Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Colonel Lawrence Sellin: Man fired for his sniping will not go quietly – Americas, World – The Independent � ~ BLOGGER.GUNNY.G.1984 ~ (BLOG & EMAIL)

Colonel Lawrence Sellin: Man fired for his sniping will not go quietly – Americas, World – The Independent � ~ BLOGGER.GUNNY.G.1984 ~ (BLOG & EMAIL):

"Colonel Lawrence Sellin: Man fired for his sniping will not go quietly – Americas, World – The Independent
July 27, 2011 Gunny G Edit Leave a comment Go to

A senior officer in General David Petraeus’s support staff, who was fired for publicly criticising the US military’s “PowerPoint culture”, has issued a fresh broadside against what he says is a bloated, ineffective bureaucracy at America’s headquarters in Afghanistan.

Colonel Lawrence Sellin was fired from his role after he wrote a column attacking the system for using relentless slide-show presentations to “cognitively challenged” generals instead of formulating coherent policy.

Col Sellin, a 61-year-old army reservist, said he had no regrets about his action and that others at the main base of the International Security Assistance Force in Kabul congratulated him for speaking out. “I am not sorry at all. I think there are a lot of people"



"The people are ready to rebel."

Why I Cannot Support Senator John McCain for President � ~ BLOGGER.GUNNY.G.1984 ~ (BLOG & EMAIL)

Why I Cannot Support Senator John McCain for President � ~ BLOGGER.GUNNY.G.1984 ~ (BLOG & EMAIL):

"Why I Cannot Support Senator John McCain for President
July 27, 2011 Gunny G Edit Leave a comment Go to

Why I Cannot Support Senator John McCain for President

29 August 1999

I wish I could support John McCain and as a fellow returned POW. I have found I am expected to support him, but I cannot. If I cannot support him, then the next best thing I find is that I am expected to remain mute and say nothing. As I have proven in a terrible jungle prison, I have the ability to remain mute in the face of those who wished to trade me my very life for just a few words. My remaining mute then, is the driving factor behind my feeling compelled to speak out now.

When John was blown from the sky over that lake in Hanoi, did the enemy already know whose son he was? No, they did not until John told them"

Gunny G: How Far Have Things Degenerated In America? (Click Pic)^

A Conservative Revolt in Full � ~ BLOGGER.GUNNY.G.1984 ~ (BLOG & EMAIL)

A Conservative Revolt in Full � ~ BLOGGER.GUNNY.G.1984 ~ (BLOG & EMAIL):

"A Conservative Revolt in Full
July 27, 2011 Gunny G Edit Leave a comment Go to
For conservatives, President Ronald Reagan’s 11th Commandment prohibiting Republicans from engaging in internecine warfare is no longer inviolable.

What for months had been a quiet campaign to pressure the GOP into a more conservative footing has, over the course of the debt limit negotiations, blossomed into a full-blown insurrection, led by Republican Steering Committee Chairman Jim DeMint (S.C.) in the Senate and Republican Study Committee Chairman Jim Jordan (Ohio) in the House.

And at a Wednesday Conference meeting"


Chuck Baldwin — Romans 13: Setting It Straight � ~ BLOGGER.GUNNY.G.1984 ~ (BLOG & EMAIL)

Chuck Baldwin — Romans 13: Setting It Straight � ~ BLOGGER.GUNNY.G.1984 ~ (BLOG & EMAIL):

"For at least the past half-century Christian pastors and churches have been all but neutered. On the whole, they have ignored Christ’s admonition to be the “salt of the earth,” and as a result, have failed to do much of anything to preserve freedom’s Biblical Natural Law principles in this great land. In fact, the average church is so sugary sweet that it is downright sickening!

And the two main reasons for this dereliction of duty by America’s pastors and churches are the IRS 501c3 non-profit tax status, which turns the Lord’s church into a government corporation;"


"The people are ready to rebel."

