Friday, July 01, 2011

When Anti-Christ controls the internet

When Anti-Christ controls the internet:

"And what was in the Google letter explaining why they did what they did? Google stated they had received complaints against the site because it posted 'hate speech.'

Now that which is truth is called 'hate speech.' That which is Judeo-Christian moored is referred to as 'hate speech.' Can Christians see clearly now what is ahead for their getting out the truth?

While typing this post, I wonder what sites will post it. There are sites that have heretofore been friendly to my submissions which now don't post such articles as this one. They simply refuse to print this kind of truth. Therefore, they are playing into Google's agenda and like trends to delete truth-telling via Christian writers.

Where will it end?

� Grant Swank"

Not Yours To Give - Col. David Crockett

Not Yours To Give - Col. David Crockett:

"'It is the best speech I ever made in my life, but he is entitled to the credit for it. And now I hope he is satisfied with his convert and that he will get up here and tell you so.'

He came up to the stand and said:"

Prison � Radioactive Waste Dumped in Open Pits Outside Los Alamos National Lab

Prison � Radioactive Waste Dumped in Open Pits Outside Los Alamos National Lab: "To understand why a raging wildfire near the Los Alamos National Laboratory is a big deal, you must understand how wastes were disposed.

AP writes today:

Los Alamos Canyon runs past runs past the old Manhattan Project site in town and a 1940s era dump site where workers are near the end of a clean-up project of low-level radioactive waste. The World War II Manhattan Project developed the first atomic bomb, and workers from the era dumped hazardous and radioactive waste in trenches along six acres atop the mesa where the town sits.

“The threat is pretty limited,” said Kevin Smith, the Department of Energy’s National Nuclear Security Administration site manager for Los Alamos, which over sees the lab. “Most of the materials have been dug up.”


J B Williams Archive...

The Death of Moral Community

The Death of Moral Community: "What is the moral basis of the argument that homosexuality is normal, natural and healthy? In recent years, it has been associated with high levels of AIDS and enteric diseases, and from obits in gay newspapers, early death. Where is the successful society where homosexual marriage was normal? ......

(Excerpt) Read more at ..."

Jefferson and Nullification by Clyde Wilson

Jefferson and Nullification by Clyde Wilson:

"In a later generation, another minority president seemingly destroyed forever the constitutional role of the States by declaring the open, democratic, deliberative acts of fourteen States to be only 'combinations' of criminals who refused to obey him.

Lincoln made that stick by a brutal war of conquest that did not 'preserve the Union' but changed the Union into a central state with no limits to its power. Those who hope to revive a constitutional role for the States as counters to the present U.S. Empire, must hope to make the States once more into self-conscious, viable polities who have the political will to enact nullification and stand by it."

The REAL War - How To Be a Front Line Patriot and Make a REAL Difference

The REAL War - How To Be a Front Line Patriot and Make a REAL Difference:


"Good Post; Glad you did this!

Yeah, I think your use of the term “Hunker Down” is about right!

Lately, I too, have noticed a backsliding in previous enthusiasm of Restore the Republic, Take Our Country Back, etc.

Dunno if it’s just the calm before the storm, or a general burnout...or something else...

In any case, I see it in the general writings online, both volume and tone, of the professional journalists (real journalists), bloggers, posters/responders on forums, etc.

It’s something few talk about, few, if any, respond to.

It may be a somewhat less than conscious response to propaganda put out by gubmint a few months ago requesting “cooperation” in slowing down the anti-gubmint stuff online.
Could “the folks be “running scared” on that bs?

Something to think about.

('A Constitution changed from Freedom, can never be restored; Liberty, once lost, is lost forever...)"

The Question Is Often Asked, What Would I Do If I Were President?| The Post & Email

The Question Is Often Asked, What Would I Do If I Were President?| The Post & Email:

"In contrast, however, it is my considered opinion that the current putative president does not have a clear vision of the true character of America and is totally devoid of honor. In fact, he represents a clear and present danger to this Republic and must be banned to the history books as a one-term putative president."

How To Hear And See No Evil | ATLAH Media Network

How To Hear And See No Evil | ATLAH Media Network: "How To Hear And See No Evil"

Dr James Manning...

That Old Slouch Hat -- Campaign Hat USMC

That Old Slouch Hat -- Campaign Hat USMC:

"I like the book, Soldiers Of The Sea, by Robert Debs Heinl, Jr., Colonel, USMC, for many reasons. I personally consider it to be the most thorough and detailed account of the Marine Corps as it was.

