Wednesday, October 05, 2011

Why Our Best Officers Are Leaving – Magazine – The Atlantic � ~ BLOGGER.GUNNY.G.1984 ~ (BLOG & EMAIL)

Why Our Best Officers Are Leaving – Magazine – The Atlantic � ~ BLOGGER.GUNNY.G.1984 ~ (BLOG & EMAIL):

Why are so many of the most talented officers now abandoning military life for the private sector? An exclusive survey of West Point graduates shows that it’s not just money. Increasingly, the military is creating a command structure that rewards conformism and ignores merit. As a result, it’s losing its vaunted ability to cultivate entrepreneurs in uniform.

By Tim Kane

The Heads of State

John Nagl still hesitates when he talks about his decision to leave the Army. A former Rhodes Scholar and tank-battalion operations officer in Iraq, Nagl helped General David Petraeus write the Army’s new counterinsurgency field manual, which is credited with bringing Iraq’s insurgency under control.

But despite the considerable influence Nagl had in the Army, and despite his reputation as a skilled leader, he retired in 2008 having not yet reached the rank of full colonel. Today, Nagl still has the same short haircut he had 24 years ago when we met as cadets—me an Air Force Academy doolie (or freshman), him a visiting West Pointer—but now......................

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