Thursday, June 09, 2011

A Conspiracy to Change the “natural born Citizen” Requirement | The Post & Email

A Conspiracy to Change the “natural born Citizen” Requirement | The Post & Email:

"As the facts will show, this is not a ‘Conspiracy Theory’, this is a full-blown and massive ‘Conspiracy’ - to alter our form of government by dissembling and deceit. That, my Constitution-loving friends … is TREASON.

I would suggest that you print out the article here, read it carefully, digest it, share it with your friends, and be ready to take the actions called for at the end.

Our friends at the United States Patriots Union have made it simple and easy for us to contact our State officials and our local newspapers (the Congress, the Courts, and the Media are all complicit in this Conspiracy), as this will have to be done through pressure by We The People on our State public servants and officials, demanding that they in turn put all Senators and Representatives on notice that their tenure in D.C. will soon be ended due to their complicity in this cover-up and treason – unless they begin impeachment action immediately."

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