And, I also like it, if for no other reason, the opening pages contain the photograph by Lou Lowery of the actual flag raising at Mount Suribachi, Iwo Jima on 23 February 1945--not, mind you, the photograph by Joe Rosenthal of the 'replacement' flag raising which occurred later that same morning. And, the scope of Heinl's book is from 1775 thru 1962--just as well, after 1962...well, things began to change in many ways for the old Corps soon after that. In any case, this author presents a most thorough and detailed account of Corps history with information on topics of interest that I've seen in no other writings.

I was surprised to read that Colonel Heinl referred to the service hat, or campaign hat as it is more popularly known, as the 'old slouch hat.' Prior to my reading of that I had thought of that term soley as a reference to the Australian campaign-type hat; and this caused me to look into the matter a bit further. But then I recalled that there was that old song by Hank Snow, from back in the 1950s...

'Just a-Bummin' Around"

The New Crime of Thinking by Gary D. Barnett

The New Crime of Thinking by Gary D. Barnett: "The most disturbing aspects of this bill, and there are many, are the definitions noted in Section 899a. The three offenses defined in this document that will warrant prosecution are:

“Violent Radicalization: The term ‘violent radicalization’ means the process of adopting or promoting an extremist belief system for the purpose of facilitating ideologically based violence to advance political, religious, or social change.”

“Homegrown Terrorism: The term ‘homegrown terrorism’ means the use, planned use, or threatened use, of force or violence by a group or individual born, raised, or operating primarily within the United States or any possession of the United States government, the civilian population of the United States, or any segment thereof, in furtherance of political or social objectives.”

“Ideologically based violence: The term ‘ideologically based violence’ means the use, planned use, or threatened use of force or violence by a group or individual to promote the group or individual’s political, religious, or social beliefs.”

Besides the fact that this Act would greatly expand an already monstrous bureaucracy (Homeland Security Act of 2002), it is"

Conservative Republicans Have Only One Choice in�2008 by Chuck Baldwin

Conservative Republicans Have Only One Choice in�2008 by Chuck Baldwin: "Ron Paul's commitment to the sanctity of human life goes beyond rhetoric. He is the man who sponsored H.R. 776, entitled the 'Sanctity of Life Act of 2005.' Had it passed, H.R. 776 would have recognized the personhood of all unborn babies by declaring that 'human life shall be deemed to exist from conception.' The bill also recognized the authority of each State to protect the lives of unborn children. In addition, H.R. 776 would have removed abortion from the jurisdiction of the Supreme Court, thereby nullifying the Roe v. Wade decision, and would have denied funding for abortion providers. In plain language, H.R. 776 would have ended abortion on demand. (It is more than interesting to me that none of the Religious Right's pet politicians, including George W. Bush, even bothered to support Paul's pro-life bill.)"

The Lesser of Two Evils | The Freeman | Ideas On Liberty

The Lesser of Two Evils | The Freeman | Ideas On Liberty: "Certainly the two-party system aimed at, if it did not presuppose, honest candidates contending for office; that is, each office seeker fairly presenting his own beliefs, leaving to the voters the matter of choosing. In respectable two-party theory the candidate tries to persuade the voters that his views are the ones they should support. Clearly, the theory did not include the idea that vying candidates should be nothing but mere responses to voter opinion polls. That would be senseless. Were this the case, we could now feed all voter opinions into an electronic computer and, within a few seconds, have all legislation written for us!

Regardless of"

Voting: The 'God' That Failed! by Gary D. Barnett

Voting: The 'God' That Failed! by Gary D. Barnett: "I am constantly amazed by my fellow citizen’s reverence for voting. This blind worship for this worthless endeavor is troubling to say the very least, but nonetheless firmly entrenched in the minds of the masses. Almost from birth in this country, we are taught that voting is a 'sacred' right, a right so important as to be one of, if not the greatest right. I must not have been indoctrinated properly by the government school system, as I consider the most sacred rights as those natural rights to life, liberty, and property, certainly not casting a ballot for one or another criminal in politics.

I consider voting today only as an avenue that allows one group to legally plunder another, and a process that fully legitimizes a corrupt political system. Those who vote are obviously supportive of the political process and the political actions taken in this country, and are responsible for those they elect, and for what they do in office."

Admiral Fallon calls David Petraeus “an ass-kissing little chickenshit” � Pissed on Politics

Admiral Fallon calls David Petraeus “an ass-kissing little chickenshit” � Pissed on Politics:

"Tips: Les, Think Progress

This article has widely circulated among the blogs but I figured I would post it up just on the off chance that some of you missed it…

U.S.-IRAQ: Fallon Derided Petraeus, Opposed the Surge
By Gareth Porter*
WASHINGTON, Sep 12 (IPS) – In sharp contrast to the lionisation of Gen. David Petraeus by members of the U.S. Congress during his testimony this week, Petraeus’s superior, Admiral William Fallon, chief of the Central Command (CENTCOM), derided Petraeus as a sycophant during their first meeting in Baghdad last March, according to Pentagon sources familiar with reports of the meeting.

