Friday, September 16, 2011

Gulf War Syndrome Is Brain Damage Caused By Nerve Gas, Not Psychological Issues

Gulf War Syndrome Is Brain Damage Caused By Nerve Gas, Not Psychological Issues:

There's no denying it now: Gulf War Syndrome, characterized by memory loss, lack of concentration, neuropathic pain and depression, is a physiological illness, not a psychological one.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

Amazing lost sketches of life inside Japanese PoW camp

Amazing lost sketches of life inside Japanese PoW camp:

Astonishing drawings of British soldiers in brutal Japanese Prisoner of War camps have turned up nearly 70 years later on TV's Antiques Roadshow.

The lost sketches showing the appalling conditions the men endured were drawn by artist soldier John Mennie who gave them to fellow PoW Eric Jennings.

Mr Jennings never spoke about his wartime experiences and his family were stunned when they found the sketches stashed away in a shoe box after his death.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

Sheriff Arpaio's posse assigned to review Obama birth certificate

Sheriff Arpaio's posse assigned to review Obama birth certificate:

Sheriff Arpaio's posse to review Obama BC
Famous Arizona lawman responds to citizen request to probe president
Posted: September 16, 2011
5:06 pm Eastern

By Jerome R. Corsi
� 2011 WND

Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio in Arizona has constituted a special law enforcement posse to investigate allegations brought by members of the Surprise, Ariz., Tea Party that the birth certificate Barack Obama released to the public April 27 might be a forgery, WND has learned.

The posse, under the authority of Arpaio's office, will consist of two former law enforcement officers and two retired attorneys, headed by Michael Zullo, a retired police detective originally from Bergen County, N.J.

Autographed copies of Jerome Corsi's "Where’s the Birth Certificate?" are available only from the WND Superstore

WND confirmed with Zullo and with Arpaio's office that the investigation into the Obama birth certificate has been sanctioned fully by Arpaio's office. The investigation, they said, will be conducted with "utmost diligence," and the investigators will be authorized to utilize subpoena power.

(Story continues below)

My Comments

My Comments:

For many weeks, liberals have been inciting a riot planned for TOMORROW, primarily in NYC, but it will happen elsewhere as well.

It will get huge MSM press, who will blow it up to 10X it's real size, and Bloomberg is setting up the MSM now, for an 'I told you so' tomorrow. CNN will have wall-to-wall coverage.

Obama will milk this tomorrow too, for the purpose of inciting Congress to hurry up and pass his 'emergency' jobs bill without reading it. If the riots work well enough for them, watch for more and more of these as November 2012 draws closer.

I hope our conservative media, bloggers, and politicians will NOT buy into this contrived uproar and spend all their energy debating Obama's agenda.

Someone should also scrutinize what kinds of 'document-dumps' are done tonight by this administration, since they will never see the press after tomorrow..............

The Constitution Was Hijacked From Day One ~ The Original ConCon and The Modern Con... (Gunny G)

The Constitution Was Hijacked From Day (-) One!

The Constitution Was Hijacked From Day (-) One! 

Howard Beale Is NOT The Only One Pissed!

The Original ConCon and The Modern Con...


U.S. essentially defenseless from stunning new weapon

U.S. essentially defenseless from stunning new weapon:

As the nation remembers the 10th anniversary of the terrorist attacks on New York and Washington on Sept. 11, 2001, experts are warning that the U.S. effectively is defenseless against an electro-magnetic pulse attack or a far less expensive radio frequency attack on the nation's critical military and civilian electric and electronic infrastructure, according to Joseph Farah's G2 Bulletin.

Two experts – one a communications systems engineer involved in classified programs who works on EMP vulnerabilities and the other a U.S. Defense Department analyst knowledgeable of their impact – said that the nation's sensitive telecommunications and the electronic systems embedded in its financial and banking institutions can be "fried" by a "turn of the switch."

The result could be a chaos that could allow terrorists to attack virtually at will.

They both pointed out that relatively cheap over-the-counter technology embedded not only in sensitive U.S. military equipment but also civilian electronic systems has not been protected from such attacks, a development that could create complete panic throughout the U.S. if they were subject either to an EMP or RF attack.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

"What worries me more than anything else about President Obama is the fact that he has sixteen months left in which to inflict as much damage on the economy and the nation’s future as possible.I have little doubt that is his intent..."

