Thursday, November 17, 2011

Rick Perry: Last, Best Hope to Fight Washington, D.C. Corruption (Col Sellin) | The Post & Email � ~ BLOGGER.GUNNY.G.1984 ~ (BLOG & EMAIL)

Rick Perry: Last, Best Hope to Fight Washington, D.C. Corruption (Col Sellin)

| The Post & Email � ~ BLOGGER.GUNNY.G.1984 ~ (BLOG & EMAIL):

Rick Perry: Last, Best Hope to Fight Washington, D.C. Corruption (Col Sellin) |
The Post & Email

November 17, 2011 Gunny G Edit Leave a comment Go to comments

Addressing the corrupt status quo

Admittedly, I am distrustful of politicians and skeptical regarding the promises they make.

Despite these reservations, Texas Governor Rick Perry is the only Presidential candidate who has thus far addressed the corruption issue as a major part of his campaign platform.

Perry’s proposals include:

Members of Congress are too entrenched in Washington, out-of-touch, and frankly do little to actually benefit the American people while they are in session. Work to establish a part-time, Citizen Congress, cut congressional pay in half and repeal the rules that prevent members of Congress from holding real jobs in their home states and communities.

Criminalize insider trading by members of Congress.

Congressional office budgets have doubled since 2000. Freeze federal civilian hiring and salaries until the budget is balanced.

End lifetime appointments of federal judges by instituting an 18-year term limit.....

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