O'Reilly Fracture Smears FreeRepublic

O'Reilly Fracture Smears FreeRepublic:

"This is an addendum to my previous post 'The Broken Clock Known As Bill O'Reilly.'

I will NEVER, EVER watch that liar on TV ever again. This is straight out of the PMSNBC playbook!

Stuff it, Baxter!

(Excerpt) Read more at ..."
Gunny G: How Far Have Things Degenerated In America? (Click Pic)^

Reports: House GOP lining up behind Boehner’s plan (the GOP has sold the tea party out)

Reports: House GOP lining up behind Boehner’s plan

(the GOP has sold the tea party out):

"“I agree with Clyde Wilson that America can’t be saved or returned to its roots until the Republican Party is destroyed.”

Semper Fidelis
Gunny G
Dick Gaines

Semper watching!

89 posted on Wednesday, July 27, 2011 6:12:10 PM by gunnyg ('A Constitution changed from Freedom, can never be restored; Liberty, once lost, is lost forever...)"

“I agree with Clyde Wilson that America can’t be saved or returned to its roots until the Republican Party is destroyed.” � ~ BLOGGER.GUNNY.G.1984 ~ (BLOG & EMAIL)

“I agree with Clyde Wilson that America can’t be saved or returned to its roots until the Republican Party is destroyed.”


"“I agree with Clyde Wilson that America can’t be saved or returned to its roots until the Republican Party is destroyed.”"

If GOP Caves, Hello Third Party � ~ BLOGGER.GUNNY.G.1984 ~ (BLOG & EMAIL)

If GOP Caves, Hello Third Party � ~ BLOGGER.GUNNY.G.1984 ~ (BLOG & EMAIL):

"If GOP Caves, Hello Third Party


RUSH: Grand Rapids, Michigan. Hello, Dave. Great to have you with us on the program, sir. Hello.

CALLER: Rush, we have fought the good fight. The Speaker has fought the good fight. We have concessions. There will be no taxes in this agreement. We have two options, Rush. We have the Speaker’s plan, or Reid’s plan.

Rush, you said many times, we live in Realville. This is Realville, Rush. We have two plans, the Speaker’s or Senator Reid’s plan.

The Speaker’s plan is way better for us than Senator Reid’s plan will ever be."

Will the Military Fire on the Civilians it is supposed to Protect?| The Post & Email

Will the Military Fire on the Civilians it is supposed to Protect?| The Post & Email:

Will the Military Fire on the Civilians it is supposed to Protect?


How loyal is Maj. Gen. Karl R. Horst to the U.S. Constitution?

Dear Editor: The following letter has been sent this evening to Maj. Gen. Karl R. Horst of the U.S. Army:"


"The people are ready to rebel."

Obama to rule by executive order? Bring it on!! [FReepathon thread XIII] � ~ BLOGGER.GUNNY.G.1984 ~ (BLOG & EMAIL)

Obama to rule by executive order? Bring it on!! [FReepathon thread XIII] � ~ BLOGGER.GUNNY.G.1984 ~ (BLOG & EMAIL):

"Obama to rule by executive order? Bring it on!!

[FReepathon thread XIII]"

Rachel Maddow, MSNBC sued for defamation ~ 'Left-wing television commentators must be made to respect ... the law' --WND

Rachel Maddow, MSNBC sued for defamation:

"A lawsuit seeking in excess of $50 million has been prepared against MSNBC and its talk-show entertainer Rachel Maddow over statements she made about a Minnesota-based ministry.

Word of the development comes in an announcement from the YouCanRunButYouCannotHideInternational ministry run by former rock artist Bradlee Dean.

The attorney handling the case is Larry Klayman, the founder of Judicial Watch and now of Freedom Watch, who said money is not the issue."