Obama Fatigue:

What worries me more than anything else about President Obama is the fact that he has sixteen months left in which to inflict as much damage on the economy and the nation’s future as possible.I have little doubt that is his intent...............


Mayor Bloomberg predicts riots in the streets if economy doesn't create more jobs

Mayor Bloomberg predicts riots in the streets if economy doesn't create more jobs:


“Mayor Bloomberg warned Friday there would be riots in the streets if “

Curiously, that same phrase keeps being used by so many...?????

Now who was that maggot who pointed out that there are no coincidences in poly-tiks??????

Ford TV Ad Slams Obama Auto Bailouts

Ford TV Ad Slams Obama Auto Bailouts:

America is still fighting over President Obama's costly bailout of Chrysler and General Motors. Especially the owners of Ford, the only member of Detroit's "Big Three" who rejected the government dole and emerged perfectly healthy.

[Check out our editorial cartoons on President Obama.]

In its most political ad in the so-called "Drive One" ads where real drivers are thrust before cameras to explain why they picked Ford, a real Ford F-150 pick-up driver is featured.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

Wisdom of Dave: Obama Committed To America's Decline

Wisdom of Dave: Obama Committed To America's Decline:

No matter what the polls say, no matter how many elections fellow Democrats lose, no matter what his opposition says, or his allies for that matter, President Obama is committed to America's decline. From his recycled speeches on jobs, to failed and suspect green energy policies, the man is committed to his ideology.

The schizophrenic once stated that the voices in his head told him he was sane and everyone else in the world is crazy. Obama is not schizophrenic, but he has the same delusional beliefs. America needs to be the next banana republic.

He is convinced of his beliefs being right in spite of opposition to them. He feels that he can live like king, act like a prince, golf anytime he wants, and enjoy the most luxurious things in life, all while making sure the rest of us are treated differently.

Rich or poor, upper, middle or lower class, we are all the bourgeois and proletariat to Obama.............

The Fasco-Communist Police State of America by Jeff Berwick

The Fasco-Communist Police State of America by Jeff Berwick:

So, is the US Government fascist or communist? You'd be right if you answered both.

And, to top it off, it is also a police state. Ask any child who has tried to open a lemonade stand in the land of the free. To see the latest egregious example of the police state, check out this story. These guys have been given 200 tickets and been arrested numerous times for trying to give pedestrians low speed rides in electric vehicles on a tip basis!

America was a great idea. That idea died decades ago. What has slithered in, in its place, is the worst parts of all the worst forms of government.

Some believe it can be fixed. We don't. It will get much worse before it gets better................

Ron Paul Supports Global Psychopaths

Ron Paul Supports Global Psychopaths:

Dominant Social Theme: The problem with Ron Paul is that he's a pacifist in a mean world. If the US didn't have 1,000 military bases around the world, there would be chaos and war everywhere.

The Middle East, Africa and South America would be subject to constant violent breakouts and Europe itself would teeter on the edge. Hey! Wait a minute ....

Free-Market Analysis: This is one of the most astonishing and blatant hit pieces we've ever read in a major US publication. Written apparently by a columnist for the Daily News, it informs us quite bluntly that if the US abandons roughly 1,000 military and CIA/FBI spying bases around the world, the American way of life will be threatened and Western civilization will be at risk.

This is a hoary dominant social theme, but to see it presented in all its wretched nakedness is still, well ... startling. We've noticed this time round that the elite's US enablers are even more morbidly concerned about libertarian Congressman Ron Paul's quixotic run for president than..............

Missiles, Bombs, Cover-Ups?: Jesse Ventura storms the Pentagon on the 09/11 conspiracy

Missiles, Bombs, Cover-Ups?:

Jesse Ventura storms the Pentagon on the 09/11 conspiracy: The 09/11 cnspiracy that was lost in the smoke from the World Trade Towers is the 'attack' on the Pentagon.

