Thursday, June 09, 2011

Quick revelation: what the CONgressional Republicans feel about the Tea Party

Quick revelation: what the CONgressional Republicans feel about the Tea Party:

"I ask hiom if he is a Ron Paul Republican, because around DC, most of the 20ish Repubs are Ron Paul followers.

He explains he is not, and goes on to say, 'I really hate the Tea Party, because they do not know how things work in DC. They do not realize that you need to compromise to get anything done. They are too new to politics to know how things are done.'

I explained that he really does not understand the Tea Party. He comments how they love you one moment and hate you the next. I say, 'The Tea Party is not new to politics. I personally am not a member of the Tea Party, but I have several friends who are.

They are not new to politics. They have been involved in Republican politics for decades. They are just tired of the compromising that the Republicans in congress have done.'

He had that deer in the headlights look.

I continued, 'Compromise is how we got where we are now. What the Tea Party wants is for the Republicans to stand their ground and not give an inch.'

'But, that is not how things get done in DC,' he responds."

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