Wednesday, November 23, 2011

What Does the GOP Really Want in 2012? by Karen Kwiatkowski ~ BLOGGER.GUNNY.G.1984 ~ (BLOG & EMAIL)

What Does the GOP Really Want in 2012? by Karen Kwiatkowski



…..The GOP wants and needs four more years of Obamanation in order to continue its plan of corralling and branding intransigent and increasingly sophisticated state’s rights-asserting, small government freethinkers. But the GOP cowboys are long in the tooth, and their horses keep coming up lame.
Karen Kwiatkowski

Image via Wikipedia

The GOP establishment wants, and needs, more time to work the Republican herd. They’ll do this much as they did in 2008. Destroy electable candidates and run losing liberal nominees.

Thus, we see the GOP leadership express great satisfaction with Romney and Perry, both big spending statists, while doing everything they can to destroy the reputations of the Republicans with more grass roots appeal, like Cain and Ron Paul.

Cain’s crossover appeal to the neocon, progressive, and small government wings of the GOP was frightening – he might have actually won, and then try to change the status quo – and thus he had to be taken out.

I doubt Cain would ever have attempted real change, but I’m not as paranoid as the GOP establishment.....

Caddell & Schoen Want Obama Gone ~ “You don’t go up to him and tell him to leave ’cause he’s a failure. With narcissists that doesn’t compute. If you really want to get rid of Obama, you gotta go up and tell him how the current job’s beneath him. You gotta tell him…”

Caddell & Schoen Want Obama Gone ~ “You don’t go up to him and tell him to leave ’cause he’s a failure. With narcissists that doesn’t compute. 

If you really want to get rid of Obama, you gotta go up and tell him how the current job’s beneath him. You gotta tell him…”

And so now Schoen and Caddell have written another piece for the Wall Street Journal saying to Obama, you have a duty to your country and the party to get out of the race.
You can’t win, and even if you do win, the only way is by going so negative that the country’s torn apart in the middle of the campaign and after you win going so ugly and so dirty you’re not gonna be able to govern. You’re gonna rip the country apart, not to mention your party.

And then Caddell and Schoen said if Obama won’t go on his own it’s up to Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid to go up to the White House and tell him to leave. And, remember, I said in a spirit of helpfulness, that Schoen and Caddell have gone about this the wrong way, because Obama’s a narcissist. You don’t go up to him and tell him to leave ’cause he’s a failure. With narcissists that doesn’t compute.

If you really want to get rid of Obama, you gotta go up and tell him how the current job’s beneath him. You gotta tell him how, “We can tell you’re not interested, Barack. We can see this doesn’t turn you on. You and your wife don’t even like living in the White House. We can tell you don’t like the job. You’re so much more qualified than something as small as president of one country. You know, your country, America‘s no different than any other country. You yourself said it, Barack.

We’re just like any other country, we’ve got a flag. And that’s the only thing that makes us different, our flag’s different from the other countries. You need to be running the world.”

That’s how you shoulda done it, Schoen, and that’s how you shoulda done it, Mr. Caddell. If you’d-a written a piece that catered to Obama’s ego and gave him an option of something much more powerful and much bigger, then maybe he would have listened. But I don’t think he’s finished with his mission. He’s got a good start, but he’s not finished. Caddell was on Fox News Channel, Cavuto‘s show. Was it the business channel or regular Fox? It doesn’t matter. They had a discussion about the super committee bombing. This is what Pat Caddell said.

Caddell & Schoen Want Obama Gone.