Was the event at US military HQ really caused by a hijacked-jetliner or was the damage caused by something else? Was the event staged to hide a massive Defense Department money scam?

Jesse Ventura uncovers the clues from the debris outside the building and the survivors inside.........


Hey, See the Reader Responses on each article,
they are gems in themselves!

Gunny G: BLOGGER 1984 +




Obama Is A Sunni Muslim | ATLAH Media Network

Obama Is A Sunni Muslim | ATLAH Media Network:

Obama Is A Sunni Muslim

Dr James Manning...

Bombshell: General accused WH of pressuring him to change testimony for Democratic donor

Bombshell: General accused WH of pressuring him to change testimony for Democratic donor:

With the White House already reeling over the Solyndra collapse, a new scandal may have erupted today that could make the disappearance of $535 million in taxpayer funds look like a paperwork glitch. Eli Lake starts off his new gig at The Daily Beast with a huge bombshell — an accusation made to members of Congress from a four-star Air Force general that claimed the White House pressured him to change his testimony to boost a big donor to the Democratic Party:


Rep. Mike Turner told Eli that this was definitely an attempt to influence Shelton, bias his testimony, and essentially mislead Congress. And that has a watchdog organization drawing parallels between Shelton’s accusation and the Solyndra collapse...

If the White House has been leaning on the military to mislead Congress in order to benefit Democratic donors, that indicates a whole new level of corruption, one that could seriously damage the non-partisan nature of civilian control of the military.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

Some Little Known History Regarding The "R" Party! (By: Alan Stang!)

"Lost Its Way"?

Some Little Known History Regarding The "R" Party! (By: Alan Stang!)
Hey, See the Reader Responses on each article,
they are gems in themselves!

Gunny G: BLOGGER 1984 +




Who will occupy Wall Street on September 17? / Waging Nonviolence - People-Powered News and Analysis

Who will occupy Wall Street on September 17? / Waging Nonviolence - People-Powered News and Analysis:

Some on the right-wing’s most lunatic of fringes have taken advantage of the information vacuum with headlines declaring “Wall Street Targeted for Britain-Style Riots” (along with thoroughly fictitious links to ACORN, SEIU, and even President Obama), a claim which has already turned into a fundraising scheme for Republican political candidates. Imaginative, but false.

Update: How Many Constitutionalists Will Report Themselves to Obama’s Brownshirt Snitch Site?| The Post & Email

Update: How Many Constitutionalists Will Report Themselves to Obama’s Brownshirt Snitch Site?|

The Post & Email: Update:

How Many Constitutionalists Will Report Themselves to Obama’s Brownshirt Snitch Site?


submitted by Readers

Senator Bob Smith -- Save Our Constitutional Republic

Senator Bob Smith -- Save Our Constitutional Republic:

The term “political party” cannot be found anywhere in the Constitution. Not in the body and not in the amendments. Yet, political parties write the rules of participation in the ballot process.

Party debates sponsored by media outlets that are for the most part hostile, delight in asking confrontational or embarrassing questions.

CNN is basking in the glory of the intraparty squabble from the recent Florida Republican Party debate. Presidential candidates must “win” a majority of delegates at party nominating conventions to be the nominee. Certain states, such as Iowa, select delegates by holding caucuses that requires people to attend meetings and publicly state for whom they are voting.

This process excludes people, such as the disabled and our military men and women in Iraq and Afghanistan, from even voting at all!

The primary states, which do conduct secret ballot voting, concentrate on “leapfrogging” one another to see who can be first, rather than working together to make the process fairer for the voters as well as the candidates.

The media and pollsters tell us who we are going to vote for before the election, and candidates “put their fingers to the wind” to decide how to take a stand on an issue. We suffer from electile dysfunction!

This is hardly what our Founders had in mind when they wrote the Constitution............

New Black Panther Pres: Gird Your Loins, This Is War Against Capitalist Bloodsucker America

New Black Panther Pres: Gird Your Loins, This Is War Against Capitalist Bloodsucker America:

Gird Your Loins, This Is War Against Capitalist Bloodsucker America: New Black Panther President Shabazz Tells Harlem Audience To Fight War Here At Home.....

Is revolution hitting U.S. streets tomorrow?

