Thursday, June 09, 2011

Gunny G's Marines History and Traditions: Capt Max "Two Gun" Shapiro, USMC....

Gunny G's Marines History and Traditions:

Capt Max "Two Gun" Shapiro, USMC....:

"The book tells of Shapiro having been a member of Coleman's Raiders on The Makin Raid and Guadalcanal--a thinly disguised reference to Carlson's Raiders.

Many authors, Uris too I suspect, develop their characters around people they've actually known. Or at least do so in some cases, and to one degree or another; some characters are composites of several individuals.

In the following quote, Mac is speaking...'My squad gathered around the large shack that housed the Battalion office. There was rampant excitement. Captain Max Shapiro had been transferred to the Second Battalion to take over Fox Company.

The nortorious and glorious Two Gun Shapiro from Coleman's Raiders who had earned his first Navy Cross in the Makin raid--and a court-martial. He had more decorations and courts-martial than the next three officers in the Corps combined. He was a legend.'

'The jeep stopped before the Battalion office on the dirt road. Our mouths fell open. There sat a short, pudgy man with ringlets of curly black hair, a heavy moustache, and thick-lensed glasses.'

'Jesus, is THAT Two Gun Shapiro?'
'Must be.'
'Looks like a rabbi to me.'
'He sure doesn't look very tough, cousin.'"

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