Boehner: You bet your ** I told my caucus to get their ** in line (WATCH VIDEO) � ~ BLOGGER.GUNNY.G.1984 ~ (BLOG & EMAIL)

Boehner: You bet your ** I told my caucus to get their ** in line (WATCH VIDEO) � ~ BLOGGER.GUNNY.G.1984 ~ (BLOG & EMAIL):

"Boehner: You bet your ** I told my caucus to get their ** in line


"The ESTABLISHMENT has taken over, Looted our Republic and our People into bankruptcy, effectively denying us of our Constitutional Rights while preparing to make War on “We The People” for total Marxist One World Order governance."

The ESTABLISHMENT has taken over, Looted our Republic and our People into bankruptcy, effectively denying us of our Constitutional Rights while preparing to make War on “We The People” for total Marxist One World Order governance.


Our Corrupt Officials are Usurpers, paid by the ESTABLISHMENT who have been caught red handed sending thousands of illegal guns to Mexico and other countries for no legal purpose so they could say that the guns and resultant killings were caused by legal gun sales in America. 

This was then a major gamble to create public support for ongoing efforts to promote gun control that back fired. The ESTABLISHMENT cannot tolerate the fact that as long as we have guns to defend ourselves when they attack us. 

The ignorant cowards among us who have not prepared for survival and self defense will mostly die at the hands of the Marxist ESTABLISHMENT just like the Jews in Hitler’s Germany. For self defense details read Greg Evensen's article.




"The people are ready to rebel."

Hey, See the Reader Responses on each article,
they are gems in themselves!

Gunny G: BLOGGER 1984 +




Help Me Conduct The Trial | ATLAH Media Network

Help Me Conduct The Trial | ATLAH Media Network:

"Help Me Conduct The Trial"

Dr James Manning...

When America Went Crazy by Eric Peters � ~ BLOGGER.GUNNY.G.1984 ~ (BLOG & EMAIL)

When America Went Crazy by Eric Peters � ~ BLOGGER.GUNNY.G.1984 ~ (BLOG & EMAIL):

"When America Went Crazy by Eric Peters

America lost its mind 146 years ago and hasn’t been the same since. Or rather, it’s been a different country ever since.

A psychotic, self-referential, duplicitous country – largely ignorant of its own history and convinced of its messianic role in word affairs. A country not merely content to live – and let live. But one determined to to force others – everyone – to live its way.

At bayonet point, if need be,

It all goes back to the events of 1861-1865. The struggle for Southern independence, which the modern histories dishonestly – not merely mistakenly – call the “Civil War.”

Which it was not."


"The people are ready to rebel."

Tea Party leader calls for John Boehner to step down (“He is in the process of surrendering”) � ~ BLOGGER.GUNNY.G.1984 ~ (BLOG & EMAIL)

Tea Party leader calls for John Boehner to step down (“He is in the process of surrendering”) � ~ BLOGGER.GUNNY.G.1984 ~ (BLOG & EMAIL):

"Tea Party leader calls for John Boehner to step down (“He is in the process of surrendering”)"

Alias Barack Obama: The greatest identity fraud in history

Alias Barack Obama: The greatest identity fraud in history
Dr. R. J. Polland's book web site ^ | 07-27-2011 | Dr. Ron Polland

Posted on Wednesday, July 27, 2011 12:43:05 PM by Natural Born 54
Exclusive: Dr. Ron Polland Provides Preview of His Upcoming Online Book



(Jul. 21, 2011)

Dr. Ron Polland, PhD, has just finished a new e-Book, Alias Barack Obama: The greatest identity fraud in history that covers his three-year investigation into the life and background of Barack Hussein Obama, and the mystery of his online birth certificate. From the day he joined Free Republic in June 2008 (using his original family name, Polarik) to the present, none have worked harder and longer on this issue.

During the course of his three-year investigation, Dr. Polland collected a massive amount of evidence exposing a network of collaborators who put an imposter into the White House in fulfillment of their Marxist agenda to fundamentally transform America.

What began as a simple study of the online image posted on June 12, 2008 by the Daily Kos blog and the Obama Campaign mushroomed into a full-blown, forensic research project consuming more than 4,000 man-hours of work.