Is revolution hitting U.S. streets tomorrow?:

Fight "market dictatorship"

"People of the world rise up!"

"We are legion."

"Take to the streets."

These and other battle cries were posted on the recent Twitter feed of a group calling itself Take The Square. The organization is one of the social media planners behind the "Day of Rage" protest slated to target Wall Street on Saturday.

WND previously reported how the U.S. section of the protest, complete with a planned tent city in downtown Manhattan, is closely tied to the founders of ACORN and leaders of major U.S. unions, including the Service Employees International Union, or SEIU.

Here's the rundown on Obama's ties to "communists, socialists and other anti-American extremists" – all in "The Manchurian President."

While protest leaders claim they are non-violent, there are indications the protesters are training to incite violence, resist arrest and disrupt the legal system.

The protest aims to take root nationwide.

Activists are advertising on social network sites such as Facebook and Twitter for a "Day of Rage" on Sept. 17 to begin with the "occupation" of Wall Street and continue with protests across the nation.

Planners have their own website – – which tells protesters to "bring your own tent."

(Story continues below)

Freedom from War (1961)

Freedom from War (1961):

The over-all goal of the United States is a free, secure, and peaceful world of independent states adhering to common standards of justice and international conduct and subjecting the use of force to the rule of law; a world which has achieved general and complete disarmament under effective international control; and a world in which adjustment to change takes place in accordance with the principles of the United Nations.

In order to make possible the achievement of that goal, the program sets forth the following specific objectives toward which nations should direct their efforts:

* The disbanding of all national armed forces and the prohibition of their reestablishment in any form whatsoever other than those required to preserve internal order and for contributions to a United Nations Peace Force;............


Thomas Paine, pamphleteer, agitator, and writer

Thomas Paine, pamphleteer, agitator, and writer:

Thomas Paine was a famous pamphleteer, agitator, and writer on politics and religion. His writings greatly influenced the political thinking of the leaders of the Revolutionary War in America, and he became a famous figure in Paris during the French Revolution.

"I know not," wrote former President John Adams in 1806, "whether any man in the world has had more influence on its inhabitants or affairs for the last thirty years than Thomas Paine."

Paine's opinions and personality aroused strong feelings in others. Some admired him greatly, but others hated him fiercely. Many historians regard Paine as a patriot who did much for America and asked nothing in return. He stated clearly and concisely political ideas that others accepted and supported, if necessary, to the point of death. Yet Paine died a social outcast.................

BBC - h2g2 - Thomas Paine - Revolutionary Pamphleteer

BBC - h2g2 - Thomas Paine - Revolutionary Pamphleteer:

In the town of Thetford, Norfolk, stands a statue of a man brandishing a quill and holding a book entitled The Rights of Man. This renowned son of Thetford inspired the people of the American colonies to join in the creation of a new society, advised the leaders of the French Revolution in their efforts to create a new republic and dedicated a seminal treatise on human rights to the people of Britain.

'The pen is mightier than the sword.' This has become a facile clich�over the years, yet it might have been coined specifically to acknowledge the written works of Thomas Paine, a pamphleteer for the ages..........

Performing my Duty. Snitch I must

Performing my Duty. Snitch I must:

Growing up in Brooklyn, NY, one learns early on that being a snitch can be hazardous to one's health but my President has asked and I have decided to forgo my own personal safety and expose those who are doing harm to my President and my Country.

First and by far most damaging must be Valerie Jarrett. Ms. Jarrett is so close to the President that no one really knows exactly what she tells him; however, since his approval ratings have gone down consistently from his very first day in office, it only makes sense that everything she is telling the President must be wrong. Mr. President, Valerie must go!

Second, in my humble opinion, Lisa Jackson, head of the EPA, may very well be a subversive plant within your administration. The regulations that Ms. Jackson has put in place so far have cost tens of thousands if not hundreds of thousands of jobs.

Her proposed regulations going forward could drive the number of jobs lost well into the millions. Ms. Jackson should be watched closely.

