Tuesday, April 05, 2011

Hawaii senator wonders what Obama's hiding

Hawaii senator wonders what Obama's hiding
WND ^ | April 05, 2011 | Drew Zahn

Posted on Tuesday, April 05, 2011 6:32:03 PM by RobinMasters

The lone Republican in the Hawaii State Senate was interviewed on the radio this morning, explaining that while believes Barack Obama was born in the Aloha State, he questions what might be on the original, long-form birth certificate that would prompt the president to go to such lengths to conceal it.

"I'm not a 'birther,'" Hawaii State Sen. Sam Slom told Jeff Katz of WXKS Radio in Boston, "and I followed this from the very beginning. At first I followed it with amusement, and then I got really concerned about it, because the question was if it was not just the birth certificate, but other records as well – school records, academic records, work records – why would anyone spend millions of dollars in legal fees, particularly someone in public office, particularly someone in the highest public office, to not make that information public?"

As WND has reported, besides Obama's actual birth documentation, the president has refused to release his Punahou school records, Occidental College records, Columbia University records, Columbia thesis, Harvard Law School records, Harvard Law Review articles, scholarly articles from the University of Chicago, passport, medical records, files from his years as an Illinois state senator, Illinois State Bar Association records, baptism records and his adoption records.

(Excerpt) Read more at wnd.com ...

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"A Constitution of Government once changed from Freedom, can never be restored; Liberty, once lost, is lost forever. "
~John Adams



More On Koran Burning...

More On Koran Burning
http://www.hyscience.com ^ | April 5, 2011 | Richard

Posted on Tuesday, April 05, 2011 7:28:42 PM by B4Ranch

More On Koran Burning

In his response to Jonah Goldberg's comments on the Koran burning, Andrew McCarthy makes interesting observations, and, rather appropriately I believe,says that he doesn't find the burning of a Koran any more offensive in principle than its opposite extreme - the bizarre hyper-reverence with which the Koran is handled by the Defense Department. Personally, I'm amazed to learn of the "bizarre lengths" our military goes to in order to appease Muslim sensitivities, which surely serve to only re-enforce Islamists' beliefs and anti-non-Muslim behavior:

[...] Down at Gitmo, the Defense Department gives the Koran to each of the terrorists even though DoD knows they interpret it (not without reason) to command them to kill the people who gave it to them. To underscore our precious sensitivity to Muslims, standard procedure calls for the the book to be handled only by Muslim military personnel. Sometimes, though, that is not possible for various reasons. If, as a last resort, one of our non-Muslim troops must handle or transport the book, he must wear white gloves, and he is further instructed primarily to use the right hand (indulging Muslim culture's taboo about the sinister left hand). The book is to be conveyed to the prisoners in a "reverent manner" inside a "clean dry towel." This is a nod to Islamic teaching that infidels are so low a form of life that they should not be touched (as Ayatollah Ali Sistani teaches, non-Muslims are "considered in the same category as urine, feces, semen, dead bodies, blood, dogs, pigs, alcoholic liquors," and "the sweat of an animal who persistently eats [unclean things]."

(See, e.g., my 2007 post on Saudi government guidelines that prohibit Jews and Christians from bringing bibles, crucifixes, Stars of David, etc., into the country -- and, of course, not just non-Muslim accessories but non-Muslim people are barred from entering Mecca and most of Medina, based on the classical interpretation of an injunction found in what Petraeus is fond of calling the Holy Qur'an (sura 9:28: "Truly the pagans are unclean . . . so let them not . . . approach the sacred mosque").

McCarthy goes on to note that he's not a fan of book burning but that there is difference between burning a book as a form of censorship ... and burning a book as symbolic condemnation, which is what the Florida pastor did (which is essentially saying to the Islamists that their belief system is disgusting and incorrigible, and in dire need of reform - all of which indeed apply). Agree with Jones or not, freedom of speech means that we have to allow that argument to be made.

As for our military's kowtowing and appeasement of Muslims, it appears that we are voluntarily taking exceptional steps in helping the Islamists reach their goal of having the West submit to Islam. In fact, going by our treatment of the Koran at Gitmo, Petraeus' being so fond of referring to the Koran as "holy," and his destruction of bibles in Afghanistan, one could say we're already there!
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The Red Horse Is Riding...Revelation 6

The Red Horse Is Riding...Revelation 6
http://billrandles.wordpress.com/2011/04/05/the-red-horse-is-riding-revelation-6/ ^ | 04-05-11 | Bill Randles

Posted on Tuesday, April 05, 2011 6:36:06 PM by pastorbillrandles

And when he had opened the second seal, I heard the second beast say, Come and see.And there went out another horse that was red: and power was given to him that sat thereon to take peace from the earth, and that they should kill one another: and there was given unto him a great sword.(Revelation 6:3-4)

In John's vision of the throne room of God, a drama unfolds which is of universal significance. The One who sits upon the throne holds a book in his hand. The book is the Word of the consummation of the plan of God to undo all of the effects of the fall; sin, death, decay, corruption, and to usher in a new creation. "Behold I make all things new", saith the Lord.

