Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Ron Paul’s Vice Presidential Choices by Walter Block and Steve Berger � ~ BLOGGER.GUNNY.G.1984 ~ (BLOG & EMAIL)

Ron Paul’s Vice Presidential Choices by Walter Block and Steve Berger � ~


Ron Paul’s Vice Presidential Choices by Walter Block and Steve Berger
August 30, 2011 Gunny G

…Andrew Napolitano. The Judge has a print and electronic record a mile long. And, he keeps hitting home runs; no Gary Johnson, he.

Judge Napolitano is a charismatic, telegenic presence who is always willing to stand up to the Fox News neo-nuts clamor for war-mongering and Wall Street bailouts. With a Paul/Napolitano ticket, the Republicans would finally have a team that has read, understood, and would honor the original intent of the Constitution.

This includes reducing the power of the imperial presidency, engaging in wars for only self-defense purposes, not imperialism, ensuring that Congress declares them, freeing up the economy and promoting personal liberty and responsibility. In any one-on-one debate, Napolitano would overwhelm Biden.

Rand Paul. There have been father and son presidents in the past. The Adamses and the...

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