Thursday, April 07, 2011

Murray, My Intellectual Mentor

Murray, My Intellectual Mentor
by Gene Epstein on April 7, 2011
[Introduction to Economic Controversies (2011)]
It was nearly 40 years ago that Murray Rothbard changed my life. I was then a PhD candidate in economics at the New School for Social Research in downtown Manhattan, while also teaching principles courses at a local university. And I was rapidly losing interest in the whole subject.

Bored by the prattling of the left-wing crowd who dominated the New School, I could find nothing very satisfying in mainstream economics either. The New School's left-wingers certainly cared about achieving a free society.
But their radical agenda mainly consisted of the "instrumentalist" ideas of the econ department's emeritus professor Adolph Lowe, which boiled down to coercing people into following the dictates of elitists like him.

My only real objection to conventional economics was that it also bored me. If a theory like "perfect competition" was remote from reality................................

Is Barack Obama actually not in this photo of Barack Obama?

Is Barack Obama actually not in this photo of Barack Obama?

Salon ^ | 4/7/2001 | Alex Pareene

Posted on Thursday, April 07, 2011 8:08:49 PM by Kleon
Jack Cashill, the right-wing journalist currently winning the national game of "'prove' the most outlandish thing you possibly can about Barack Obama" with his both his theory that Bill Ayers ghost-wrote "Dream From My Father" and his claim that the president's father was actually Jimi Hendrix, dropped a bombshell today: Barack Obama is not actually in a photo of Barack Obama and his grandparents.

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Trump, Not as a 2012 Candidate, but as a Blueprint

Trump, Not as a 2012 Candidate, but as a Blueprint ^ | 04/07/11 | david limbaugh

Posted on Thursday, April 07, 2011 8:16:41 PM by lancer256
My brother, Rush, said on his program Thursday that Donald Trump, in taking the fight directly to President Obama, has provided a winning blueprint for defeating him in 2012.
Rush was referring to the way in which Trump -- think what you will about him and his politics -- has boldly challenged President Obama on a number of issues, including the notorious birth certificate fracas, obviously unconcerned about fallout from the liberal media.
The issue here is not Obama's birth certificate; it is Trump's aggressive, offensive posture in challenging Obama across the board. He rightly recognizes that America's financial condition is in shambles and contends that Obama's incoherent approach to foreign policy is making the U.S. a laughingstock in the international community.

Trump is not my candidate for a number of reasons, including that I don't believe he's been reliably conservative over the years, but I have no doubt that Republicans can learn great lessons from his direct, fearless approach.

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Glenn Beck Leaves FOX News Over Birth Certificate Issue (According to Rev Manning)

Glenn Beck Leaves FOX News Over Birth Certificate Issue (According to Rev Manning)

Manning Report ^ | 4-6-11 | Rev, David Manning

Posted on Thursday, April 07, 2011 3:48:47 PM by Anti-Hillary

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Trump: Maybe he [Obama] didn't write that book

Trump: Maybe he [Obama] didn't write that book

Steve Malzberg Show - WOR ^ | 4/7/11 | Donald Trump:

Posted on Thursday, April 07, 2011 7:10:07 PM by dervish
"Maybe he [Obama] didn't write that book"

"There's a lot of speculation that Bill Ayers....wrote the first book"


"The person who wrote the first book didn't write the second book"


second "Donald Trump" link at 4:35

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And Just Who Are the Dedicated Obama Voters

And Just Who Are the Dedicated Obama Voters ^ | 4/7/11 | neal boortz

Posted on Thursday, April 07, 2011 5:55:43 PM by from occupied ga

By Neal Boortz
Well now, the one-time Marxist revolutionary turned community organizer and former loyal parishioner to the charismatic Jeremiah Wright has now announced that he will seek a second term as president. What a complete surprise that was! The sad and pathetic part of this story is that he may well pull this off .. and if he does the damage that he can do to our republic in his last four years could be fatal. No … I'm serious here. No hyperbole. This dangerous man meant it when he said that he was going to "fundamentally transform" the United States of America, and some of you are going to find out way, way too late just what type of transformation he was talking about......................

Obama: I’ll Shut Down the Government and Suspend Military Pay

Obama: I’ll Shut Down the Government and Suspend Military Pay
Big Government ^ | 4/7/11 | Mike Flynn

Posted on Thursday, April 07, 2011 6:12:51 PM by Nachum
Rather than accept a few billion in budget cuts (read rounding error), President Obama has signaled his willingness to shut down the federal government. (Yah!) For those keeping score at home, any government shutdown that happens is on Obama’s plate. He is the President. All on him.
The worst part of this whole debate is the Obama Administration’s decision to hold military pay hostage to the budget debate. For the last few decades, government shutdowns have been guided by an OMB directive issued during the Reagan Administration. Under this directive, military personnel would continue to receive the paychecks while politicians argued about the budget. The Clinton Administration, during the last government shutdown, kept the paychecks flowing.
But, not Obama.
The Obama Administration has overturned the old OMB directive and has decided to suspend military paychecks if there is a government shutdown. No reason to do it…but they have decided to. Reprehensible.

