Wednesday, October 05, 2011

Get Past the MSM's Bright Candy Coating and You'll Gag on the Stench of Marxism...

Get Past the MSM's Bright Candy Coating and You'll Gag on the Stench of Marxism...: "

The things I've known were being done in every Marxist insurgency are being done in America today"

Retired (Green Beret) Lt. General W.G. "Jerry" Boykin studied Marxist methods as an Army Special Forces officer-

here he explains how the ruinous Obama Administration's otherwise-hard-to-understand actions and hidden agenda parallel communist revolutionary tactics...


1) Nationalize the economy

2) Redistribute wealth

3) Discredit their opposition

4) Establish/expand censorship

5) Control gun ownership

6) Develop a constabulary force
to control the population...


imho anyone who hasn't figured this out yet
has their head in a very shady place...

VIDEO/more at Reaganite Republican

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