But as we saw earlier, only a man can open the seals of the book, "for by man came death", therefore , "By man (must) come the resurrection of the dead". But who is worthy to open the book?

There is only one man who is qualified to open the book and commence the New Creation of God. Jesus of Nazareth, who bears in his own body the marks of slaughter, having offered himself to the Father as a sacrifice for our sins is worthy to take the book and to open the seals thereof.

The seals are in effect the necessary preconditions for all that is in the book to begin to come to pass. When the Cherub cried out "Come!", it wasn't Christ who came but a White horse and rider.

The rider on the white horse is the spirit of "Anti-Christ". He offers a substitute Kingdom of God, and a substitute salvation for the earth. Christ will come to judge the world on a white horse, but first AntiChrist must ride. The actual person, who is designated as the Son of Perdition, also as the Beast, the little horn, arrives in the context of the Spirit of AntiChrist, which pervades the world.

The world he comes to, and which for the most part receives him, has been preconditioned already, to reject anything that smacks of the real Christ, as being "judgmental", "Homophobic" and "negative". Those who have helped to prepare the world to embrace the "New Christ" are the "many anti-christs", (false teachers, and false prophets), which John warned about even in his day.

The opening of the second seal unleashes another precondition for the return of Christ, the rider of the red horse. The red horseman brings in a tsunami of wanton violence upon the whole world. As in the days of Noah, when "violence covered the earth", so shall it be in the time of the red horseman.

The rider of red horse comes from God to defy the aspirations of all of those who have attempted to construct a beautiful humanistic world of peace without repentance and to the exclusion of God.

How the humanists and atheists long for peace! But it must be denied them. I remember clearly the elation we all felt when the "Evil Empire", the Soviet Union and her satellite states collapsed into the "dustbin of history". One American sociologist even wrote a book about it called "The End of History" in which he posited that the west would now usher in a golden age of peace, prosperity and global trade.

But there can be no peace. Not without repentance.How vain is the imagination that we can construct a humanistic Eden without God ? What did we think would become of us ,seeing we sanction the slaughter of the unborn, promote perversions such as homosexuality and fornication? Should we be surprised at the violence and insecurity of the "brave New World" we have constructed without God?

Radicalized, oil financed Islam is just one of the expressions of the 'red horse' of violence.

We in the west are of necessity now familiar with a new terminology, using Arabic words such as "Jihad", "Shariah", and "al Taqqiya", for it seems as though the temporary restraints have been lifted from the Mohammedans. Through the combination of the folly of immigration policy and multiculturalism's destruction of western civilizational confidence Muslims have never seen better prospects for their long coveted subjugation of the western world.

Think of the billions that have been spent in security, the countless hours spent waiting at checkpoints in airports and other transportation hubs, removing shoes, having magnetic images made of our naked bodies,for entire traveling populations, so that we won't have to profile the adherents of a murderous ideology.

Violence has already been a factor in human history, but several factors contribute to my sense that the Red Horse is Riding across the world. The heavy levels of immigration, legal and illegal contributes to increased levels of ethnic violence, crime, and the overall balkanization of whole populations, especially in the west.

The entertainment media is saturated with violence. Children can soak themselves in vicarious murder and mayhem through the various video games, which are often a virtual orgy of violence. Even our athletics are hearkening more and more to the gladiatorial days, as cage fighters, the obscene parody called pro wrestling, and Ultimate fighting becomes ever more popular.

The culture of death, ie the acceptance of abortion as birth control is itself a phenomena of immense violence. The USA recently passed the 50 millionth abortion milepost.

Why should any be surprised by a Kermit Gosnell, whose "clinic" was raided after he botched one too many abortions and killed two of his "Patients"? It was discovered that he had actually brought eight babies to term and murdered them with a pair of scissors. His squalid "women's Health center" was overlooked numerous times by Philadelphia health inspectors. Why? They wouldn't want to inhibit abortion in any way, thus this animal was allowed to practice "medicine" for years on the poor and ignorant.

Should we be surprised at the judgments overtaking us? The crime waves, terrorism, illegal immigration and the lawlessness that it engenders, are all manifestations of the red horse of violence who takes peace from the earth.

The homo-sexualization of society on every level portends violence as well. In spite of the best efforts to disguise this unseemly aspect of the perversion, the truth can't be long hidden. Sexual perversion is violent, even murderous. The Bible doesn't portray Homosexuals as 'poor, oppressed and bullied minorities", but as violently depraved sinners, who will stop at nothing to fulfill their lusts.