Senator: Obama May Have Planned Shutdown Last Year With "Malicious" Intent

Senator: Obama May Have Planned Shutdown Last Year With "Malicious" Intent
RealClearPolitics ^ | April 07, 2011 | RealClearPolitics

Posted on Thursday, April 07, 2011 6:28:48 PM by RobinMasters
Freshman GOP Senator Mike Lee (Utah) says President Obama's inability to get a budget passed last year may have been "deliberate."
"It was either irresponsible on one hand or deliberate and malicious on the other with intention to bring about a sequence of events that would culminate inevitably in a government shutdown," Senator Mike Lee said on the Senate floor today.
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Judge gives 'Juror No. 799' indefinite jury duty after she makes racist remarks on questionnaire

Judge gives 'Juror No. 799' indefinite jury duty after she makes racist remarks on questionnaire
New York Daily News ^ | April 6, 2011 | John Marzulli

Posted on Thursday, April 07, 2011 6:39:50 PM by EveningStar
An incensed federal judge sentenced a racist Brooklyn woman to indefinite jury duty on Tuesday after she trashed the NYPD and minorities.
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Actual Evil Within the United Nations

Actual Evil Within the United Nations
c5's Simian Roadhouse ^ | April 7, 2011 | Consigliere5

Posted on Thursday, April 07, 2011 6:47:39 PM by mikalasukala
The U.N. Meddling with Religion: Part 8 Actual Evil Within the United Nations
Let's begin with a list of items that I will attempt to show:
The United Nations has been infused with the evil New Age religion of Theosophy which reveres Lucifer.
The United Nations operates its own Meditation Room and Catholic chapel.
The UN Meditation Room is used monthly by a few Theosophical groups who meditate there around the changing of the moon.
The United Nations General Assembly room is reported to contain a "being" called the Avatar of Synthesis.
People who channel demons have done so inside of the UN headquarters in NYC.
I will provide personally filmed video documentation showing that Lucis Publishing Company was at one time named Lucifer Publishing Company. (My youtube video is here.)
I will also provide personally filmed video documentation showing that Lucis Trust put their evil "prayer", The Great Invocation, in an issue of Reader's Digest magazine in 1982. This will also show that the Lucis Trust was at one time headquartered within the United Nations greater compound in NYC. (My youtube video is here)
NOTE: Any references in this post to "the Christ", "the Cosmic Christ" or the "Christ Consciousness" should be thought of as pointing not to the Jesus Christ of the Christian Bible, but to the New Age version who is thought to be just one of many "World Teachers" or "Avatars" or "Spiritual Masters".
The goal of this post is to...............................

Where Is America's Gold?: The Mystery of Ft. Knox

Where Is America's Gold?: The Mystery of Ft. Knox

What Do They Have to Hide?
In a few months we'll "celebrate" the 40th anniversary of the day when the US Government declared bankruptcy. Oh, they didn't call it that at the time. But what happened on August 15, 1971 was that the US defaulted on its promise to pay gold for dollars. It is now clear that they didn't have very much gold left to pay.
My new book, Good As Gold? is now available. I've tried to make it a clear and readable history of what happened to the gold confiscated from Americans and put into Fort Knox in the 1930s. I've used the government's own words and statements to paint a picture I think is shocking. There has never been an accounting of this gold. There has never been a real audit of it. (I know people say there was one in 1953, but after reading my book, I wonder if anyone really can believe this.)
At every turn when the government was asked to provide proof of either the amount of gold they have left, or the quality of it, they have answered with lies and evasions. They have been acting like they have something to hide.
What we do know is that until August 15, 1971 any foreign central bank could go to the US Treasury and buy official US gold at $35 per ounce. It was the last link to the international gold standard. Before then, all currencies were defined in terms of the US dollar, and the US dollar was defined in terms of gold. A dollar equaled 1/35th of an ounce of gold; $35 equaled one troy ounce of gold.....................

Trump Drops Stink Bomb on NBC (Rush Limbaugh transcript)

Trump Drops Stink Bomb on NBC (Rush Limbaugh transcript)

Rush Limbaugh ^ | 04/07/2011 | Rush Limbaugh

Posted on Thursday, April 07, 2011 5:45:31 PM by Smokeyblue
RUSH: I know some of you people in this audience don't like Trump, but he went to the Today Show today and he dropped a stink bomb on poor old Meredith Vieira. She didn't know what to do with this. This was just amazing. We've got the audio. During a discussion about Obama's birth certificate, Meredith Vieira said, "In the state of Hawaii, they say they have seen this document, that he was born in the United States. That's good enough for them."

TRUMP: A birth certificate is not even close. A certificate of live birth is not even signed by anybody. I saw his -- I read it very carefully. It doesn't have a serial number. It doesn't have a signature. He spent $2 million in legal fees trying to get away from this issue, and if he weren't lying, why wouldn't he just solve it? I wish he would because if he doesn't it's one of the greatest scams in the history of politics and in history, period.
RUSH: That's true. If Obama was not born here, this is a huge scam. Not just in politics, but one of the greatest scams ever. Meredith Vieira, by the way, is leaving NBC. She's leaving the Today Show, and she might be leaving Who Wants to be a Millionaire. She hosts that game show. She came back at Trump and she said, "You have people in Hawaii searching this?"

TRUMP: They cannot believe what they're finding. I would like to have him show his birth certificate. Can I be honest with you? I hope he can. Because if he can't, if he can't, and if he wasn't born in this country, which is a real possibility --

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Watch Trump: ‘Real Doubts’ Obama Born in U.S.

Watch Trump: ‘Real Doubts’ Obama Born in U.S. (Comment fun at Frum)

FrumForum ^ | 4-7- 2011 | FrumForum News

Posted on Thursday, April 07, 2011 5:22:15 PM by Danae
Billionaire landlord, hotel magnate, television star and self-described Tea Partier Donald Trump is turning up the heat on President Barack Obama, insisting that after three weeks of probing the question, he is now more convinced than ever that the president has failed to prove he is a citizen of the United States.