Perhaps hiring a new Czar, who keeps a friendly eye on your cabinet members and advisors might be in order.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

US Plans to disband military

News Link  •  United NationsUS Plans to disband military
09-15-2011  • 
this document was written in 1961, but once you start reading it you will see that most of the preliminary steps to disbanding our military in favor of joining in the UN peacekeeping force (instead of having our own national military branches)... Mos 
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“Lincoln increased the power of the federal government at the expense of the rights of the states and civil liberties. This opened the door to more unconstitutional acts by the government in the 1900s through to today.” � ~ BLOGGER.GUNNY.G.1984 ~ (BLOG & EMAIL)

“Lincoln increased the power of the federal government at the expense of the rights of the states and civil liberties.

This opened the door to more unconstitutional acts by the government in the 1900s through to today.”


“Lincoln increased the power of the federal government at the expense of the rights of the states and civil liberties.

This opened the door to more unconstitutional acts by the government in the 1900s through to today.”
January 6, 2011 Gunny G
The Men Who Destroyed the Constitution

by Thomas J. DiLorenzo


In his 1850 Disquisition on Government, John C. Calhoun argued that a written constitution would never be sufficient to contain the plundering proclivities of a central government. Some mechanisms for assuring consensus among the citizens of the states regarding “federal” laws would be necessary.

Consequently, Calhoun proposed giving citizens of the states veto power over federal laws that they believed were unconstitutional (the “concurrent majority”). He also.....................

“Day of Rage” Obama re-election team in disguise?

“Day of Rage” Obama re-election team in disguise?:

Tomorrow’s “Day of Rage” in cities across the United States is doomed for certain failure because “Day of Rage” won’t resonate with average people.

“Bring your own tent!” is the message sent out to protesters on the social networks. Recession-bound people, some of whom are trying to move their families in with relatives, live in cars and sleep on park benches, not tents.

The poor forced to take to tents are not paid the least bit of attention by George Soros, and no one pays them to shout lofty chants like “Eat the Rich!” while standing around on Manhattan sidewalks.

Unlike protesters who call activists to action and take pictures with their cell phones, the genuinely poor had their cell phones shut off by not being able to pay the bills and their rusted out vehicles repo’ed.

Trying to survive does not give them the luxury of covering their faces and going out on the Protest de Jour...........

American flag confiscated from 7th-grade student

American flag confiscated from 7th-grade student:

DOVER, N.H. (FOX 25 / - Old Glory hangs proudly in the hallway at Dover Middle school where the pledge of allegiance is recited every morning.

But there was a breach in school policy when a 7th grader, who is also autistic, brought his flag to school.

The flag was taken away because school officials said it could be used as a weapon.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

Now, if it were ‘BungleWatch’ ... (Obama campaign creates new website to report "lies" about Obama)

Now, if it were ‘BungleWatch’ ... (Obama campaign creates new website to report "lies" about Obama):

President Obama’s campaign team has trotted out, a spooky new Web site that asks followers to report “lies” being told about the president.

The apparent point is to drown out opposition to Obama and his policies by encouraging instant cyber-swarms aimed squarely at the critics.

The rollout brought much derision, with The Washington Post calling the site a full-fledged “laughingstock” within hours of its launch. Online satirist IowaHawk wrote, “I’m grateful to live in a country where the totalitarians are so hilariously inept.”

Totalitarian might be a bit over the top. Trolling for snitches, which is what AttackWatch appears to be about, is more like it.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

The 'Security' menace: TSA screening endangers us

The 'Security' menace: TSA screening endangers us:

So it turns out that Transportation Security Administration screeners not only rob passengers of cash, jewelry and soiled diapers; they also run drugs.

We don’t even need to leave New York state for two examples within the last month. On Aug. 26, Minetta Walker admitted conspiring to get smugglers through checkpoints at Buffalo Niagara International Airport, and now cops have busted a ring ferrying oxycodone between Westchester and Florida that includes three screeners.

What if, next time, it’s terrorists who bribe screeners to look the other way?

Remember: TSA screeners have never caught a terrorist -- and they’ve missed a bunch. Federal investigators found last year that “at least 16 individuals later accused of involvement in terrorist plots [had flown] 23 different times through US airports since 2004,” according to CBS News. “Yet none were stopped by TSA ... officers working at those airports.”