There will be no "Age of Aquarius" or any sort of humanistic utopia fashioned by our godless elite in spite of their best efforts. Already the Red Horse of violence is riding, and the only relief will be found in the new Ark, the person and work of our Lord Jesus Christ.--
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Gunny G: BLOGGER 1984+ @Blogspot.com

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"A Constitution of Government once changed from Freedom, can never be restored; Liberty, once lost, is lost forever. "
~John Adams



Going Rogue at the Department of Justice

Going Rogue at the Department of Justice
Renew America ^ | April 5, 2011 | Carey Roberts

Posted on Tuesday, April 05, 2011 6:50:29 PM by FreeManDC

The last several months have seen a steady flow of embarrassing revelations from the U.S. Department of Justice. The very notion of justice is being transmogrified into a post-modern construct, dragging the Department into a cesspool of identity politics and indulging in an improbable parody of "equal justice under law."

Here's a run-down of the DoJ capers:

1. Mr. Holder believes white Americans are "cowards." At a February 18, 2009 Black History Month event – just days after the new Attorney General was sworn into office -- Holder labeled America "essentially a nation of cowards" because we "do not talk enough with each other about race."

2. Demonstrably false statements on the DoJ website are condoned. In June 2009 the DoJ posted the report, Practical Implications of Current Domestic Violence Research, which contains numerous misleading claims about partner abuse. In June 2010, a Data Quality Act request was sent to the DoJ to remove or correct the report – but 10 months later, the DoJ has yet to respond.

3. The Attorney General wrongfully stereotyped Black men as wife-murderers. At an October 19, 2009 press conference, Holder stated, "Intimate partner homicide is the leading cause of death for African-American women ages 15 to 45." But the actual leading causes of death for these persons are cancer, heart disease, and accidents. Holder has yet to retract the statement.

4. The integrity of state elections doesn't seem to matter. In 2009, Holder's Department of Justice went after...................

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Gunny G: BLOGGER 1984+ @Blogspot.com


Setting the Government's Agenda ~ RON PAUL VS. THE ESTABLISHMENT

Setting the Government's Agenda

I would like to see Ron Paul elected President, but not because I see him as a political messiah. I would like to see him elected because, in order to get elected, he would have to represent a majority of Americans. He does not represent a majority of Americans. He will not be elected. The voters want more of the same. They will get it.

The Conservative Political Action Conference, also known as CPAC, is an annual convention. Conservative politicians who are thinking of running for the Republican party's presidential candidate show up to rally the conservative troops. Some of them don't show up, knowing they have no chance at winning the straw poll. Sara Palin is one of these annual no-shows. They can then blame their poor showing on the fact that they did not show up. 

In 2010, Congressman Ron Paul won the straw poll. In 2011, he did it again. He did it with this speech – a frontal assault against the agenda of the conservative mainstream.
The mainstream media recognizes Paul for what he is: the nation's major voice for libertarianism. This understanding is shared by the conservative mainstream media. Fox News recognizes this, and therefore steadfastly opposes Paul. It was Fox News in 2008 that kept Ron Paul off the podium during its broadcasting of the Republican Party's debates. He was not invited. 

The mainstream conservative media want someone who is in favor of the expansion of American Empire. They want someone who will not rock the boat, which would mean sinking the Establishment's ship of state. They are big government conservatives.

The fact that Ron Paul, for the second year in a row, is the favored candidate of the people at CPAC is an insult to the conservative Establishment. It indicates that large numbers of conservatives are not willing to go along with the basic agenda of the conservative movement, namely, the expansion of Federal power in the realm of foreign policy, and an unwillingness to roll back the New Deal, Fair Deal, New Frontier, Great Society, and all the rest of the bipartisan expansion of the Federal welfare state.

Ron Paul represents an ideological threat to the entire conservative movement. Because of this, it opposes him and does whatever it can to make certain that whatever publicity he receives, and whatever public support he receives, will not be given favorable treatment. The fact is this: there is a large group of people in the conservative movement who are in favor of Ron Paul's agenda. This is regarded, correctly, as a vote of no-confidence against the conservative Establishment.

It goes without saying that the Republican Establishment, which is to the left of the conservative Establishment, is even less happy with any publicity Ron Paul gets. These people do not want to think about the fact that there are millions of voters out there who are sick and tired of the expansion of the Federal government. These Paulites not only want to stop the expansion of the Federal government, they want to roll back the Federal government. 

This is an intolerable thought to the Republican Party Establishment. The Republican Party Establishment is completely in favor of the expansion of the American Empire and the expansion of Federal welfare spending. The Republican Establishment understands that money buys votes, and they want to buy votes. 

So, when any reporter approaches a major Republican figure in Congress, and asks what major spending programs must be cut back, or even limited, the Congressman begins to waffle. He refuses to be specific about what, exactly, ought to be cut from the Federal budget. He refuses to give any examples of how the Federal budget deficit can be rolled back from a $1.5 trillion deficit to, say, a $200 billion surplus. We need a surplus in order to repurchase all American debt. There is simply no thought given to the idea that the Federal debt ought to be zero. That has not happened since 1836, and it is not going to happen again.

