Thursday, June 09, 2011

�Israel Attacks America : Information Clearing House - ICH

�Israel Attacks America : Information Clearing House - ICH:

"While under attack, crew members strung lines that permit�ted the ship to send a call for help. Once notified, the Sixth Fleet comman�der ordered the carriers USS America and USS Saratoga to launch fighters to drive off or destroy the attackers. The unencrypted order was picked up by Israel, which immediately called off its attack.

The torpedo boats and the hovering helicopters sped away. Tel Aviv quickly notified Washington that it had mis�takenly attacked an American intelligence ship, and the U.S. fighters were recalled. However, a subsequent rescue mission was aborted by direct orders from Washington.

The USS Liberty suffered 70% casualties, with 34 killed and at least 171 wounded. Al�though the expensive, then-state-of-the�art vessel was kept afloat by the heroic crew, it later proved unsalvageable and was sold as scrap.

Why Didn’t Help Come?"

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