Thursday, June 09, 2011

Obama's Policy Working: Syrians Attacking Israel for Him

Obama's Policy Working: Syrians Attacking Israel for Him:

"In what may lead to Israel finally ridding itself of the human debris constantly threatening to push her into the sea, waves of terrorists, taking Obama’s recent remarks as permission to act on their hatred for Jews, tried to overrun the Israeli border, and thankfully were pushed back.

The only bad news is they stopped before Israel was able to kill more than 20 or so of the terrorists.

Where is the great Muslim suicide mentality when you really need it? Israel was offering all takers 72 virgins, yet the Muslim cowards turned tail to continue to survive to breath and terrorize another day.

The head Iranian puppet in Syria, Basher al-Assad, sent the terrorists to get as many killed as possible, to see if Israel could reach his own numbers when it comes to killing his citizens.

Knowing that Obama is on his side, he was hoping that would get his own atrocious behavior out of the international spotlight.

I’m hoping this will lead to the death of any so-called “peace talks”. They are, and have been, nothing but a lie for 40 years."

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