Friday, September 16, 2011

“Day of Rage” Obama re-election team in disguise?

“Day of Rage” Obama re-election team in disguise?:

Tomorrow’s “Day of Rage” in cities across the United States is doomed for certain failure because “Day of Rage” won’t resonate with average people.

“Bring your own tent!” is the message sent out to protesters on the social networks. Recession-bound people, some of whom are trying to move their families in with relatives, live in cars and sleep on park benches, not tents.

The poor forced to take to tents are not paid the least bit of attention by George Soros, and no one pays them to shout lofty chants like “Eat the Rich!” while standing around on Manhattan sidewalks.

Unlike protesters who call activists to action and take pictures with their cell phones, the genuinely poor had their cell phones shut off by not being able to pay the bills and their rusted out vehicles repo’ed.

Trying to survive does not give them the luxury of covering their faces and going out on the Protest de Jour...........

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