While most thought that he was only dealing with images, Dr. Polland was working under the radar, following the trail of a well-orchestrated conspiracy to subvert the Constitution and the free election process.

Dr. Polland has definitely been an enigma to liberals and a thorn in their sides. He did not go looking for a conspiracy – it found him. Not only was he the first to champion the cause that Obama created the COLB to hide his true identity, he was also the only one who continued to investigate the COLB and the people behind it.

Dr. Polland never quit.

He discovered that the online image purported to be...............



"The people are ready to rebel."

White Thug Mentality | ATLAH Media Network

White Thug Mentality | ATLAH Media Network:

"White Thug Mentality"

Dr James Manning...

Get Whitey, Obama | ATLAH Media Network

Get Whitey, Obama | ATLAH Media Network:

"Get Whitey, Obama"

Dr James Manning...

Obama’s ineligibility: Prepare to defend America – Time to act � ~ BLOGGER.GUNNY.G.1984 ~ (BLOG & EMAIL)

Obama’s ineligibility: Prepare to defend America – Time to act � ~ BLOGGER.GUNNY.G.1984 ~ (BLOG & EMAIL):

"Every federal official, who swore to support and defend the Constitution, has violated that oath by allowing an ineligible individual to usurp the office of President.

If that was not bad enough, the entire government has ignored overwhelming evidence that Obama has committed felonies both before and during his occupation of the White House; in particular, the Certificate of Live Birth presented by Obama on April 27, 2011 being a forgery.

By allowing Obama and his extreme left-wing supporters to violate the Constitution and conduct criminal behavior in such a brazen and arrogant manner, those cowardly and complicit government officials have set precedents of illegality of such magnitude, which, if not checked now, will eventually destroy the country.

Basically, the government has accepted the premise that certain people under certain circumstances are indeed above the law.

It isn’t a speed bump; it’s a train wreck. We are already on a slippery slope toward lawlessness, chaos and fragmentation.

We have run out of time and action must be taken to save our country."

BLOGGER.GUNNY.G.1984( ): Israel Charged With Systematic Harassment of U.S. Marines � ~ BLOGGER.GUNNY.G.1984 ~ (BLOG & EMAIL)

BLOGGER.GUNNY.G.1984( ): Israel Charged With Systematic Harassment of U.S. Marines � ~ BLOGGER.GUNNY.G.1984 ~ (BLOG & EMAIL):

"via BLOGGER.GUNNY.G.1984( ):

Israel Charged With Systematic Harassment of U.S. Marines."

Weather Manipulation – Fact or Fantasy? � ~ BLOGGER.GUNNY.G.1984 ~ (BLOG & EMAIL)

Weather Manipulation – Fact or Fantasy? � ~ BLOGGER.GUNNY.G.1984 ~ (BLOG & EMAIL):

"Weather Manipulation – Fact or Fantasy?"

Andrew C. Wallace — Smoking Gun: Preparation For War on the People � ~ BLOGGER.GUNNY.G.1984 ~ (BLOG & EMAIL)

Andrew C. Wallace — Smoking Gun: Preparation For War on the People � ~ BLOGGER.GUNNY.G.1984 ~ (BLOG & EMAIL):

"Andrew C. Wallace — Smoking Gun: Preparation For War on the People
July 27, 2011 Gunny G Edit Leave a comment Go to

The ESTABLISHMENT has taken over, Looted our Republic and our People into bankruptcy, effectively denying us of our Constitutional Rights while preparing to make War on “We The People” for total Marxist One World Order governance.


Our Corrupt Officials are Usurpers, paid by the ESTABLISHMENT who have been caught red handed"


Today's Toons 7/27/11

Today's Toons 7/27/11: "Today's Toons 7/27/11
The Briefing Room ^ | July 27, 2011 | pookie18

Posted on Wednesday, July 27, 2011 10:33:20 AM by mystery-ak


Government by Coup de Theatre or the Constitution?

