Saturday, June 25, 2011

Gunny G's Marines History and Traditions: GyG: On von Steuben....

Gunny G's Marines History and Traditions:

GyG: On von Steuben....:

"On von Steuben....

Some of you may recall that a year or so ago I had viewed a program on the History Channel--or one similar to HC--on George Washington. One of the things that came up was that Wahington had Frederick William Baron von Steuben take charge of training for his new army. Out of this came 'Baron von Steuben's Revolutionary War Drill Manual,' otherwise known as the 'Blue Book.'

The program I watched made the point that the position of the sergeant major in the battle formation provided that he would be in a position, in the rear, and was responsible for, among other duties, to prevent soldiers from fleeing, and even to shoot them when necessary. I had heard this before through the years, but I had never seen anything, in writing or otherwise, that would substantiate this as fact. Then again, I had never made it a point to search for this.

I have even purchased a copy (reprinted) of the 'Blue Book,' but try as I may, I cannot find specifically anything to indicate that deserters were to be shot if they couldn't be turned back to their units.

Today I posted a query on this to the military history forum at SFTT; and somebody there came up w/an answer."

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