Saturday, May 07, 2011

Obama’s STFU Address...

Obama’s STFU Address

1 Votes

Obama’s STFU Address

Sunday, January 31, 2010 4:19:22 PM · by foutsc
Western Hero ^ | 31 Jan 10 | silverfiddle
President Obama’s address to the nation last week was Castro-esque, in length if not in tone.   This is a divide and conquer, get in you face, agitator President.  Cross him, and he’ll call you out publicly just like Chairman Mao used to do. 
QandO does a good summary of AP’s fact checking, giving it an overall thumbs up: Surprisingly, AP does it (credit where credit is due).  They cover the “spending freeze” (it would amount to less than 1% of the deficit) [...]  They also point out that the nonsense about the health care plan preserving the “right” of Americans…

Former White House Speechwriter Suggests Military Coup Could Oust Obama

Former White House Speechwriter Suggests Military Coup Could Oust Obama

1 Votes

Former White House Speechwriter Suggests Military Coup Could Oust Obama
Randy’s Right ^ | 5/19/10 | Prison Planet

Posted on Wednesday, May 19, 2010 2:13:48 PM by anniegetyourgun

Former White House speechwriter John L. Perry has courted controversy by suggesting that the U.S. Military, upholding their oath to defend the Constitution against domestic enemies, could stage a bloodless coup to oust President Obama.

In an article originally posted on the Newsmax website, Perry wrote, “There is a remote, although gaining, possibility America’s military will intervene as a last resort to resolve the “Obama problem.” 

Don’t dismiss it as unrealistic.”


America's College Bubble Next to Burst, Says NIA ('College Conspiracy' documentary)

America's College Bubble Next to Burst, Says NIA ('College Conspiracy' documentary)
PR Newswire ^ | May 7, 2011 | Gerard Adams

Posted on Saturday, May 07, 2011 8:50:44 PM by 2ndDivisionVet

The National Inflation Association (NIA) - - is pleased to officially announce that it will soon be releasing its hour long documentary 'College Conspiracy', which will expose the U.S. college education system as the largest scam in U.S. history. NIA has been producing 'College Conspiracy' for the past six months and plans to release the movie on May 15th. NIA members will be given the first opportunity to watch this must see documentary, which we hope will change the college education industry for the better.

NIA expects 'College Conspiracy' to take college education by storm and expose the facts and truth about tuition inflation to prospective college students. Almost everybody applying to college has heard the oft-repeated statistic that Americans with college degrees earn $1 million more in lifetime income than high school graduates without a degree. This is one of those statistics that gets repeated so many times that just about everybody accepts it as fact, but nobody actually does the research to confirm whether or not it is true. 'College Conspiracy' will prove once and for all if indeed this so-called statistic is true or just a myth.

Attorney General Defends Arming Mexican Drug Cartels

Attorney General Defends Arming Mexican Drug Cartels
A Semi-News/Semi-Satire from AzConservative ^ | 7 May 2011 | John Semmens

Posted on Saturday, May 07, 2011 8:53:39 PM by John Semmens

US Attorney General Eric Holder denied critics’ contention that his Department’s Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (BATFE) scheme of selling military ordinance to Mexican drug cartels was “a stupid idea.” Under the Department’s so-called “Gunwalker” program, surplus military weapons like M-16 and M-4 assault rifles, grenades, and AK-47s captured from foreigners were sold to the cartels by BATFE agents.

Dog The Bounty Hunter’s Political Foe Facing Charges In Crash That Killed Pregnant Woman

Dog The Bounty Hunter’s Political Foe Facing Charges In Crash That Killed Pregnant Woman
Radar ^ | 04/28/2011 | ACutaia

Posted on Saturday, May 07, 2011 7:24:06 PM by george76

A key backer of a political bill that could put Dog the Bounty Hunter and other bail bondsmen out of business is facing a grand jury probe that could put her behind bars for a car crash that killed a pregnant woman. 

Colorado state Senator Suzanne Williams is a key supporter of a bill that would allow convicted criminals to post their own bail, effectively replacing bounty hunters like Duane Chapman with the government. The problem, say opponents of the bill, is that it would flood society with criminals and no one to chase them down and bring them back to face charges if they skip court appearances. 