“Three weeks ago when I started, I thought he was probably born in this country,” Trump, who is very publicly mulling his own run for the Republican nomination for president in 2012, told Today’s Meredith Vieira. “Right now, I have some real doubts.”
In a wide-ranging interview that aired Thursday, Trump said he is not convinced that the birth certificate that Obama has produced, certified by the state of Hawaii where Obama was born and acknowledged as legitimate by most scholars, is enough proof.

He says he has dispatched his own investigators to Hawaii. “I have people that actually have been studying it and they cannot believe what they’re finding,” he said.
“His grandmother in Kenya said he was born in Kenya, and she was there and witnessed the birth. He doesn’t have a birth certificate or he hasn’t shown it,” Trump told Vieira. “He has what’s called a certificate of live birth. That is something that’s easy to get. When you want a birth certificate, it’s hard to get.”

Each state is responsible for issuing its own birth certificates and the state of Hawaii, which issued Obama’s, stands behind it. In many states, this document is referred to as the certificate of live birth. Independent analysts have also confirmed the authenticity of Obama’s birth certificate. Several leading Republicans, including Karl Rove, have dismissed the controversy.

Glenn Beck, the conservative television and radio personality, last week accused Trump of taking the birth certificate issue too far. But the so-called “birther movement” has continued to raise questions about the president’s birth. And Trump has enthusiastically joined them.

Muslims aren't Terrorists...PATRIOTS are. Just ask Big Sis!

Muslims aren't Terrorists...PATRIOTS are. Just ask Big Sis!

Coach is Right ^ | 4/7/2011 | Douglas Book

Posted on Thursday, April 07, 2011 4:51:54 PM by Oldpuppymax
By Doug Book, staff writer
With the election approaching, Barack Hussein Obama has spared no effort in proclaiming his undying love of country (the United States, we are told) his veneration of the Constitution, his enduring belief in the power of prayer and the firm conviction that Americans have the right to keep and bear arms.
But we proletarians who manifest such sentiments had best beware the Department of Homeland Security and its commandant, Big Sis Napolitano.
For a proud assertion of patriotism by Americans who actually MEAN it may well succeed in marking one a Suspected Domestic Terrorist.

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'Bisexual' Malcolm X had affair with white male: new biography

'Bisexual' Malcolm X had affair with white male: new biography

International Business Times ^ | 04-06-11 | By Jijo Jacob

Posted on Thursday, April 07, 2011 4:51:14 PM by Realman30
Malcolm X, who ranted against the White men most of his life, apparently had no qualms in sharing carnal pleasure with one of them, it has emerged. Malcolm was bisexual and had an affair with a white male, according to a biography of the legendary black radical activist of the 1960s.
The unseemly love affair of Malcolm X, who ferociously championed black supremacy and argued that blacks were the original people of the world, has been brought to light in a biography, 'Malcolm X: A Life of Reinvention'.
The biography was written by Manning Marable, an established African-American scholar. The new revelation about his sexual preferences makes for interesting reading as Malcolm X had reportedly parted ways with his mentor Elijah Muhammad over disillusionment about the latter's alleged sexual excesses

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Donald Trump Slams CNN During Interview: CNN Has Not Done A Very Good Job At Investigating Obama

Donald Trump Slams CNN During Interview: CNN Has Not Done A Very Good Job At Investigating Obama

Obama Release Your Records ^ | April 07, 2011 | Obama Release Your Records

Posted on Thursday, April 07, 2011 4:20:02 PM by RobinMasters
Video: Donald Trump appeared on CNN today and slammed them for not fully investigating Obama's past; The segment aired on 4/7/2011.
Side note: Donald Trump To Meet With AZ Birther Bill Author In NYC - source.
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Update: The first Time i Heard of Barack...

The first Time I Heard of Barack...

Glenn Beck Leaves FOX News Over Birth Certificate Issue (According to Rev Manning)

Glenn Beck Leaves FOX News Over Birth Certificate Issue (According to Rev Manning)
Manning Report ^ | 4-6-11 | Rev, David Manning

Posted on Thursday, April 07, 2011 3:48:47 PM by Anti-Hillary
Watch video and post your comments--
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Gunny G: BLOGGER 1984 +



Anti-Establishment History: Is the Constitution Really Inimical To States Rights? Part 6

Is the Constitution Really Inimical To States Rights? Part 6

Posted Yesterday at 10:44 PM
by Al Benson Jr.

Al Cronkrite, a freelance Reformed Christian writer living in Florida, has written several articles dealing with the Constitution and why it is not really what we have been taught to believe it is. In an article in The Covenant News in July of 2009 Mr. Cronkrite noted that most today view our Founders as mostly Christian men "...who produced documents that, if they were not expressly Christian, contained Christian principles.  Others find it strange that Christian men would fail to encode the name of the Savior or refer to His dominion." That thought brings a different dimension to the question--one that Gary North referred to earlier.

Mr. Cronkrite, along with others, has also observed that: "The Philadelphia Constitutional Convention in the Summer of 1787, was a secret gathering convened for the purpose of revising the Articles of Confederation. It was an elite group that Jefferson described as 'demigods'. Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and probably President George Washington had no intention of abiding by the instructions from congress to revise the Articles. Their intention was to form a new federal government which they believed the states would accept in order to solve the problems they were having in conducting their inter-state affairs. They were conspiratorial and dishonest in their actions but right in their political assessment...Patrick Henry of Virginia claimed he 'smelled a rat' and refused to attend."...................

