Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Is secret lair being built under the White House? West Wing vanishes behind a fence in $86 million ear-splitting project | Mail Online � ~ BLOGGER.GUNNY.G.1984 ~ (BLOG & EMAIL)

Is secret lair being built under the White House?

West Wing vanishes behind a fence in $86 million ear-splitting project | Mail Online

Is secret lair being built under the White House? West Wing vanishes behind a fence in $86 million ear-splitting project | Mail Online
August 30, 2011 Gunny G
What lies beneath: The secret passageway, Armageddon-proof bunker (and basement bowling alley) under the President’s feet

The White House already has a number of tunnels — the exact number is, of course, classified.

The most well known is the underground corridor that leads to the President’s Emergency Operations Center (PEOC), a supposedly nuclear-proof bunker located six stories under the East Wing.

It was to this bunker and its adjacent Executive Briefing Room that Dick Cheney and Condoleezza Rice, among others, directed Government operations on September 11, 2001.


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