No doubt they were too busy groping Grandma instead.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

Radical Rage: Marxist Mob Plans to Occupy Wall Street

Radical Rage: Marxist Mob Plans to Occupy Wall Street:

The US Day of Rage’s Twitter feed features a photo of a defaced ten-dollar bill. Someone has added black hair and a Hitler moustache to Founding Father Alexander Hamilton, whom Congress honored in 1999 as “the man who more than any other designed the Government of the United States.”

The Founders as Nazis: that’s what the leftists who plan to occupy Wall Street tomorrow think of the American experiment. It’s not as if the media-savvy organizers of the US Day of Rage don’t understand the significance of the Founders.

The event’s website constantly invokes the name of Publius, the pseudonym that Hamilton, James Madison and John Jay shared as they wrote The Federalist Papers.

Organizers of the event swear up and down that...................

George Mason's Objections to the Constitution

George Mason's Objections to the Constitution:

George Mason's Objections to the Constitution
Online Library of Liberty ^ | George Mason

Posted on Friday, September 16, 2011 7:50:58 AM by Jacquerie

Objections to this Constitution of Government.

Last Ford Crown Victoria rolls off the line

Last Ford Crown Victoria rolls off the line:

The last Ford Crown Victoria rolled off a Canadian assembly line Thursday, marking the end of the big, heavy Ford cars that have been popular with taxi fleets and police departments for decades.

Since 1979, almost 10 million Crown Victoria, Mercury Grand Marquis and Lincoln Town Cars — so-called Panther Platform vehicles — have been sold.

Demand for better fuel economy and performance has choked off sales over the years. The Crown Victoria and Town Car get just 24 miles per gallon on the highway, a figure matched by some large three-row SUVs today. …

The Crown Victoria and its cousins have been popular with fleet users because of their roominess, legendary ruggedness and relative simplicity. Most cars today are built with so-called unibody engineering in which the body sides and roof play a role in keeping the body rigid. The Panther Platform vehicles were engineered with an old-fashioned body-on-frame design that's mostly used by pickup trucks today because, while heavier, it's better able to bounce back from heavy, punishing use. "You couldn't kill it no matter what you did to it," Ford spokesman Octavio Navarro said of the Crown Victoria. For some fleet buyers there's no obvious replacement for these rugged cars. …

(Excerpt) Read more at ... is the Administration's Latest Propaganda Arm by David Limbaugh is the Administration's Latest Propaganda Arm by David Limbaugh:

Obama's official re-election campaign has set up a website ostensibly to defend him against false attacks, but its obvious purpose is to smear Republicans and propagandize. What could be more shameless??

Does any rational person believe these people anymore? They trade in lies and misinformation, and the only chance they have to re-elect Obama -- and it's still slim -- is to grossly distort Obama's record and fabricate fantasies about his opposition.?

That's what this new website is all about. It's called "," but it should be called ""

The recent New York and Nevada elections and Obama's ever-cratering approval ratings show how desperately he is hemorrhaging support. He has no choice but to divert our attention from the record and onto red herrings he can generate through false characterizations of his opponents. That's what is about. That's what the entire re-election effort is about.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

Trump: If the Wrong Person Wins in 2012, It Could Be Ruinous for Our Country

Trump: If the Wrong Person Wins in 2012, It Could Be Ruinous for Our Country:

TRUMP: What's going on is unbelievable, Greta! This country is in such trouble. We have leaders that don't have any clue as to what's happening, or it may be worse. Maybe they do have a clue. That makes it worse.

And if it's not changed and changed correctly -- you know, I've told you before, Greta, this is the most important election that this country has ever had, other than, you know, a couple of the biggies, Abe Lincoln, George Washington. Let's leave a few of them out. But this is truly one of the very, very critical elections. And if we don't get it right, if we put the wrong candidates up and the wrong person wins, it's going to be potentially ruinous for our country, in my opinion.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

Today's Toons 9/16/11

Today's Toons 9/16/11: Today's Toons 9/16/11
The Right Reasons ^ | 9/16/11 | pookie18

Posted on Friday, September 16, 2011 4:33:06 AM by pookie18

Click on link.