Treason! »

Treason! »

AND HOW MANY ARE GUILTY? April 7, 2011 Should Obama be removed from office for treason and other crimes? Dear Editor: The following letter has been sent to the entire state governments – house, senate...
April 7 2011 / 2 comments / Read More »

Can Obama be Beaten?

Can Obama be Beaten?

...There’s a debate going on right now about the precedents for defeating an incumbent. But those precedents don’t really matter. If we go by precedents, Obama shouldn’t be sitting in the White House at all. The last time a Senator who hadn’t been a Vice President or a Governor won an election was JFK in 1961.
And despite his youthfulness, JFK had spent almost a decade and a half in congress by that point. To find an earlier precedent we have to go back to the 19th century. But it doesn’t matter. None of the precedents do. We are rapidly taking the exit on American history. The old precedents depended on a different society and a different nation. Obama’s victory demonstrated that much, if nothing else. We may be able to recover that nation yet, but it won’t be by a survey of electoral history.
In short, incumbents lose for one reason. They no longer enjoy the public’s confidence. But even if that happens, the incumbent is still favored to win if their opponent is not a credible candidate. In recent political history, Americans are usually dissatisfied with whoever is in the White House by the end of term one. But they’re also willing to play the game of “Better the devil we know”, if the other party can’t bring a serious competitor to the table. And that’s what often happens. Second term elections often get thrown by the other party. A political hack is trotted out by party loyalists to give him a shot at the big time while preserving their dignity. The serious ammunition is saved for the next election.
The one overriding reason in recent political history that incumbents win is because the other side doesn’t even bother showing up....................--
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Gunny G: BLOGGER 1984 +



Donald Trump To Meet With AZ Birther Bill Author In NYC

Donald Trump To Meet With AZ Birther Bill Author In NYC
TMP ^ | 04/07/2011 | Evan McMorris-Santoro

Posted on Thursday, April 07, 2011 3:22:11 PM by Smokeyblue
Donald "The Donald" Trump is taking further steps to make himself the nation's birther-in-chief. On the heels of his promise to reveal the truth about Obama's birth in the next several weeks, TPM has learned Trump will be hosting an author of Arizona's birther legislation in New York City this week.
According to his office, State Rep. Carl Seel (R) is currently en route to New York City to powow with Trump over HB 2177, a bill which would require all candidates for office to prove their citizenship to the Secretary of State's office before they can appear of Arizona ballots.
Seel's bill is just one of two pieces of birther legislation currently sitting in the state legislature. A previous attempt to pass a birther law in the state died in the Senate after sponsors couldn't find the votes to pass it.
According to Seel's office, the trip to New York to meet with Trump about the Arizona bill was booked "last night." Seel will stay in the city through Sunday.
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Facebook is censoring posts.

Facebook is censoring posts.
My Keyboard ^ | April 7, 2011 | Robert Eimiller

Posted on Thursday, April 07, 2011 3:09:57 PM by Bob Eimiller
This was censored believe it or not by Facebook. It's nothing but a personal comment ... The country... in the present state could do a lot worse than Trump.. I originally didn't care from him personally but I must admit he's growing on me... I didn't know he was actually pro life and that certainly is huge in my opinion. Trump is sort of a natural "equal and opposite" reaction to the massive HARD swing to the radical left domestically as well as internationally. Israel is tied to an Obama bomb with the fuse lit. Great Britain has also been abandoned by the enemy of freedom in the White House. The terrifying direction of the country had to eventually prod some powerful, wealthy and patriotic American into action. What's great about Trump is that his influence is more from a personal everyday image instead of some "corporate industrialist" the Media would love to pigeon hole with a history they could spin into greed enabling them create a sinister motive. I think you have seen the recent interviews... especially from the Obama media left, they're completely befuddled and confused... watch their body language, they haven't a clue. They can't destroy Trump, there is nothing to latch onto... I suspect they are having many restless and sleepless nights..

Glenn Beck: Farewell to a Fearmonger

Glenn Beck: Farewell to a Fearmonger (Barf Alert!)
TIME via Yahoo! News ^ | 4-7-11 | John Avlon

Posted on Thursday, April 07, 2011 1:55:04 PM by wac3rd
NEW YORK – Beck’s departure from Fox News marks the welcome removal of an incendiary talk-show host who reveled in apocalyptic shtick and the politics of incitement, writes John Avlon. Plus, the Fox-Beck divorce. The nightly nervous breakdown will not be televised. Glenn Beck is going off the air on Fox News. It is a remarkable reversal of fortune for a man who one year ago was banking $32 million annually, teaching Americans how to fear-monger for fun and profit. But with his ratings down nearly 50 percent and advertisers abandoning the show, Beck’s apocalyptic shtick has been getting rancid fast. It’s almost hard to remember that not so long ago Glenn Beck was being taken seriously as a political figure by hyper-partisans on the far right. The proto-Tea Party rally on Capitol Hill in 2009 was directly inspired by Beck. This past summer, he filled one-third of the Washington Mall with his faithful for what turned out to be a religious revival with political overtones, on the anniversary of the Martin Luther King’s "I Have a Dream" speech. There were even, it is now surreal to say, calls for him to run for president on a ticket with Sarah Palin—a draft movement that they had to deny.
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American Hero and Badass for Liberty Glenn Beck to End Fox TV Show