Fallon told Petraeus that he considered him to be “an ass-kissing little chickenshit” and added, “I hate people like that”, the sources say.

That remark reportedly came after Petraeus began the meeting by making remarks that Fallon interpreted as trying to ingratiate himself with a superior."

Dr. Manning Interviews Carl Swensson | ATLAH Media Network

Dr. Manning Interviews Carl Swensson | ATLAH Media Network: "Dr. Manning Interviews Carl Swensson"

Dr James Manning...

Is The Mainstream Media Covering Up the Truth at Los Alamos, Ft. Calhoun, and Fukushima?

Is The Mainstream Media Covering Up the Truth at Los Alamos, Ft. Calhoun, and Fukushima?:

"What in the world is really going on at Los Alamos, Ft. Calhoun and Fukushima? There are millions of Americans that would like the truth about what is happening at these nuclear facilities, but the mainstream media has been strangely quiet. Instead, the mainstream media is running headlines such as '10 Dirtiest U.S. Beaches Named' and 'Pole Dance Stops Times Square Cold'. Yes, those are actually headlines that appeared on the front pages of major mainstream news websites in the United States today.

Sadly, you really have to dig to find anything about the problems that are currently happening at nuclear facilities in the United States, and the mainstream media seems to have gotten really tired of talking about Fukushima.

It is almost as if the mainstream media actually prefers to talk about mindless things rather than focus on the truly important events that are happening all around us."

YouTube - ‪Anonymous to the Machine: You Will Rust and die from the blood of our hearts!‬‏

YouTube - ‪Anonymous to the Machine:

You Will Rust and die from the blood of our hearts!‬‏: "Anonymous to the Machine: You Will Rust and die from the blood of our hearts!"

Who should replace Glen Beck at Fox News???

Who should replace Glen Beck at Fox News???:


"Judge Napolitano!

('A Constitution changed from Freedom, can never be restored; Liberty, once lost, is lost forever...)"
Hey, See the Reader Responses on each article,
they are gems in themselves!

Gunny G: BLOGGER 1984 +




Uncle Sam's BC!
Hey, See the Reader Responses on each article,
they are gems in themselves!

Gunny G: BLOGGER 1984 +



EX-CIA AGENT Obama Worked for the CIA in Pakistan and Afghanistan...

Communist Obama Marxist Socialist

Obama Worked for the CIA in Pakistan and Afghanistan. His Dozens of Social Security Numbers were used for Money-Laundering during a Time He Claimed to be at Columbia University (but wasn't). See the Proof. More.

Give Us Liberty

Give Us Liberty: "Sen. Ron Johnson: “President Obama Has a History of Saying One Thing & Doing the Opposite” (Video)
Posted by Jim Hoft"

CARTOON: The Uninvited

CARTOON: The Uninvited: "CARTOON: The Uninvited
Out of Order Blog ^ | 7-1-11 | Dale"

Optimistic Obama: "I Got Five-And-A-Half Years More To Go"

Optimistic Obama: "I Got Five-And-A-Half Years More To Go": "A confident President Obama said he understood that people are frustrated and he has yet to get 'everything done,' however he said this was only the beginning. 'It's only been two and a half years. I got five and a half years more to go,' Obama said at a fundraiser in Philadelphia on Thursday night.

(Excerpt) Read more at ..."

Man gets 6 days in jail for giving lawyer ‘the finger’ in court [@ Casey Anthony Trial]

Man gets 6 days in jail for giving lawyer ‘the finger’ in court [@ Casey Anthony Trial]:



More like the collector from the Popeye comics who shows up every few minutes to tax the little people on something never ends...and the sheeple cheer...and the rest of the sheeple are proud of paying their “fair share”

('A Constitution changed from Freedom, can never be restored; Liberty, once lost, is lost forever...)"

Surging Bachmann Under 'Well-Orchestrated' Media Attack

Surging Bachmann Under 'Well-Orchestrated' Media Attack: "Just days after announcing her presidential candidacy, Minnesota GOP Rep. Michele Bachmann finds herself on the defensive and under attack from virtually every quarter in the media.

(Excerpt) Read more at ..."

Frosty Wooldridge -- Immigration Is Hurting The U.S. Worker

Frosty Wooldridge -- Immigration Is Hurting The U.S. Worker: "“The biggest problem for taxpayers is not illegal aliens—though they are a drain. The biggest problem is less-educated legal immigrants, who represent the majority of the immigrants from Mexico and Central America. My own research indicates that the net costs (taxes paid minus services used) to the federal government alone would roughly triple if illegal aliens were legalized and began to use services and pay taxes like legal immigrants with the same level of education.