Chapman and wife Beth have been in Colorado opposing the bill and trying to meet with its sponsor, Sen. John Morse, but he has ducked them. Beth mobilized her 140,000 Twitter followers with a series of Tweets about the bill and how Morse has been ducking the Chapmans.

Who are you…Barack Hussein Obama???

Who are you…Barack Hussein Obama???
May 6, 2011 | KReed

Posted on Saturday, May 07, 2011 6:36:03 PM by FeelsRight
Who are you…Barack Hussein Obama???

TOPICS: Business/Economy; Click to Add Topic
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Who are you…Barack Hussein Obama??? 
Are you just another egomaniac…an ideologue that happened to be elected to the most powerful position in the entire free world, only with the help and the protection of the corrupt mainstream media??? 

Or are you something worse…maybe something much more sinister and dangerous to our country and the world???…Like A raging full-fledged narcissist…the fanatic type…the worst of the worst kind…someone who can't control his need and overwhelming thirst for that glorified image, for that good old pat on the back, over and over and over… a severely narcissistically wounded individual, with out of control paranoid tendencies holding onto the illusion of having unlimited, power and authority to force your own deranged sickness upon others… trying to steal the role of a heroic or worshipped person with a grandiose mission…

Who are you…Barack Hussein Obama???

Well I grew up basically without a father…but I know he was a devoted communist, just like my mother...and you know what they say???

The nut doesn't fall from the tree. I somehow was able to con a nation and the entire world around me, along with the help of a very corrupt media that would never even think of challenging me…and I became the president of a country that I tried to force and fundamentally change into one of my most devious, sick and twisted dreams, of a weak and socialistic shell of what it used to be…

I almost was able to break the back of this once mighty and great nation, and bring it to its knees…to have it all to myself…

I was so close to becoming the king…and then something very strange happened…people woke up…a sleeping giant arose…and there was an election in 2012…and just like that…It was all gone…I was thrown out and lead away…locked up in tiny dark room forever. 

Wake Up America!!! 

Did Leon Panetta Send Order to Take Out Osama Rather Than Obama?

Did Leon Panetta Send Order to Take Out Osama Rather Than Obama?
Moonbattery ^ | May 5, 2011 | Van Helsing

Posted on Saturday, May 07, 2011 7:24:11 PM by kingattax

Gutsy? Please. A White House insider offers a peek behind the scenes regarding the no-brainer decision to take out bin Laden:

President Obama was, in this case, as in all others, working as an absentee president. … [T]here had been a push to invade the compound for several weeks if not months, primarily led by Leon Panetta, Hillary Clinton, Robert Gates, David Petraeus, and Jim Clapper.

Computers will soon make us irrelevant, Wozniak warns MSU graduates

Computers will soon make us irrelevant, Wozniak warns MSU graduates
Digital Trends ^ | May 7, 2011 | Jeffrey Van Camp

Posted on Saturday, May 07, 2011 2:34:06 PM by decimon

Yesterday afternoon, Apple cofounder Steve Wozniak spoke to Michigan State University graduates as he received an honorary doctorate of engineering from MSU for his many accomplishments in the personal computing industry. However, toward the end of his mostly positive commencement speech, he warned graduates that the computers he’s helped create will soon make us irrelevant as a species.

“Every time we invent a computer to do something else, it’s doing our work for us, making ourselves less relevant,” said Wozniak, in his usual upbeat tone. “The cyborgs are winning! The androids are winning!”

Video Captures Obama in Secretive Exchange of Notes With Air Force General

Video Captures Obama in Secretive Exchange of Notes With Air Force General
The Blaze ^ | May 7 2011 | Scott Baker

Posted on Saturday, May 07, 2011 5:57:05 PM by blueyon

Take a look at this picture from Friday, April 29th. President Obama is greeting Brig. Gen. Ed Wilson after Air Force One landed at Cape Canaveral: Seems pretty ordinary, right? A typical tarmac greet for the Commander-in-Chief.