American Hero and Badass for Liberty Glenn Beck to End Fox TV Show
David Horowitz's NewsReal Blog ^ | Matthew Vadum

Posted on Thursday, April 07, 2011 2:00:48 PM by Michael van der Galien
The man who ignited grassroots opposition to the hideously un-American Big Government policies of President Barack Obama when virtually no one else cared will end his highly rated show on Fox News Channel in December. Glenn Beck and Fox News Channel announced Wednesday they had agreed to let their contract run out. “Glenn intends to transition off his daily program, the third highest rated in all of cable news, later this year,” they said in a joint release.
America owes a debt of gratitude to Glenn Beck. Whatever his foibles, in the dark days of early 2009 as patriotic Americans began to realize that America was (and still is, for that matter) being transformed into a socialist state by the nation’s Community Organizer-in-Chief, Beck was there, exposing and harassing Obama and his cadre of radicals. (Note: Rick Santelli of CNBC also played a big role in fighting Obama but it was Beck who sold the idea to the viewing masses and fomented a glorious rebirth of patriotism.)
I am personally thankful for Beck for giving me the opportunity to appear on his show multiple times (see above photo) to discuss my research into ACORN, the Cloward-Piven Strategy, and the Tides Foundation. Beck even let me help him design one of his famous tree diagrams.
Beck, it’s also worth noting, is a secret badass. Although you can’t tell it from the above picture, the white dots on his tie are winged biker-style death’s heads. (I blew the image up from another photo taken a few seconds later and posted it below.) Maybe after a Jean Paul Gaultier tie featuring tiny stylized dollar signs woven in black and red silk that I used to wear, it was the coolest necktie I’ve ever seen.
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In honor of his pending departure: The top 10 craziest things Glenn Beck ever said

News Link  •  Entertainment: Television (TV)
In honor of his pending departure: The top 10 craziest things Glenn Beck ever said
04-06-2011  •  Stephen C. Webster via The Raw Story 
Conservative conspiracy theorist Glenn Beck announced Wednesday that he's leaving his Fox News show in favor of a different arrangement that could see him work behind the scenes at Fox or attempt to launch his own cable channel. 
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Gunny G: BLOGGER 1984 +



Obama's Advice To Those Complaining About Surging Gas Prices: Suck It In And Cope

News Link  •  Energy
Obama's Advice To Those Complaining About Surging Gas Prices: Suck It In And Cope
04-06-2011  • 
"If you're complaining about the price of gas and you're only getting 8 miles a gallon, you know," Obama said laughingly. "You might want to think about a trade-in." 
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Gunny G: BLOGGER 1984 +



US lawmakers target ‘rogue websites’ with online infringement act

US lawmakers target 'rogue websites' with online infringement act
04-06-2011  •  AFP 
Democratic and Republican members of the US Congress pledged Monday to pass legislation that would give US authorities more tools to crack down on websites engaged in piracy of movies, television shows and music and the sale of counterfeit goods. 
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Gunny G: BLOGGER 1984 +




 By Jimmy Reed Full Story

Folks known as mavericks aren't always popular. Unorthodox, non-conformist, and independent-minded, they refuse to go along with the mainstream mindset (often mislabeled as conventional wisdom). Unlike dead fish following a stream's flow, becoming nothing more than tasty repasts for vultures, mavericks swim upstream in a constant struggle to seek new truths and disprove old ones, with little regard for those who may be offended by their efforts.

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Gunny G: BLOGGER 1984 +



Goodbye, Glenn Beck

Goodbye, Glenn Beck
 By Alan Caruba Full Story

Back in August 2010, just after Glenn Beck's "Restoring Honor" evangelical extravaganza in front of the Lincoln Memorial, I wrote a commentary titled, "The Great Glenn Beck-a-Palooza." Summing up the event, I said, "I think it was about Glenn Beck. And that's a shame."

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they are gems in themselves!

Gunny G: BLOGGER 1984 +



First homosexual caveman found

First homosexual caveman found
The Telegraph ^ | 4-6-2011 | Staff

Posted on Thursday, April 07, 2011 12:49:18 PM by Arktos

Archaeologists have unearthed the 5,000-year-old remains of what they believe may have been the world's oldest known gay caveman. The male body – said to date back to between 2900-2500BC – was discovered buried in a way normally reserved only for women of the Corded Ware culture in the Copper Age. The skeleton was found in a Prague suburb in the Czech Republic with its head pointing eastwards and surrounded by domestic jugs, rituals only previously seen in female graves.

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Gunny G: BLOGGER 1984 +



House Set to Roll Back Net Neutrality Rules [Disinfect the 'Net]

House Set to Roll Back Net Neutrality Rules [Disinfect the 'Net]
Digital Liberty ^ | 2011-04-07 | [Staff]

Posted on Thursday, April 07, 2011 1:09:35 PM by 92nina

Tomorrow, April 7, the U.S. House of Representatives is set to pass a joint resolution of disapproval (H.J.Res. 37) to overturn the FCC's recently passed Net Neutrality rules. Despite objection from Republicans and the American public, the FCC passed Net Neutrality rules last December 21st, after years of debate and enormous uncertainty in the marketplace. The rules would allow the government to effectively regulate how Internet service providers manage data traffic on their networks.

The Commission's Net Neutrality rules came despite a court shooting down prior their prior efforts, no legal authority to pass them, and no proof of harm. The Internet should remain free from regulation – as it's always been – and this attempt by the FCC to control it is far from the realm of the government's authority.