So, when Ron Paul receives 30% of the straw poll, Mitt Romney receives 23%, and all the rest of the would-be Republican party hopefuls receive single digits, this indicates that the conservatives who attend CPAC are sick and tired of the waffling. They are unwilling to go along to get along. 

When the rest of the conservatives receive single-digits, including 3% for Sarah Palin and 2% for Huckabee, this indicates that the conservative Establishment is out of touch with the conservative party activists at CPAC. This is an affront to big-government conservatives...................................

EXCERPT ONLY ~ continues @ Link...

War Is Holy, This I Know – For Dear Leader Tells Me So

War Is Holy, This I Know – For Dear Leader Tells Me So

Recently by William Norman Grigg: Inside the FBI's Terrorism Factory

"I take President Obama's word for it that troops will not be engaged on the ground," eructated MSNBC's Ed Schultz, rebuking investigative reporter Jeremy Scahill for fomenting doubts about the wisdom of the Dear Leader's war in Libya. When Scahill made a passing reference to "your President Obama," Schultz morphed into a portlier, more articulate version of Sean Hannity: "`My' President Obama? Is he your president, too? Jeremy, is he your president, too?"
A suitable response to hectoring of this kind from a certified cultist would be the following:
"I am not a member of the U.S. military, which means that I do not have a commander-in-chief. I am not an employee of the executive branch of the federal government, which means that the occupant of the White House is not my supervisor. Mr. Obama does not preside over me in any sense that I recognize. To the extent we have any relationship at all, Mr. Obama should be considered my subordinate, one of the hired help. He certainly doesn't have any moral or legal standing to pretend that he can order me to do anything, and if I had the opportunity I would place him under citizen's arrest for his crimes against the Constitution, individual liberty, and the peace of nations – of which his criminal assault on Libya is the most recent but hardly the only example."
There was a time, perhaps five of six years ago, when Ed Schultz was a genuinely independent radio commentator of a left-leaning populist bent. I doubt that the Ed Schultz of 2005 would recognize the sycophantic invertebrate who began the segment with Scahill by uttering the following homily on the theme of the Leader Principle: "This isn't Bush-talk; this is totally different from Iraq.... The president has gone on record saying that Libyan agents have killed Americans – that's all as an American I need to hear; let's get it done."
The doctrine of citizenship-as-submission to the Dear Leader's divine will is indeed "Bush talk" of the most obnoxious variety. It was preached with remarkable clarity during a July 11, 2006 exchange between Senator Patrick Leahy (D-Vermont) and Steven Bradbury, at the time head of the Office of Legal Counsel for the "Justice" Department.

At issue was the Wee Emperor's deliberate misrepresentation of the Hamdan v. Rumsfeld decision, which did impose some trivial (and largely ignored) restrictions on the treatment of the detainees who are held illegally at the prison camp in Guantanamo Bay. Bradbury insisted that because the Hamdan ruling "does implicitly recognize we're in a war," it effectively authorizes the president to do anything he wants to anyone of his choosing, since such decisions are supposedly permissible "under the law of war."
Leahy pointed out that the Hamdan decision – whatever its faults – explicitly rejected the Bush administration's claim of illimitable war powers, and upbraided the OLC for giving Bush the "cockamamie idea" that such a claim had been validated in that ruling.
"Was the president right or was he wrong?" Leahy demanded of Bradbury.
"The president is always right," oozed Bradbury in reply.
The instrument has yet to be invented that can identify a substantive difference between Bradbury's statement and Ed Schultz's insistence that an unsupported presidential assertion is sufficient authority to justify an aggressive war.
A slightly less acute version of the same leader-cult mentality was exhibited by Kevin Drum of Mother Jones magazine. Drum's endorsement of Obama's illegal war in Libya rests heavily on what I've come to call the Gnostic Fallacy – namely, that the president is invested with prophetic powers giving him wisdom and insight mere mortals don't possess:.................
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"A Constitution of Government once changed from Freedom, can never be restored; Liberty, once lost, is lost forever. "
~John Adams



Donald Trump doesn't give a damn

Donald Trump doesn't give a damn
Politico ^ | 4/5/11 | Joe Scarborough

Posted on Tuesday, April 05, 2011 11:56:46 AM by The Big Boo

I called Trump last Friday to see if he would back off his claim that the president of the United States might be constitutionally prohibited from holding his office.

"I'm not finished with that issue by any stretch of the imagination," Trump told me. "You mock me for that, but his own grandmother says he was born in Kenya and says she was there."

The New York real estate mogul didn't stop with questions about the birth certificate. Trump also claimed the president's first book was ghostwritten by a domestic terrorist.

(Excerpt) Read more at politico.com ...

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Gunny G: BLOGGER 1984+ @Blogspot.com

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Why we can't tax ourselves out of the deficit problem. The IRS numbers prove it.

