Thursday, June 09, 2011

Chicago Cyberwar: USS Liberty vs. Red Dragon | Veterans Today

Chicago Cyberwar: USS Liberty vs. Red Dragon | Veterans Today:

"Earlier that day Liberty’s crew had waved at Israeli flybys, never suspecting that the pilots meant to sink the ship and shoot the survivors. During the attack LBJ ordered efforts to reach the embattled ship to stand down, and the life-and-death struggle continued to rage until a Russian ship broadcast the situation to the world.

The USS Liberty, the US Navy and the USA had suffered a most ignominious day: attacked by allies, Judased by Johnson, saved by Soviets.

Pro-Israel Admiral John McCain, father of pro-Israel Senator John McCain, led the cover-up. The captain of the Liberty received the Medal of Honor for keeping quiet. The crew was split up and threatened into silence, according to the Chicago Tribune"

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