To provide an adequate check against the FCC, Congress is utilizing the Congressional Review Act, which allows them to nullify agency rules. The House Joint Resolution of Disapproval, sponsored by Rep. Greg Walden (R-OR), reverses the stifling restraints enacted last year by the FCC. The measure is sure to be passed by the House, and has a good chance of passing the Senate. However, President Obama has made it clear he will veto any effort to repeal the rules. Earlier this week, the White House Budget Office fired off a statement that illustrates President Obama's resolve regulate the internet...

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Gunny G: BLOGGER 1984 +



C’mon Black People, Let’s Boycott The Political Insanity That Is Donald Trump

C'mon Black People, Let's Boycott The Political Insanity That Is Donald Trump
The Atlanta Post ^ | April 7, 2011 | Selam Aster

Posted on Thursday, April 07, 2011 1:14:42 PM by 2ndDivisionVet

Politics can be hard to stomach, especially when it comes to the stupidity of the Tea Party and to the dumb antics employed by media-obsessed egoists like Donald Trump who have nothing better to do than to criticize a hard-working President while he's dedicating himself to reality TV and making sure he stay's relevant as a celebrity.

Recently, Trump has tried to drum up skepticism about President Obama's status as a natural born citizen, requesting that he show America his birth certificate. After Whoopi Goldberg on The View lambasted Trump's accusations, Trump went on to provide with his own birth certificate to demonstrate the ease of doing so. Later, exposed the birth certificate to be fake. Do you think that expose of his foolery did anything to slow Trump down? Oh no.

Trump is continuing on his empty tirade in order to galvanize support for his presidential bid for 2012. This is clearly a tactic based on the blueprint created by Sarah Palin, which outlines how to appeal widely to uninformed masses by promoting ignorance and paranoia. And it seems to be working, unfortunately. CBS news is reporting that Trump is making significant "headway" among Republican voters.

It's a free country and Trump can do or say whatever he wants but why does Black America have to support him while he attacks not only our President but also attacks common sense and decency? We can't stand by and watch as a potential appointed leader forges ahead and moves forward via baseless accusations and selfish motivation.

Here's how you can NOT show your support for Trump and support the movement to restore sanity in politics : steer clear of supporting all of his businesses. Here's how:

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Joe McCarthy Would Have A Field Day

Joe McCarthy Would Have A Field Day
The Silent Majority ^ | 04-07-11 | J.D. Longstreet

Posted on Thursday, April 07, 2011 12:11:32 PM by Lexluthor69

In the late 1940s; Russian spies infiltrated the deepest levels of the US government, including the Rosenbergs who had stolen the plans to the nuclear bomb. America was threatened by a ruthless enemy in Soviet Communism that would not stop until the world was enslaved. When Senator Joseph McCarthy learned of the Russian infiltration of Washington, DC, he was determined to take the evidence public to the American people.

In his famous speech on February 9th, 1950, McCarthy brought public a list of 57 known communists working for the state department. These revelations took the American public by storm. Out of all the Senators and public figures in Washington, only McCarthy had the courage to stand up against communist infiltration. It was a deed that McCarthy's leftist critics would never forgive him for.o

For the next four years, Senator Joseph McCarthy stood undeterred against the strong socialist influence in Washington, exposing literally hundreds of anti-American operatives working incognito for the US Government. (SOURCE)

ONLY 57 Communists? Good Grief!

If Joe McCarthy was alive today, and engaged in the same investigation, there's a pretty good chance he'd have to use a set of hand trucks, or a dolly, to roll the current list of suspected communists, plus the socialists and Marxists working for, employed by, or otherwise involved with the US government.

We must remember, dear reader, that was 1950. It was near the beginning of the socialist movement in the American mainstream media which would, as time passed, become so strong it would sanitize the socialist/marxist/communist movement to infiltrate the US government until today that movement controls, approximately, half of the three branches of the current US government.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

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Donald Trump Planned 2012 run 8 year ago

Donald Trump Planned 2012 run 8 year ago
4/7/2011 | Jeff O

Posted on Thursday, April 07, 2011 12:18:54 PM by jeffo

I just found evidence that Donald Trump at least considered running in the upcoming presidential election 7 year ago. In December 2004 his organization registered the domain "":

The Trump Organization LLC

725 Fifth Avenue
New York, New York 10022
United States

Registered through:, Inc.
Domain Name: TRUMP2012.COM
Created on: 16-Dec-04
Expires on: 16-Dec-15
Last Updated on: 04-Dec-10--
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Obama Then, "I Won" & Now, "Getting Your Way Is Not How It Works"

Obama Then, "I Won" & Now, "Getting Your Way Is Not How It Works"
ChicoER Gate ^ | 4/7/10 | Toby Jones

Posted on Thursday, April 07, 2011 12:27:30 PM by Tom Hawks

It must be nice belonging to a political party that not only has amnesia about the things they say and do, but also knows the media will not remind the public. It has only been two years since Obama invited the Republicans into the White House for an eye to eye meeting about the way they will all work together. Unfortunately for the GOP, Obama had no intention of working with them, instead he told them to their face, "I WON", "and you have no say in how things will be done". Pretty ballsy statement for a man who ran on a platform of change and cooperation. Then for the next two years Obama was true to his words as he and the Democrats left Republicans out of every decision they made for America.

Below is the original article from the Washington Post that reported Obama's famous snub to the Republicans during what was supposed to be a bipartisanship meeting on the budget Obama sent to Congress in January 2009. This should really be a defining moment for those who thought he was an honorable man, because like Bill Clinton before him, there is nothing honorable about Obama.