“Even if one conceded that allowing in less-educated immigrants is bad for less-educated Americans, are there any economic benefits from immigration? The best research on the subject shows that"

Chuck Baldwin -- Founders Without Whom America Would Not Exist

Chuck Baldwin -- Founders Without Whom America Would Not Exist: "Samuel Adams

Samuel Adams is rightly called 'The Father of the American Revolution.' He was a cousin to President John Adams and a graduate of Harvard. He was perhaps the most influential member of the Massachusetts State legislature. He succeeded John Hancock as Governor of Massachusetts. He was a delegate to the Continental Congress and a signer of the Declaration of Independence. He, along with men such as Dr. Joseph Warren, Patrick Henry, Thomas Jefferson, Richard Henry Lee, and Josiah Quincy, Jr., created the 'Committees of Correspondence,' which became the principle conduit of articles and letters of pro-revolution, pro-liberty, and pro-independence communication between the colonies. Adams was also very influential in the now-famous Boston Tea Party.

Sam Adams was so hated by the British government that they used military force to try and apprehend him, which led to both the Boston Massacre on March 5, 1770, and the 'Shot Fired Heard 'Round The World' at Lexington Green and Concord Bridge on April 19, 1775. Without Samuel Adams, there would be no America.

James Madison

James Madison is properly called '"

NRA warns firearms dealers of anti-gun survey

NRA warns firearms dealers of anti-gun survey: "“If you are a federally licensed dealer in firearms, you may recently have received a survey questionnaire from gun control supporter Dr. Garen Wintemute, of the University of California, Davis,” a June 29 National Rifle Association Institute for Legislative Action alert warns.

“The survey asks dealers questions about their business, their reasons for being in the business, their support for gun control, and their customers,” it explains.

NRA is recommending against dealers responding to the survey because “Over the years, [Wintemute] has received hundreds of thousands of dollars from anti-gun organizations to conduct ‘studies’ designed to promote gun control. Several of these so-called ‘studies’ have tried to blame legal firearms dealers for the illegal use of guns, and proposed further restrictions on dealers' ability to conduct business.”

Continue reading on NRA warns firearms dealers of anti-gun survey - National gun rights |

(Excerpt) Read more at ..."

Devvy Kidd -- Why won't Hawaii Legislature investigate birth certificate forgery?

Devvy Kidd -- Why won't Hawaii Legislature investigate birth certificate forgery?:

"The issue of Obama/Soetoro/Dunham (and other variations of his known aliases) regarding his eligibility to be elected president continues to grow. In an incredibly stupid move, the usurper released a new and improved long form birth certificate, April 27, 2011.

Immediately, individuals with decades of experience in being able to recognize fraudulent documents cried foul. Intense analysis of said document, by an overwhelming consensus of qualified experts shows the purported long form birth certificate to be nothing more than a crude forgery.

It has become quite obvious to anyone following this massive fraud on the American people that Congress is not going to anything about it despite the growing anger by millions of Americans."...............................

Obama Raffle Video Not Legal, Election Law Experts Say

Obama Raffle Video Not Legal, Election Law Experts Say: "A video of President Barack Obama filmed in the White House and included in a fundraising e-mail sent to supporters is not legal, two election law experts told

The video was included in an e-mail sent to supporters of President Obama promoting a fundraising drive that offered participants a chance to win an invitation to dinner with Obama and Vice President Joe Biden.

The video was filmed in the White House and, because it is intended to raise funds, constitutes a violation of federal law, according to two election law experts contacted by

“I think this is a violation [of the law],” Cleta Mitchell, a member of the American Bar Association’s election law committee, told

“It is a specific prohibition on solicitation [of money] by the president, the vice president, or any member of Congress on any federal property,” she said."


Prison "Will Barack Obama Use The 14th Amendment As A Way To Get Around The Debt Ceiling?

The Economic Collapse | A number of voices are now touting the 14th Amendment as a way to get around the debt ceiling."

Glenn Beck Hates Republicans

Glenn Beck Hates Republicans: "Glenn Beck is making it clear that he’s no partisan — he hates Republicans as much as he does Democrats, if not more.

In a tease for his new Web TV venture, GBTV, Beck said he dislikes members of the GOP immensely, according to Politico.

“I hate them. I think they are as much of a problem as the other side,' Beck says in a new interview released just before his last show on Fox News.

(Excerpt) Read more at ..."

Today's Toons 7/1/11

Today's Toons 7/1/11: "Today's Toons 7/1/11
The Right Reasons ^ | 7/1/11 | pookie18

Posted on Friday, July 01, 2011 4:56:52 AM by pookie18

Click on link."