Why we can't tax ourselves out of the deficit problem. The IRS numbers prove it.
American Thinker ^ | 04/05/2011 | Steve McCann

Posted on Tuesday, April 05, 2011 4:45:52 PM by SeekAndFind

Yesterday I was in the belly of the beast: Washington D.C.  At a lunch meeting, which included a number of liberal Democrats, the inevitable subject of the runaway spending and debt came up, particularly in light of Paul Ryan issuing a budget which would go a long way toward curing our financial ills.  While I and others extolled the positive economic effects of dramatically reducing government spending, those on the other side refused to come off the mantra of all we have to do is raise taxes on the rich and that will solve nearly all our problems................................--
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A Special Message from Barack Obama...

A Special Message from Barack Obama
Sultan Knish a blog by Daniel Greenfield ^ | April 4, 2011 | Daniel Greenfield

Posted on Tuesday, April 05, 2011 5:40:28 PM by 6ft2inhighheelshoes

Hello American Voter,

They say time flies when you're having fun, and those four years sure went by real fast. Between the golfing and the legislating, the bailing out and the spending, suddenly you stop and wonder where the time went. I was just dancing the night away in sunny Rio, after committing American forces to a war that one of my advisers thought was a good idea, when suddenly it hit me and I stopped the samba and said. "Hey Michelle, isn't it time for another one of those elections."

I like elections myself. And if you're anything like me, you like them too. The campaigns are like this huge party that goes on for a whole year. And then when it's over, they throw you an even bigger party. There's lots of free food, you fly around on a jet plane to all the important states and everyone wants to have their picture taken with you. Some of my advisers are telling me that I might lose this one, but I don't believe that for a second. I mean how in the world could I lose?

Sure some of you are sore about the economy. I don't know why. All my top economic advisers, including that GE guy, say that we're in full recovery. Hell, I've been spending money like crazy. If there was anything wrong with the economy, wouldn't the money just run out? The problem is some of you just ain't educated enough. Now I go on campaign stops to some podunk little town in some state you couldn't normally pay me to visit and see all these dumb idiots standing around and asking where the jobs are. "Where are the jobs at, my man?" The jobs are in government. The canneries ain't coming back. The factories aren't returning from China. If you want to work, you work for the government. Like me.

Here's how you get started. You need to go to the right schools. It helps if your grandmother ..................................
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Gunny G: BLOGGER 1984+ @Blogspot.com


As Obama Shreds The Constitution And Drives America To The Brink Of Bankruptcy,Where's The Outrage?

As Obama Shreds The Constitution And Drives America To The Brink Of Bankruptcy,Where's The Outrage?
grasstopsusa ^ | 04/05/2011 | Don Feder

Posted on Tuesday, April 05, 2011 5:07:36 PM by massmike

Where's the outrage?

Given what Barack Obama is doing to the Constitution, the economy and our future, the American people should be up in arms (metaphorically speaking, civility-hysterics take note). Citizens should be marching on Washington with pitchforks and flaming brands in hand (also a metaphor). Every city should see demonstrations to make the most raucous Tea Party rally look like Sunday night in Pierre, S.D.

Instead, it's a mental fog as usual. Hey, the unemployment rate is now (barely) below 9%! Wasn't that a cold winter? Gee, I wonder what zany, drug-induced thing Charlie Sheen will do next?

(Excerpt) Read more at grasstopsusa.com ...

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Gunny G: BLOGGER 1984+ @Blogspot.com

Gunny G Blog @ WP


"A Constitution of Government once changed from Freedom, can never be restored; Liberty, once lost, is lost forever. "
~John Adams



Rethinking Assassination

Rethinking Assassination
 By Lance Thompson Full Story

Since 1976, it has been the policy of the United States not to target enemy leaders. In order to comply with this policy, and still confront the enemies of this nation, we have had to mount invasions, liberate countries, wage wars and commit our nation's blood and treasure for indefinite periods all over the world. Reversing the policy would make the United States and the free world much safer.--

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OKC BOMBING FALLOUT ~ Jurist asks for documentation on link between McVeigh, Saddam ~


