Wednesday, November 23, 2011

What Does the GOP Really Want in 2012? by Karen Kwiatkowski ~ BLOGGER.GUNNY.G.1984 ~ (BLOG & EMAIL)

What Does the GOP Really Want in 2012? by Karen Kwiatkowski



…..The GOP wants and needs four more years of Obamanation in order to continue its plan of corralling and branding intransigent and increasingly sophisticated state’s rights-asserting, small government freethinkers. But the GOP cowboys are long in the tooth, and their horses keep coming up lame.
Karen Kwiatkowski

Image via Wikipedia

The GOP establishment wants, and needs, more time to work the Republican herd. They’ll do this much as they did in 2008. Destroy electable candidates and run losing liberal nominees.

Thus, we see the GOP leadership express great satisfaction with Romney and Perry, both big spending statists, while doing everything they can to destroy the reputations of the Republicans with more grass roots appeal, like Cain and Ron Paul.

Cain’s crossover appeal to the neocon, progressive, and small government wings of the GOP was frightening – he might have actually won, and then try to change the status quo – and thus he had to be taken out.

I doubt Cain would ever have attempted real change, but I’m not as paranoid as the GOP establishment.....

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