Thursday, September 22, 2011

The Birth of American Imperialism by Thomas DiLorenzo � ~ BLOGGER.GUNNY.G.1984 ~ (BLOG & EMAIL)

The Birth of American Imperialism by Thomas DiLorenzo � ~ BLOGGER.GUNNY.G.1984 ~ (BLOG & EMAIL):

…..Stromberg’s analysis of the importance of the Spanish-American War as a “trial run” for American imperialism is an astute analysis, but the real trial run actually occurred more than thirty years earlier during what Stromberg called the U.S. government’s war against “internal independent nations,” i.e., the Plains Indians.

That is where the real template of American imperialism was set, with its demonization of the Indians as inhuman “wild beasts”; the mass murder of everyone and everything, women, children, and animals included; and the policy of unconditional surrender. Indeed, it may even be argued that the War to Prevent Southern Independence was inself a “trial run” for the twenty-five year war on the Plains Indians.

Sherman’s War of Extermination

As soon as the War to Prevent Southern Independence was concluded the U.S. government commenced a new war against the Plains Indians................

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