Magistrate wants proof
of Iraq involvement

Jurist asks for documentation on link between McVeigh, Saddam

A federal magistrate in Washington, D.C., yesterday asked an attorney who claims Iraqi agents were involved in the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing to provide her with documentation to prove his contention, reports the Oklahoman.
Magistrate Deborah A. Robinson, at a federal court hearing, asked lawyer Mike Johnston for the evidence that is the basis for a civil case filed last year that alleges ties between executed bomber Timothy McVeigh, Terry Nichols and Iraqi agents.
The suit, brought by public-interest law firm Judicial Watch on behalf of 24 plaintiffs, claims Iraq is liable for the deaths of 168 people who perished in the attack on the Alfred P. Murrah Building.
According to the Oklahoman report, Robinson gave Johnston until May 22 to submit a memo outlining the evidence.
The victims who are survivors of the bombing are seeking damages in excess of $5 million each, said the report. Those who lost loved ones in the attack want actual damages in excess of $10 million each. The plaintiffs also seek $1.4 billion in punitive damages.
After the hearing, Thomas Fitton, president of Judicial Watch, told the Oklahoman: "We've presented uncontested evidence tying Iraq to the Oklahoma City bombing."
He said more evidence would emerge as coalition forces in Iraq go through the records of former Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein's regime.
"As the attic is cleared out, we'll learn more," Fitton said.
As WorldNetDaily reported, in filing the suit last year, Judcial Watch said reports from Philippine intelligence and law-enforcement sources form the basis for much of the information contained in the lawsuit. Specifically, the suit details meetings between Nichols and Ramzi Youssef, the mastermind of the 1993 World Trade Center bombing, during Nichols' travel to the Philippines between 1990 and 1994.
Additional evidence obtained under the Freedom of Information Act reveals Interpol's efforts to apprehend two additional Oklahoma City bombing suspects and information in the agency's files associating Youssef with the attack, Judicial Watch said.
Read WorldNetDaily's ongoing coverage of the Oklahoma City bombing

Read more: Magistrate wants proof <br> of Iraq involvement http://www.wnd.com/?pageId=18425#ixzz1IgPjAa8D

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"A Constitution of Government once changed from Freedom, can never be restored; Liberty, once lost, is lost forever. "
~John Adams



Rasmussen: 48 percent of Americans are extremists

Rasmussen: 48 percent of Americans are extremists [in Chuck Schumer's Eyes…]
Washington Examiner ^ | April 05, 2011 | David Freddoso

Posted on Tuesday, April 05, 2011 2:51:10 PM by RobinMasters

The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 48% of Likely U.S. Voters say when it comes to the major issues facing the country, their views are closer to the average Tea Party member as opposed to the average member of Congress.

Just 22% say their views are closest to those of the average congressman. Even more (30%) aren't sure.

(Excerpt) Read more at washingtonexaminer.com ...

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Gunny G: BLOGGER 1984+ @Blogspot.com

Gunny G Blog @ WP


"A Constitution of Government once changed from Freedom, can never be restored; Liberty, once lost, is lost forever. "
~John Adams



Bill O'Reilly on Florida Pastor Terry Jones and his Koran burning: He has 'blood on his hands'

Bill O'Reilly on Florida Pastor Terry Jones and his Koran burning: He has 'blood on his hands'
NY Daily News ^ | April 5, 2011 | Aliyah Shahid

Posted on Tuesday, April 05, 2011 3:08:08 PM by Free ThinkerNY

Bill O'Reilly ripped into the Koran-burning Florida pastor who sparked deadly riots in Afghanistan, calling him an "insane Christian" who has "blood on his hands."

The conservative Fox News host said Monday night that Terry Jones "had to know fanatical Muslims would go crazy" when he oversaw the burning of the Islamic holy book on March 20.

The act ignited violent protests in Afghanistan, where an angry mob overran a United Nations mission in the northern city of Mazar-i-Sharif on Friday. The death toll on Tuesday climbed to at least 24, including seven U.N. workers, with more than 80 wounded.

"Everyone involved in this story is disgusting," O'Reilly added, including the killers and Afghan President Hamid Karzai, who called for Jones arrest knowing it would whip up "dangerous feelings."

"This Terry Jones idiot has blood on his hands," declared the news host.

(Excerpt) Read more at nydailynews.com ...

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"A Constitution of Government once changed from Freedom, can never be restored; Liberty, once lost, is lost forever. "
~John Adams



Bachmann 'Lies' about Family History, Obama 'Invents'

Bachmann 'Lies' about Family History, Obama 'Invents'
American Thinker ^ | 04/05/2011 | Jack Cashill

Posted on Tuesday, April 05, 2011 4:17:18 PM by ebysan

The media are all over potential presidential candidate Michelle Bachmann for the "lies" she told about her family history during an Iowa stump speech.

Would that they had paid -- or will pay -- half as much attention to Dreams from My Father, the Barack Obama memoir that an untroubled David Remnick, the New Yorker editor and Obama biographer, blithely describes as a "mixture of verifiable fact, recollection, recreation, invention, and artful shaping."

"I'm actually even more than just an Iowan," Bachmann told her Hawkeye audience last week. "I'm a 7th generation Iowan. Our family goes back to the 1850s to the first pioneers that came to Iowa from Sognfjord, Norway."

According to a breathless Chris Rodda of OpEdNews, although Bachmann was born in Iowa, and although her family did come from Norway in the 1850s, her family made stops in Quebec, Wisconsin, and the Dakotas before retreating to Iowa and then only four generations ago.

"There are some cultures in which telling self-serving lies about your own ancestors would be so shameful as to be inconceivable," writes Nick Pinto in the Minneapolis CityPages presumably with a straight face. "Michele Bachmann's culture is apparently not one of these."

Those of us who have followed the Obama family saga have to marvel at the potentially terminal myopia of people like Pinto and Rodda.

Their guy built his candidacy on the shifting sands of a family lie, not from four generations back or seven, but from this one, Obama's own.