Ariz. Sheriff: Feds Order Release of Illegals to Phony Up Numbers

Ariz. Sheriff: Feds Order Release of Illegals to Phony Up Numbers ^ | May 6, 2011 | Jim Meyers and Ashley Martella

Posted on Saturday, May 07, 2011 5:59:31 PM by ilovesarah2012

The U.S. Border Patrol has told its agents to stop arresting illegal aliens crossing the border from Mexico to keep the illegal immigration numbers down, Arizona Sheriff Larry Dever tells Newsmax.

He also charges that Attorney General Eric Holder is “holding hands with the ACLU” to protect illegal aliens from prosecution, says illegals are committing “heinous crimes” across America every day, and calls claims that the federal government should be solely responsible for controlling illegal immigration “balderdash.”

Obama’s birth status — comparing Xs and Os

Obama’s birth status — comparing Xs and Os
Give Us Liberty ^ | Saturday, May 7, 2011 | Tom Kovach

Posted on Saturday, May 07, 2011 5:13:23 PM by Brown Deer

“Well if ‘Junior’ is not the son of ‘Senior’, then whose son is he?” In pondering that question, I chose to contemplate the geographic origin of a mysterious Social Security number that was examined by Jack Cashill. That got me to wondering whether Obama might have any connections to anyone in Connecticut — or anywhere else nearby. 

In February of 1941, Malcolm Little moved to the Boston suburb of Roxbury to live with his half-sister, Ella Little Collins. Interestingly, another resident of Roxbury at that time was a young man named Louis Eugene Walcott. Both Ella Little and Louis Walcott lost their fathers. Did these common factors bring them together at some point?

The question is important, because the young Mr. Walcott would later become known as Louis Farrakhan.
Shortly after the young Malcolm Little moved to Roxbury with his half-sister, he got a job working on the New York, New Haven, and Hartford Railroad (often simply called the New Haven Railroad). 

He worked for that company intermittently over the years. Ella also worked for the railroad. The railroad runs between Boston and New York City — two of several places where Malcolm Little got into criminal trouble. When not getting into trouble, Malcolm Little would’ve had time to get to know the lay of the land while working on the railroad.

About halfway between Boston and New York is a small town called Newington, Connecticut.
That little town ended up with another unusual claim to fame. It is the source of the Social Security number that ended up on the illegal Selective Service registration of Barack Hussein Obama II.

The number is likely also on a number of other documents of interest, such as Obama’s records from Occidental College.

Why America Lost the "Civil War" contributed by Nat G. Rudulph Selma, Alabama

Why America Lost the "Civil War"

contributed by Nat G. Rudulph
Selma, Alabama

"Civil War" is at best a misleading name for that conflict. Many Southerners avoid using it because of the implication that there were factions in every locality. "Civil" means "relating to the people within a community." The term describes only one aspect of the event, and subtly discredits Southerners defending home and country, rather than fomenting a political coup. The typical Southern community was not divided at all. 

Dixie was that community, and the consensus in Dixie was to defy strangers and meddlers from the North who insisted on ruling and intended to invade. The typical Southerner fought for independence. There were (and still are) more differences between Yankees and Southerners than between Yankees and English-speaking Canadians.

Ron Paul – It’s Time to End the Wars and Bring the Troops Home

Ron Paul – It’s Time to End the Wars and Bring the Troops Home

  • The Alex Jones Channel Alex Jones Show podcast Prison Planet TV Twitter Alex Jones' Facebook Infowars store
May 7, 2011
Ron Paul is the ONLY 2012 Candidate on EITHER side ready to end the pointless wars in the Middle East, as well as, put an end to the constant Empire Building by the Military Industrial Complex.

Hoax: White House Claims 4-Year-Old Bin Laden Tapes Are New Footage

Feature Stories

Hoax: White House Claims 4-Year-Old Bin Laden Tapes Are New Footage

In a desperate effort to bolster its crumbling official narrative, the White House today released a set of dubious Bin Laden “home movies” purportedly seized from his compound during the raid on Sunday night that it claims show Bin Laden on camera in 2010, but the tapes are almost identical to footage released almost four years ago by a notorious Pentagon front group that acts as a conduit for US intelligence by regularly releasing fake Al-Qaeda videos.

