions: GyG: On von Steuben....

Gunny G's Marines History and Traditions:

GyG: On von Steuben....:

"On von Steuben....

Some of you may recall that a year or so ago I had viewed a program on the History Channel--or one similar to HC--on George Washington. One of the things that came up was that Wahington had Frederick William Baron von Steuben take charge of training for his new army. Out of this came 'Baron von Steuben's Revolutionary War Drill Manual,' otherwise known as the 'Blue Book.'

The program I watched made the point that the position of the sergeant major in the battle formation provided that he would be in a position, in the rear, and was responsible for, among other duties, to prevent soldiers from fleeing, and even to shoot them when necessary. I had heard this before through the years, but I had never seen anything, in writing or otherwise, that would substantiate this as fact. Then again, I had never made it a point to search for this.

I have even purchased a copy (reprinted) of the 'Blue Book,' but try as I may, I cannot find specifically anything to indicate that deserters were to be shot if they couldn't be turned back to their units.

Today I posted a query on this to the military history forum at SFTT; and somebody there came up w/an answer."

Obama's Unhostile War

Obama's Unhostile War:

"“President Obama has distorted the plain meaning of a war powers statute to reach the conclusion that he does not need Congressional authorization for the military operation in Libya. Regardless of ones views on the Libyan mission, this legal tactic undermines the rule of law. “

All according to plan...confuse, distort, overwhelm, etc.

Alinsky, lucifer, and all the others...

by gunnyg

('A Constitution changed from Freedom, can never be restored; Liberty, once lost, is lost forever...)"

William Buckley interview's radical “community organizer Saul Alinsky who helped shape Clinton and Obama | The Party Of Know

William Buckley interview's radical “community organizer Saul Alinsky who helped shape Clinton and Obama | The Party Of Know:

"William Buckley interview’s radical “community organizer Saul Alinsky who helped shape Clinton and Obama

By The Party Of No on May 3, 2011"

Our Blood, Our Sweat, Our Tears, Their Oil

Our Blood, Our Sweat, Our Tears, Their Oil: "From Reuters:

'It's really as simple as this: there's a war in Libya, costs between one and two million barrels a day in lost output, I think 140 million barrels off the market so far,' he said in response to a question at Dartmouth College, where he spoke on a panel.

'Reserves exist to help mitigate those kinds of disruptions and we helped to organize a coordinated global international response to help ease some of that pressure,' he added.

Oh. It’s the war in Libya that’s the problem. Maybe admitting that Obama is prosecuting a war in Libya is a sign of progress, because the administration told us recently that there was no war in Libya. They told us it was just a time-limited, scope-limited, kinetic military activity."

America’s #1 Enemy Exposed!| The Post & Email

America’s #1 Enemy Exposed!| The Post & Email:

"The truth remains clouded, so that America’s enemy isn’t the rewritten history of Obama, Islam, or China, but people like me who point out the truth and are subsequently targeted by alphabet-soup law enforcement agencies, all the better to pave the way for Sharia Law (respect islam) to take hold.

I warn. I tell the truth. We’ve no candidate to thwart the inevitable. There has not been one small “peep” from ANY candidate for President in 2012 that has the guts to save this country.

NOT ONE. Something to think about and discuss with your fellow citizens. We know what has to be done; the question is, do we, as a people, have what it takes?"

Al Gore, Agenda 21 and Population�Control

Al Gore, Agenda 21 and Population�Control:

"Yes, I know all this sounds like a plot from a science fiction novel. But it is actually real. 178 nations have signed on to Agenda 21. 'Eco-prophets' such as Al Gore travel all over the world teaching us how wonderful 'sustainable development' will be.

This agenda is being pushed in our schools, at our universities, on our televisions and in our movies.

So exactly what is Agenda 21? The following is how the United Nations defines Agenda 21....

Agenda 21 is a comprehensive plan of action to be taken globally, nationally and locally by organizations of the United Nations System, Governments, and Major Groups in every area in which human impacts on the environment.

When you start doing deep research into Agenda 21, you will find that describing it as a 'comprehensive plan' is an understatement. Virtually all forms of human activity impact the environment.

The rabid 'environmentalists' behind the green agenda intend to take all human activity and put it into a box called 'sustainable development'.

One of the key elements of 'sustainable development' is population control. The United Nations (along with radical 'environmental' leaders such as Al Gore) actually believes that there are far too many people on earth."....................

America’s #1 Enemy Exposed!| The Post & Email

America’s #1 Enemy Exposed!| The Post & Email:

"by One Pissed-off Vietnam Vet

Spartacus was a Thracian enslaved by the Romans who led his fellow slaves to freedom and became an historical symbol for fighting government oppression

(Jun. 24, 2011) — Let’s say you’re asked to make a list, a list of all of the enemies of the United States, and you have to list them in order of the threat level, with those who are an immediate danger at the top. Maybe you’ve been paying attention, and put Islam, then China, and so forth.

Well, good try, but no banana. You try again, and this time you list Iran, Russia, Israel, India. Not even close. How about Canada? Costa Rica? Need help?

The thing is, and this is really sad, that the most dangerous enemy we have is right within our borders as I write this and as you read this: ignorance. Or, to put it a little more truthfully, the greatest enemy America faces isn’t Islam, Marxist philosophy, or a Totalitarian system of control, but plain and simple stupidity.