Speaking of "shameful," how about lying to the huddled masses of America's schoolchildren, shepherded together in September 2009 for their first presidential speech? "My father left my family when I was two years old," he told them, "and I was raised by a single mother."

That was not true, and Obama knew it was not true, but that was the story he told in Dreams and in his two convention speeches, and he was sticking to it, by gum.

Obama was reportedly born on August 4, 1961. As I point out in my book Deconstructing Obama, young Barry was not yet a year old at the time Obama Sr. left Hawaii for good. In fact, though, it did not much matter how old the future president was when his presumed poppa turned rolling stone because Barry was not in Hawaii to be abandoned.

Barry and his mom, the cruelly named Stanley Ann Dunham, had lammed out of Hawaii within a few weeks of his birth and were living low on the hog in Seattle, where Stanley Ann enrolled at the University of Washington.

In short, the family never lived together. There was no Obama family. The Obama camp surely knew this by the time he ran for president, but Obama kept dissembling about his origins nonetheless.

"My parents shared not only an improbable love," said Obama famously in his breakthrough 2004 Convention keynote, "they shared an abiding faith in the possibilities of this nation." Bull-beep!
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Plant radiation monitor says levels immeasurable

Plant radiation monitor says levels immeasurable

A radiation monitor at the troubled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant says workers there are exposed to immeasurable levels of radiation.

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Jesse Ventura Exposes 9/11 Stand Down Order

Feature Stories

Jesse Ventura Exposes 9/11 Stand Down Order

In a stunning new book, 63 Documents the Government Doesn't Want You To Read, former Minnesota Governor Jesse Ventura presents a broad range of previously classified official government documents, each one telling its own story about the lengths the government goes to to cover up its secretive, controversial and at times downright criminal actions.


Plant radiation monitor says levels immeasurable

A radiation monitor at the troubled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant says workers there are exposed to immeasurable levels of radiation.

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at the  source article--they are gems in themselves!


Gunny G: BLOGGER 1984+ @Blogspot.com

Gunny G Blog @ WP


"A Constitution of Government once changed from Freedom, can never be restored; Liberty, once lost, is lost forever. "
~John Adams



The Most World's Important Unanswered Historical Question: 'What Changed in 1800?' by Gary North Recently by Gary North: Why Economists Love the Federal Reserve The economic historian Gregory Clark summarizes a remarkable fact. . . . there is no sign

The Most World's Important Unanswered Historical Question: 'What Changed in 1800?'

The economic historian Gregory Clark summarizes a remarkable fact.
. . . there is no sign of any improvement in material conditions for settled agrarian societies as we approach 1800. There was no gain between 1800 BC and AD 1800 – a period of 3,600 years. Indeed the wages for east and south Asia and southern Europe for 1800 stand out by their low level compared to those for ancient Babylonia, ancient Greece, or Roman Egypt.
Then, around 1800, this all changed. Economic growth began: about 2% per annum, compounded. That brought our world into existence.
We are the great beneficiaries of a process that few people understand. No one has explained cogently how it came into existence. A rate of growth so slow that no one could perceive it at the time has created a world that would have been inconceivable in 1800.
This change has taken a mere three generations. This is simply inconceivable.
My daughter gave me a great Christmas present in 2010. She scheduled an appointment for me to interview a man in her church. His name is Lyon Tyler. My daughter grew up in a city named after his grandfather: Tyler, Texas. His grandfather was John Tyler, the tenth President of the United States. He signed the law that admitted Texas into the Union in 1845.

John Tyler was born in 1790, the first full year of Washington's Presidency.
Lyon Tyler's younger brother, also alive, uses the ultimate one-upsmanship one-liner I have ever heard. After chatting for a while with a stranger, he springs it on him.
"As my grandfather once said to Thomas Jefferson. . . ."
You can try to top that one. You won't succeed.
In 1889, the first volume of Henry Adams' history of the administrations of Jefferson and Madison appeared. Adams was the grandson of President John Quincy Adams. He began his book with this paragraph.
According to the census of 1800, the United States of America contained 5,308,483 persons. In the same year the British Islands contained upwards of fifteen millions; the French Republic, more than twenty-­seven millions. Nearly one fifth of the American people were negro slaves; the true political population consisted of four and a half million free white or less than one million able-bodied males, on whose shoulders fell the burden of a continent. Even after two centuries of struggle the land was still untamed; forest covered every portion, except here and there a strip of cultivated soil; the minerals lay undis­turbed in their rocky beds, and more than two thirds of the people clung to the seaboard within fifty miles of tide-water, where alone the wants of civilized life could be supplied. The centre of population rested within eighteen miles of Baltimore, north and east of Washington. Except in political arrangement, the interior was little more civilized than in 1750, and was not much easier to penetrate than when La Salle and Hennepin found their way to the Missis­sippi more than a century before.
The world of 1800 would have been recognizable to Socrates, except for the printed book. In contrast, the world of 1889 would not have been recognizable to the young John Tyler........................
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Gunny G: BLOGGER 1984+ @Blogspot.com