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Paid Degenerate Liar: Glenn Beck

Paid Degenerate Liar: Glenn Beck

Reestablishing the false paradigm, one lie at a time.
Tony Cartalucci
April 7, 2011
Those who watched the theatrics of the "Bush Administration" will remember few attack dogs fiercer than Glenn Beck of Fox News. Fox News of course, is of News Corporation, a globalist Council on Foreign Relations corporate member, with Rupert Murdoch an individual member of the CFR as well.
Beck helped sell the ongoing wars in both Afghanistan and Iraq, is a major proponent of war with Iran, Somalia, Libya, and a general clash of civilizations between the West and the over 1 billion Muslims that populate the world. He, along with the rest of the corporate media, has the blood of thousands of Americans on his hands as well as the blood of over a million Iraqis, Afghans, Pakistanis, Somalians, Yemenis, and now Libyans. For this alone, Beck is an irredeemable degenerate liar who belongs not in the center of public debate, but inside a concrete jail cell.
When you tell verifiable lies, repeatedly, at the cost of human life, you have shouted "fire" in the proverbial theater and must be held accountable for your actions. Of course this goes for everyone in the corporate owned media, from all ends of the political spectrum, from the paid liars on the left now supporting the illegal, immoral, unjust war in Libya, to the paid liars on the right who have in tandem embedded the West so deeply in the affairs of other sovereign nations to begin with.
The danger with Beck is that after infesting and destroying the "Tea Party" movement, he is now moving towards the alternative media. Leaving Fox News, Beck is poised to start a counter balancing act against George Soros' equally disingenuous "Media Matters." What seems to escape the attention of most, is that Media Matters and Fox News are aligned within the same globalist system, amongst the same Fortune 500 corporate interests and peddling the exact same agenda, merely from two differing points-of-view.
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Alec Baldwin: Financial Crisis Has ‘Crippled’ Obama, Preventing Him From ‘Doing Any New Spending’

Alec Baldwin: Financial Crisis Has 'Crippled' Obama, Preventing Him From 'Doing Any New Spending'
CNS News ^ | 4/6/11 | Nicholas Ballasy

Posted on Thursday, April 07, 2011 11:30:59 AM by MissTed

Emmy award-winning actor Alec Baldwin told on Capitol Hill that he believes the financial crisis has "crippled" President Barack Obama, preventing him from doing any "new spending." Baldwin also said Obama has been doing "a lot" of "back-peddling" because he's had to spend his whole first term "trying" to correct America's course financially.

Following his appearance on Capitol Hill at a press conference with Senator Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) and Rep. John Larson (D-Conn.) about campaign finance reform, asked Baldwin if President Obama has lived up to his expectations.

"Well, I mean, I think so because I think that when you come into office and you want to put your mark on things -- this is just my opinion, when you want to put your mark on things, you want to be able to spend. And what's crippled Obama's administration, as far as I'm concerned, is the financial crisis and it's prevented him from doing any new spending," said Baldwin, who publicly supported Obama in the 2008 Presidential election.

"He's not able – if the country was as flush as it was under Bill Clinton and he had money -- these things cost money -- he could have made more of a mark," said Baldwin. "I think right now he's had to do a lot of counter-punching; a lot of back peddling. He inherited this crisis from Bush and Paulson. He had to extend the TARP. I think it's been very difficult for him to spend his whole first term trying to, you know, correct our course financially. I think a second term of Obama, we'll see a lot more of what we want to see from him."

Baldwin was also at the Capitol on Tuesday for Arts Advocacy Day where he and actor Kevin Spacey lobbied members of Congress for continued federal funding of the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA). The two actors were scheduled to testify before a House Appropriations Subcommittee on Tuesday but the hearing was cancelled so staff members could work on budget negotiations.--
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AP Scrubs Damaging Obama Quote from Windmill Event

AP Scrubs Damaging Obama Quote from Windmill Event ^ | April 7, 2011 | Greg C.

Posted on Thursday, April 07, 2011 11:32:13 AM by FreedomFighter1013

FAIRLESS Hills, PA At an event at a Spanish windmill firm in Pennsylvania, President Obama suggested Americans consider selling their gas guzzlers for more fuel efficient cars. The president chided one questioner, saying: "If you're complaining about the price of gas and you're only getting 8 miles a gallon, you know,you might want to think about a trade-in."

The Associated Press reported that Mr. Obama made the comment "laughingly." However, the quote has been scrubbed from the original linked page.

Fortunately, Glenn Reynolds of Instapundit captured a screenshot:

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

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I have hitherto considered each state as a separate whole and have explained the different springs which the people there put in motion, and the different means of action which it employs. But all the states which I have considered as independent are yet forced to submit, in certain cases, to the supreme authority of the Union. The time has now come to examine the portion of sovereignty that has been granted to the Union, and to cast a rapid glance over the Federal Constitution.