Government by Coup de Theatre or the Constitution?:

"How have we arrived at this place where the fate of our federal budget -- our economy, indeed our capacity to have a functioning federal government -- seems to depend on what two men (the speaker of the House and the president) may or may not be secretly talking about in an interior room in the White House?

Meanwhile, elected representatives and senators, kept ignorant of those life-and-death discussions, are forced to wait.

When the two men are finished -- doubtlessly mere hours before 'the world will end' -- our elected representatives and senators will be stampeded to vote yes for a deal about which no one knows the details.

Cattle may need to be stampeded; elected representatives of the American people never should be so compelled."


Conspiracy in Philadelphia by Gary North

Conspiracy in Philadelphia by Gary North
“the Constitutional Convention of 1787 was in fact an illegal coup d’état”

New Tone: NY Times Columnist Says Tea Party Is Hezbollah Faction of GOP

New Tone: NY Times Columnist Says Tea Party Is Hezbollah Faction of GOP:

"This must be part of that new tone of discourse we were promised...

Liberal fascist and far left columnist Thomas Friedman says the tea party is the Hezbollah faction of the Republican Party ready to take the GOP on a suicide mission.

The New York Times reported, via AP:

Alas, that is the Tea Party. It is so lacking in any aspiration for American greatness, so dominated by the narrowest visions for our country and so ignorant of the fact that it was not tax cuts that made America great but our unique public-private partnerships across the generations.

If sane Republicans do not stand up to this Hezbollah faction in their midst, the Tea Party will take the G.O.P. on a suicide mission.

(Excerpt) Read more at ..."

Jon Christian Ryter -- Cities Now Abrogating Our Rights

Jon Christian Ryter -- Cities Now Abrogating Our Rights:

"This nation is now in serious jeopardy of losing the Bill of Rights...not from the usurpations of the federal government—from your municipal government.

You know, the petty bureaucrats in City Hall who are so unimportant that, from one elections to the next, you have no idea who they are.

The Utopians learned a long time ago that when you want to deconstruct a nation, you don't start by tearing off the will only succeed if you start by chipping away at the foundation. When the foundation crumbles, the nation falls.

Since governance begins at the local level, it is the foundation of of the structure of government. Which suggests it should be the government system we know best. But it isn't. Most of us don't know the name of our own Mayor or our City Council members.

The City Council of Gould, Arkansas recently enacted an ordinance that forbids residents of the city from meeting and organizing groups without approval of the city council. Abrogating citizen rights in cities with liberals in charge of the governments appears to be growing."


Conspiracy in Philadelphia by Gary North

Conspiracy in Philadelphia by Gary North
“the Constitutional Convention of 1787 was in fact an illegal coup d’état”

"Command deck panic" at the Hoover Bldg as FBI fears someone will figure out their Gunwalker crimes

"Command deck panic" at the Hoover Bldg as FBI fears someone will figure out their Gunwalker crimes:

"The William LaJ. FOX piece on the FBI's perversion of the NICS checks to facilitate the Gunwalker plot 'went off like a bomb' in the Hoover building, according to my sources. 'Command deck panic,' said one, with institutional mid-levels looking at Mueller and Company askance and asking 'What would J. Edgar do?'

The source answered that question: 'Boy, I'll bet J. Edgar is some kinda pissed.' He added, 'He didn't mind breaking the law, but he was purely allergic to getting caught at it.'

So, what cabal of mid-levels will conspire to throw Mueller and Company in the Potomac and try to salvage the reputation of their 'beloved Bureau' by turning on the White House?

The possibility certainly exists.

And there just so happens to be a bunch of nice young men (mostly) down at the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee who would be happy to help them out."


Conspiracy in Philadelphia by Gary North

Conspiracy in Philadelphia by Gary North
“the Constitutional Convention of 1787 was in fact an illegal coup d’état”

It’s All Too Odd (Reid Boehner and Obama on same page)

It’s All Too Odd (Reid Boehner and Obama on same page):

"Consider all these things and it seems the White House and Harry Reid are perfectly willing to let John Boehner pass his plan if he can get it out of the House. Their very hostility is designed to reassure Republicans.