Gunny G Blog @ WP


"A Constitution of Government once changed from Freedom, can never be restored; Liberty, once lost, is lost forever. "
~John Adams



High Prices Won't Curb America's Thirst for Gasoline

High Prices Won't Curb America's Thirst for Gasoline
Seeking Alpha ^ | April 05, 2011 | by Devon Shire

Posted on Tuesday, April 05, 2011 11:06:37 AM by Red Badger

As an investor with significant exposure to oil prices, I'm always worried about something like the financial panic of 2008 that might trigger a quick drop in the commodity. One thing I'm not overly worried about is the American public kicking its addiction to oil any time soon.

For years I've always gotten a big kick out of analysts on CNBC talking about how $2 then $3 and now $4 per gallon for gasoline would kill the demand for the product in the United States.


And that is a bit strange, considering that Canadians pay quite a bit more than Americans at the fuel pump. Last week AAA's fuel gauge report showed that the average price per gallon in the United States was $3.59. In Canada we are at $5 per gallon in many parts of the country.

You would think that $5 per gallon would change your fuel consumption habits. It hasn't. And $4 per gallon or even $5 per gallon in the United States isn't going to change much, either. Sure, if the price of gasoline jumps from $3.50 to $5 in the span of six months, there will be some short-term reaction. But over the long run, Americans aren't going to be willing to significantly stray from the personal freedom a car allows.

And if you think Canadians have it bad, consider some of these prices per gallon where citizens still drive cars on a regular basis (from AAA):

Turkey: $9.63 per gallon Norway: $9.27 per gallon Greece: $8.50 per gallon Denmark: $8.42 per gallon Sweden: $8.18 per gallon United Kingdom: $8.17 per gallon

(Excerpt) Read more at seekingalpha.com ...

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Three Highly Esteemed Constitutional Experts Declare Military Attack on Libya Unconstitutional

Three Highly Esteemed Constitutional Experts Declare Military Attack on Libya Unconstitutional
www.jimbyrd.com ^ | 04/04/2011 | Jim Byrd

Posted on Tuesday, April 05, 2011 10:51:34 AM by jim byrd

Oh, the times they are a-changin'.

Seems like just yesterday that when one nation aggressively amasses eleven U.S. naval ships, which include three submarines, two destroyers, and various sundries of amphibious and supply ships, in another nation's sea, starts launching missiles, rockets, and whatnot at said country, dispatches fighter jets on bombing missions around said country--especially the leader of said country's personal compound--receives return fire that downs a dispatched fighter jet, this was called a war. Mr. Webster describes said action as thus: "a conflict carried on by force of arms, as between nations or between parties within a nation; warfare, as by land, sea, or air."

(Excerpt) Read more at jimbyrd.com ...

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Gunny G: BLOGGER 1984+ @Blogspot.com

Gunny G Blog @ WP


"A Constitution of Government once changed from Freedom, can never be restored; Liberty, once lost, is lost forever. "
~John Adams



Get Ready for Obama’s Second Term ~ "Why? Because the Republican Party has no one with a snowball’s chance in Hades of wining..."

Get Ready for Obama's Second Term
Right Side News ^ | 4/4/2011 | J D Longstreet

Posted on Tuesday, April 05, 2011 10:25:47 AM by IbJensen

Prepare For Obama's Second Term: PRAY!

America's Tribulations Have Only Just Begun

Obama is preparing to announce his campaign for a second term as the President of the United States . And he WILL WIN!


Because the Republican Party has no one with a snowball's chance in Hades of wining against the tsunami of leftist, socialist, marxist, communist, liberal, progressive, and just plain "dumb" voters who are set to flood the polling places across America to insure Obama's reelection.

It is a crying shame the GOP has lost its will to fight. The blue bloods and the country club set, within the Republican Party, had emasculated the fighting spirit of the GOP even before theTea Party, in disgust, all but split off to form an "ex-officio" political party within the Republican Party.

Sadly, it looks as though the Tea Party's influence on the GOP has not been strong enough to break the party's death wish. In our opinion, the Republican Party is about to go the way of the "Whigs.".................................

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Lindsey Graham Digs Deeper ~ "The guy “putting the troops at risk” here is Senator Graham, and General Petraeus and the other"

Lindsey Graham Digs Deeper
The Corner ^ | 4/5/2011 | Mark Steyn

Posted on Tuesday, April 05, 2011 10:09:59 AM by Sybeck1

This is just embarrassing.

The guy "putting the troops at risk" here is Senator Graham, and General Petraeus and the other advocates of the one-way multiculti danse macabre. They're telling our enemies the more you tread on our toes the more we'll pretend not to notice and try to waltz you gaily round the floor one more time.

Pre-emptive capitulation only invites more and more provocations. Like the Arabs say, a falling camel attracts many knives.
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