Thursday, June 09, 2011

US~Observer - No Drilling in ANWR - Blame the Republicans

US~Observer - No Drilling in ANWR - Blame the Republicans:

"Lest you might think this is a partisan hit piece, I belong to no political party so I have no axe to grind. The American people have been played like fine-tuned fiddles over the years by both parties. It has brought misery, financial devastation and moral rot to our republic. Unless and until my fellow Americans flush their blind loyalty to a political party and stop being a participant in the tennis match called politics, we will never become effective in solving our problems instead of applying Band Aids. I would also mention I own a Ford Escape Hybrid as does my daughter.

The cost of gas at the pump is killing us, again. Diesel is through the roof, causing the cost of food to steadily rise, making it more difficult for truckers (especially independents) to stay in business. We see these boom/bust cycles with oil, shooting above $3.50 per gallon; in some areas it has gone over $5.00 since 2008.

Rarely does the 'bust' cycle drop back below $2.50 a gallon. This critical issue is nothing more than noise for talk radio and good ratings for cable network gabfests like FOX News. The losers, again: We the people."

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