Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Obama’s ineligibility: Prepare to defend America – The big stall

Obama’s ineligibility: Prepare to defend America – The big stall:

Members of the political-media complex have no intention of addressing Barack Hussein Obama’s ineligibility for the Presidency or his criminal activity both before and after occupying the White House because it would expose their own culpability in the greatest fraud ever perpetrated on the American people.

Their plan is to stall, wait for the Obama “problem” to be overtaken by events, like the 2012 election, and then sweep his crimes and theirs under the rug.

Americans need to accept the fact that the political-media complex, which rules the United States, has only contempt for the electorate and is hopelessly corrupt.

Read my lips; they are not listening. Case in point; Fox News.

Roger Ailes is president of Fox News Channel, chairman of the Fox Television Stations Group and was a media consultant for Republican presidents Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan, and George H. W. Bush, as well as Rudy Giuliani’s first mayoral campaign in 1989.

Ailes is a ranking member of the Republican establishment and part of the political-media complex..........

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