HISTORY OF THE FEDERAL CONSTITUTION. Origin of the first Union --Its weakness--Congress appeals to the constituent authority --Interval of two years between this appeal and the promulgation of the new Constitution.
THE thirteen colonies, which simultaneously threw off the yoke of England towards the end of the last century, had, as I have already said, the same religion, the same language, the same customs, and almost the same laws; they were struggling against a common enemy; and these reasons were sufficiently strong to unite them to one another and to consolidate them into one nation. But as each of them had always had a separate existence and a government within its reach, separate interests and peculiar customs had sprung up which were opposed to such a compact and intimate union as would have absorbed the individual importance of each in the general importance of all. Hence arose two opposite tendencies, the one prompting the Anglo-Americans to unite, the other to divide, their strength.
As long as the war with the mother country lasted, the principle of union was kept alive by necessity; and although the laws that constituted it were defective, the common tie subsisted in spite of their imperfections.1 But no sooner was peace concluded than the faults of this legislation became manifest, and the state seemed to be suddenly dissolved. Each colony became an independent republic, and assumed an absolute sovereignty. The Federal government, condemned to impotence by its Constitution and no longer sustained by the presence of a common danger, witnessed the outrages offered to its flag by the great nations of Europe, while it was scarcely able to maintain its ground against the Indian tribes, and to pay the interest of the debt which had been contracted during the War of Independence. It was already on the verge of destruction when it officially proclaimed its inability to conduct the government and appealed to the constituent authority.2
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You’ve Taken the Pledge, Now Take the Anti-Shariah Oath

You've Taken the Pledge, Now Take the Anti-Shariah Oath
Blue Collar Corner ^ | March 24th, 2011 | Andy Sullivan

Posted on Thursday, April 07, 2011 11:19:03 AM by ZGuy

A New York City construction worker who witnessed the 9/11 terrorist attacks has launched a national campaign to counter radical Islamic efforts to get sharia law adopted in the United States.

Andy Sullivan is a lifelong New York City construction worker and founder of the 9/11 Hard Hat Pledge, which is one of the groups working to prevent the mosque construction at the proposed site near Ground Zero. He recently launched the Anti-Sharia Oath, which calls on signers to agree to actively protest and vote against sharia and Islamic law in the United States. He says his campaign has been aimed at politicians who have asked for his support.

"If somebody calls me and asks me for support to go and speak on their behalf, I've got to have my oath with me, and they're going to sign it," Sullivan explains. "It's going to be an oath, and it's going to say, 'You will fight against any element of sharia being put into any kind of policy or legislation in this nation.' If you sign that oath, and you live by that, then I will give you all the support that I can muster. So all of the sudden, the Anti-Sharia Oath was born."

Sullivan believes the American people are becoming increasingly aware that sharia is creeping in and affecting legislative offices throughout the country.

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The Glenn Beck Radio Show ^ | 4/7/11 | self

Posted on Thursday, April 07, 2011 11:08:01 AM by Mr. K

They have been joking about his sudden departure from FOX and how he is thinking he will plan some trips in the future... and how he might want to see Iowa, and how he might flip some pancakes when he is there...--
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Obama props up corporate media with tax payer money

Obama props up corporate media with tax payer money

The Daily Caller is reporting that two crown jewels in the CIA's long-standing corporate media propaganda effort – the Washington Post and CBS – are receiving hundreds of thousands of dollars each from hoodwinked taxpayers in order to twist coverage of Obamacare.

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Posted on Thursday, April 07, 2011 11:01:19 AM by mamelukesabre

This quote came from the Czech Republic.

"The danger to America is not Barack Obama but a citizenry capable of entrusting a man like him with the Presidency. It will be far easier to limit and undo the follies of an Obama presidency than to restore the necessary common sense and good judgment to a depraved electorate willing to have such a man for their president. The problem is much deeper and far more serious than Mr. Obama, who is a mere symptom of what ails America. Blaming the prince of the fools should not blind anyone to the vast confederacy of fools that made him their prince. The Republic can survive a Barack Obama, who is, after all, merely a fool. It is less likely to survive a multitude of fools such as those who made him their president."--
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The Obama Administration's Anti-Oil Agenda

The Obama Administration's Anti-Oil Agenda
Brian Koenig ^ | 4/7/11 | Brian Koenig

Posted on Thursday, April 07, 2011 10:53:41 AM by Freemarkets101

"I'm just going to be honest with you. There's not much we can do next week or two weeks from now," President Obama said on Wednesday, as he anticipates the pending doom of $4 a gallon gasoline.

But the fact is, the Obama administration previously called for $7 a gallon gasoline. Two years ago, Obama's Energy Secretary Steven Chu wanted to "figure out how to boost the price of gasoline to the levels in Europe," which at the time were over $7 a gallon.

This is not just a public statement but also a result of anti-oil government policies over the past couple years. A blog by the Heritage Foundation outlined many areas in the Obama administration that have contributed to increased oil prices:

-Immediately after taking office in 2009, Interior Secretary Ken Salazar, canceled 77 leases for oil and gas drilling in Utah;

-The EPA announced new rules mandating the use of 36 billion gallons worth of renewable fuels (like ethanol) by 2020;

-This summer President Obama needlessly instituted, not one, but two outright drilling bans in the Gulf of Mexico;

-After rescinding his outright offshore drilling ban, President Obama has refused to issue any new drilling permits in the Gulf, a policy that the Energy Information Administration estimates will cut domestic offshore oil production by 13% this year;

-Interior Secretary Salazar announced that the eastern Gulf of Mexico, the Atlantic coast, and the Pacific coast will not be developed, effectively banning drilling in those areas for the next seven years;

-The Environmental Protection Agency has announced new global warming regulations for oil refineries;

-Interior Secretary Salazar announced new rules making it more difficult to develop energy resources on federal land.

Of course, these policies, and the anti-drilling, anti-oil propaganda may vanish now that Obama is decreasing his chances of a 2012 presidency. A poor economy -- which high oil prices may have a further impact on -- is not exactly a good campaign contributor.

Read Brian Koenig's blogs and columns at --
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