More Fake Photos Emerge In Bin Laden Farce

Check out the bad photoshopping on this supposed image of Bin Laden’s wife’s passport.

Not a Conspiracy? Natural Born Definition Scrubbed from Online Dictionaries.

Posted on Saturday, May 07, 2011 10:01:47 AM by opentalk

"So progressive that the Constitution is totally defunct .. and yes, Kenya did exist in 1963 as the 'Protectorate of Kenya' under British rule. In 1963, British rule ceased and Kenya dropped 'Protectorate'.

Ladies and gentlemen, there is a MASSIVE cover-up underway.
BOTH Natural born AND natural born citizen now return NO RESULTS in searches on ALL active online dictionaries, with the sole exception of Wikipedia, redirects to Wikipedia, and quotes from Wikipedia.

....The reason this is important is because right now, there is an ongoing debate over at Wikipedia due to the scrubbing of references to Emerich De Vattel's work Law of Nations, right after Obama released his long form.

....They have maintained here that since Vattel wrote in French, and his exact wording for Natural-Born is, "Les Naturales ou indigenes" which literally translated would mean "the naturals or natives", Vattel can not be used as a reference for the wording of the Constitutional requirement of Natural Born Citizenship. But, Vattel's definition (in English) is as follows:

Barack H. Obama "for his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples".

Barack H. Obama "for his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples".

The question for the Committee was whether it would be bold enough to single out the most powerful man in the world, with the responsibility and the obligations that come with the office of the President of the United States.

OBAMA Oil sets $7 a gallon gas price target


OBAMA Oil sets $7 a gallon gas price target

1 Votes

The dark secret behind America's sexual revolution After 30 years of research, renowned expert reveals shocking truth

The dark secret behind America's sexual revolution

After 30 years of research, renowned expert reveals shocking truth

Posted: May 06, 2011
7:59 pm Eastern
© 2011 WorldNetDaily

Suppose it were proven that one of the most famous scientists of the last century, whose research became the very foundation for restructuring Americans' moral code, turned out to be not only a scientific fraud but a supremely sick and perverted human being – a sexual psychopath who reveled in the criminal molestation of hundreds of infants and children?
In a world where truth is often stranger than fiction, Judith Reisman's 30-year research campaign exposing the infamous Alfred Kinsey is not only frighteningly true, but the poison the "famed sex researcher" injected into American society continues to spread.

To help WND readers truly understand what has caused their nation to rapidly descend from enshrining Judeo-Christian morality to drowning in unbridled sex, TODAY ONLY you can get an autographed, hardcover copy of Reisman's brand-new blockbuster book, "Sexual Sabotage: How One Mad Scientist Unleashed a Plague of Corruption and Contagion on America," for only $4.95 – an unheard-of $21 discount!

Alternative Media Rankings Surge After bin Laden Assassination Spectacle

Alternative Media Rankings Surge After bin Laden Assassination Spectacle

A story like the assassination of “public enemy #1″ is naturally going to drive people toward all news sources. However, we in the alternative news media have been particularly busy since the announcement late Sunday night, as indicated by Alexa website rankings.

From Kabul, Taliban Threatens To Avenge Bin Laden's Death

From Kabul, Taliban Threatens To Avenge Bin Laden's Death
The American Thinker Blog ^ | May 07, 2011 | Andrew G. Bostom

Posted on Saturday, May 07, 2011 6:35:56 AM by Scanian

A profoundly disturbing report issued brazenly by a Taliban commander under the noses of our "Afghan ally":

Now I know who the real Lunatic Fringe is: Gov. Bobby Jindal releases his birth certificate

Now I know who the real Lunatic Fringe is: Gov. Bobby Jindal releases his birth certificate
The Times-Picayune The Times-Picayune ^ | May 6, 2011 | Jonathan Tilove

Posted on Saturday, May 07, 2011 6:57:22 AM by loucon

Jindal, knowing that his own status will certainly be examined in the event he ends up on a presidential ticket, released his own birth certificate Friday, and his parents.