They’ll sign it into law. Then they will blame the GOP when our credit rating is downgraded — something sure to happen with John Boehner’s plan.

Finally, consider this — we are all being played. The conservatives are up front with what they want. The House, Senate, and White House seem to be working at cross purposes, but hiding some of their cards.

The only group up front with what it wants — real spending cuts — is the Tea Party movement being portrayed even by the Wall Street Journal as fringe."


Conspiracy in Philadelphia by Gary North

Conspiracy in Philadelphia by Gary North
“the Constitutional Convention of 1787 was in fact an illegal coup d’état”

The Most Dangerous Word in the World by Jeff Berwick

The Most Dangerous Word in the World by Jeff Berwick:

"In Ayn Rand's Anthem the one-letter word that was outlawed and punishable by death was 'I'. But, even without punishment, the word 'I' has become much less used in today's world and stands in direct contrast to the most dangerous word in the world.

The most dangerous word is only one letter longer than I. It's small, but is responsible for hundreds of millions of deaths, billions living in slavery and mass impoverishment. It is the word that should be abolished.

The word? We.

People should shudder whenever they hear the word 'we' uttered by anyone in politics or the media. Almost without exception, whatever follows that word is going to take away your life, fruits of your labor or your liberty.

The first time I conciously realized how dangerous this word is was a few months ago. I was in the Soviet Republic of Canuckistan, also known as Canada, a place where the word 'we' is used with great abandon.

I had flipped on the TV for a few minutes and found myself watching the 'news'. The worst kind, actually, local news.

The big story of the day was that out of a city of more than one million people, someone had died!"

Obama DOJ Gave Cartel Enough Guns to Arm a Marine Regiment

Obama DOJ Gave Cartel Enough Guns to Arm a Marine Regiment:

"“These guns went to ruthless criminals,” Carlos Canino, ATF Acting Attach�to Mexico said in testimony on Capitol Hill Tuesday regarding the scandal-plagued Operation Fast and Furious. “It’s alleged that over 2,000 guns were trafficked in this investigation.

To put that in context, upon information and belief, the U.S. Army’s 75th Ranger Regiment has approximately 2,500 rangers. That means that as a result of this investigation, the Sinaloa cartel may have received almost as many guns that are needed to arm the entire regiment. Out of these 2,000 weapons, 34 were .50-caliber sniper rifles.

That is approximately the number of sniper riles a Marine infantry regiment takes into battle.”"


"The people are ready to rebel."
Hey, See the Reader Responses on each article,
they are gems in themselves!

Gunny G: BLOGGER 1984 +




(budgetless/do nothing Dingy) Harry Reid ‘Tea Party Aren’t Real Americans’??

(budgetless/do nothing Dingy) Harry Reid ‘Tea Party Aren’t Real Americans’??:

"Harry Reid ‘Tea Party Aren’t Real Americans’??

On July 27, 2011
by velvethammer"

Confronting Muslims of the Americas-speaker says US may be destroyed by Allah for Koran burning

Confronting Muslims of the Americas-speaker says US may be destroyed by Allah for Koran burning:

"This is the organization being hailed by some elected officials as an example to be followed. It has at least 22 “villages,” some dozens of acres large, around the country where its members live in isolation.

Yet, na�ve Christians, government officials and reporters continue to embrace it. For too many, being known as a bridge-builder is more important than confronting extremism."


"The people are ready to rebel."
Hey, See the Reader Responses on each article,
they are gems in themselves!

Gunny G: BLOGGER 1984 +




The "Gay History Law" Elevates the Irrelevant

The "Gay History Law" Elevates the Irrelevant:

"Thanks to California's newly-enacted 'Gay History' law, William Rufus Devane King will finally receive the comprehensive classroom attention that previous generations of educators had so cruelly denied."

