Friday, September 16, 2011

Ron Paul Supports Global Psychopaths

Ron Paul Supports Global Psychopaths:

Dominant Social Theme: The problem with Ron Paul is that he's a pacifist in a mean world. If the US didn't have 1,000 military bases around the world, there would be chaos and war everywhere.

The Middle East, Africa and South America would be subject to constant violent breakouts and Europe itself would teeter on the edge. Hey! Wait a minute ....

Free-Market Analysis: This is one of the most astonishing and blatant hit pieces we've ever read in a major US publication. Written apparently by a columnist for the Daily News, it informs us quite bluntly that if the US abandons roughly 1,000 military and CIA/FBI spying bases around the world, the American way of life will be threatened and Western civilization will be at risk.

This is a hoary dominant social theme, but to see it presented in all its wretched nakedness is still, well ... startling. We've noticed this time round that the elite's US enablers are even more morbidly concerned about libertarian Congressman Ron Paul's quixotic run for president than..............

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