Wednesday, October 05, 2011

Lesser of Two Evils? Or stay home from voting?

Lesser of Two Evils? Or stay home from voting?:

Quick simple inquiry ...

My wife spends a lot more time here on Freepers than I but we both love you all.

We have an impasse .... she says that if the right tea party candidate (not Romney, Christie, etc) is not the final candidate against Obama, then many people (assuming she is talking about people here on Freepers) will simply NOT vote, i.e. will stay home from voting ...

Is that true? I mean, for example, if we end up with two 'pro-choice' candidates to vote for (Obama and someone with an R next to their name) would I as a pro-life voter simply stay home? Heck no ... I would vote for the 'lessor of two evils', the one with the "R" (God forbid it's a RINO!)

Just curious as to what peoples sentiments are here ... also will help me understand what circles my wife's been talking! ;-)

Hey, RonDog, hope all is well with you!!!............

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