Prison � Court Filing Reveals How 2004 Ohio Presidential Election was Hacked

Prison � Court Filing Reveals How 2004 Ohio Presidential Election was Hacked: "A new filing in the King Lincoln Bronzeville v. Blackwell case includes a copy of the Ohio Secretary of State election production system configuration that was in use in Ohio’s 2004 presidential election when there was a sudden and unexpected shift in votes for George W. Bush.

The filing also includes the revealing deposition of the late Michael Connell. Connell served as the IT guru for the Bush family and Karl Rove. Connell ran the private IT firm GovTech that created the controversial system that transferred Ohio’s vote count late on election night 2004 to a partisan Republican server site in Chattanooga, Tennessee owned by SmarTech. That is when the vote shift happened, not predicted by the exit polls, that led to Bush’s unexpected victory. Connell died a month and a half after giving this deposition in a suspicious small plane crash.

Additionally, the filing contains"

Prison � The Political Theater and the Debt Ceiling Crisis: Are We Being Had?

Prison � The Political Theater and the Debt Ceiling Crisis: Are We Being Had?: "In my last column I suggested that an unintended outcome of the debt ceiling impasse could be Congress’ loss of the power of the purse. In this column I suggest an intended outcome that the ongoing political theater might be designed to produce.

President Obama has said that he will not resort to the various powers open to him to keep the government running should Congress fail to deliver a debt ceiling increase. This is a suspicious statement, as it is not credible that a president would leave troops at war unpaid and without supplies, Social Security checks unsent and stand aside while the US dollar collapses and the credit rating of the US government is destroyed.

There are national security directives and executive orders already on the books, as well as the 14th Amendment, that Obama can invoke to set aside the debt ceiling. Congress would sigh with relief that Obama had prevented the lawmakers from destroying the country.

So what might be going on?"

Prison � GOP lawmaker admits he’s extorting Congress to rewrite Constitution

"Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT) told MSNBC’s Chris Matthews Monday that he is giving Congress ten days to pass a constitutional amendment that would make raising taxes nearly impossible. And if he doesn’t get what he wants, he will do everything in his power to force the U.S. to default on its debts.

“Okay, in ten days you want to change the United States Constitution by two-thirds vote in both houses?” Matthews asked. “That’s what you’re demanding.”

“Yes,” Lee admitted. “If possible we can’t change the Constitution just in Congress but we can submit it to the states. Let the states fight it out.”

“You want the Democratic Senate, by a two-thirds vote, to pass a constitutional amendment or you want the house to come down?” Matthews pressed.

“Yes. That’s exactly what I’m saying and I’ve been saying this for six months,” Lee said.

Lee’s amendment would require a two-thirds majority to raise taxes, making future tax hikes nearly impossible. He would also require spending to return to 1996 levels."


"The people are ready to rebel."
Hey, See the Reader Responses on each article,
they are gems in themselves!

Gunny G: BLOGGER 1984 +




Prison � Obama Strikes Fear Into Americans While Reassuring Big Banks

Prison � Obama Strikes Fear Into Americans While Reassuring Big Banks: "While publicly fearmongering about a new great depression, the sun failing to rise, and the sky falling if the debt ceiling is not hiked, the Obama administration has been secretly telling big banks that there’s no chance of a default, echoing how the 2008 bailout was sold on hyped threats and intimidation of lawmakers.

The rhetoric was heightened yesterday when White House Communications Director Dan Pfeiffer warned that the GOP’s inability to compromise “could potentially put us towards a depression,” adding, “we are seven days away from an unprecedented financial event in this country’s history.”

Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner, who has been busy hyping the inevitability of a default for weeks, again told news shows Sunday that the government would be unable to pay its bills if an agreement is not reached, a talking point that has been enthusiastically parroted by President Obama.

However, that tone doesn’t quite match with what the Obama administration is simultaneously telling top executives at major U.S. banks, assuring them that “such an event won’t happen.”"