It’s people making decisions with no facts, skewed facts, pretend facts, and imagined facts. It’s voting with “feeling” vs. intellect. It’s not having the courage to admit a mistake, correct the mistake, and carry on.".................................

The Greatest Cartoon of All Time!!!! (i.e. In my humble opinion.)

The Greatest Cartoon of All Time!!!! (i.e. In my humble opinion.): "This is the greatest cartoon of all time. AT least in my opinion.

If you've never seen it, I guess then you're in for a treat. If you haven't seen this in years, then you're in for another treat. All kids should see this. These are the cartoons I grew up with.

Pour yourself another cup of coffee, and enjoy!

The animators must have been high the entire time to come up with this stuff. I mean where did they think up, 'The Conga Line?' or 'Bat Boy?'

Mel Blanc does ALL the voices. Think about that when you're watching..."

Michelle Obama: "Fortunately We Have Help From The Media"

Michelle Obama: "Fortunately We Have Help From The Media": "In an interview with CNN, First Lady Michelle Obama thanks the media for their 'support' and 'kindness.'

CNN reporter: 'How's the family ready for this [the election]? It's going to be quite vicious, isn't it? How do you prepare for that?'

First Lady Michelle Obama: 'You know, it's … we're ready, you know. Our children, you know, could care less about what we're doing. We work hard to do that. Fortunately we have help from the media. I have to say this: I'm very grateful for the support and kindness that we've gotten. People have respected their privacy and in that way, I think, you know, no matter what people may feel about my husband's policies or what have you, they care about children and that's been good to see.'

(Excerpt) Read more at ..."

The Open Conspiracy (1933) (theory: origin of Soros' Open Society?)

The Open Conspiracy (1933) (theory: origin of Soros' Open Society?): "H. G. Wells launched the idea of an Open Conspiracy in a booklet in 1928...(and 1933). The vision that emerges from this selection is that of a conspiracy of cosmopolitan individuals for the organization of a world community that leaves behind the heavy burden of nationalism and militarism. This view is sometimes associated with a slightly different one of a world state run by a world directorate for the advancement and the well-being of humanity.


What mankind has to do

The fundamental organization of contemporary states is plainly still military, and thus is exactly what a world organization cannot be. Flags, uniforms, national anthems, patriotism sedulously cultivated in church and school, the brag, blare, and bluster of our competing sovereignties, belong to the phase that the Open Conspiracy will supersede. We have to get"


MINOR V. HAPPERSETT IS BINDING PRECEDENT AS TO THE CONSTITUTIONAL DEFINITION (NBC).: "Since my last report, many people have asked why the definition in Minor v. Happersett of a “natural-born citizen” (as a person born in the US to parents who are citizens) is binding legal precedent. The answer is in the Court’s holding that Virginia Minor was a US citizen…because she was born in the US to parents who were citizens. That part of the actual holding is listed in the official syallbus of the case.

And furthermore, Minor was the first case to hold that women are equal citizens to men. To this day, that case is still cited as the first US Supreme Court decision which recognized that women were, in fact, citizens. It is still precedent for that determination. Google [ 'minor v happersett' 'women are citizens' ] and review the results. A multitude of articles discuss the holding of Minor – that women are US citizens.

(Excerpt) Read more at ..."

Viewers share more smart meter installation complaints

Viewers share more smart meter installation complaints: "HOUSTON -- After KHOU 11 News aired the story of a man who said a smart meter installation ruined his AC, many people have come forward to share similar stories.

It's been a long couple of weeks for a Sugar Land man who only wants to be identified as Mike. 'This is basically the first thing I noticed. Just trouble,' he said.

He said first it was the alarm, but things just keep going wrong, next was the thermostat.

“Just all screwed up. Scrambled up,' Mike said."

Michelle Obama: "Fortunately, We Have Help From The Media" ( Bias Much?)

Michelle Obama: "Fortunately, We Have Help From The Media" ( Bias Much?):

"In an interview with CNN, First Lady Michelle Obama thanks the media for their 'support' and 'kindness.'

CNN reporter: 'How's the family ready for this [the election]? It's going to be quite vicious, isn't it? How do you prepare for that?'

First Lady Michelle Obama: 'You know, it's … we're ready, you know. Our children, you know, could care less about what we're doing. We work hard to do that. Fortunately, we have help from the media. I have to say this: I'm very grateful for the support and kindness that we've gotten. People have respected their privacy and in that way, I think, you know, no matter what people may feel about my husband's policies or what have you, they care about children and that's been good to see.'

(Excerpt) Read more at ..."

Ron Paul Bill Attacks Federal Marijuana War

Ron Paul Bill Attacks Federal Marijuana War: "The federal war on drugs is coming under attack from multiple angles, most recently with the introduction of a bill in Congress by conservative Rep. Ron Paul and liberal Rep. Barney Frank that would end the national prohibition on marijuana and allow states to set their own policies."

The CinC goes AWOL on the Medal of Honor winners dishonoring the troops- Just a photo-op

The CinC goes AWOL on the Medal of Honor winners dishonoring the troops- Just a photo-op:

"He apologized 30 hours later.

(Excerpt) Read more at ..."