Tuesday, October 04, 2011

Ron Paul Joins George Soros In Supporting “Occupy Wall Street” Protests � ~ BLOGGER.GUNNY.G.1984 ~ (BLOG & EMAIL)

Ron Paul Joins George Soros In Supporting “Occupy Wall Street” Protests � ~ BLOGGER.GUNNY.G.1984 ~ (BLOG & EMAIL):

Texas Rep. Ron Paul (R) offered support for some of the Occupy Wall Street protests that have built up in lower Manhattan over the weekend in an interview Friday with Reason magazine, where he also denounced the “militarization of our police forces.”

“If they were demonstrating peacefully, and making a point, and arguing our case, and drawing attention to the Fed — I would say, good!” Paul said following a town-hall meeting in New Hampshire.

Paul has long been an outspoken critic of the Federal Reserve, which he says manipulates American currency and is excessively secretive.

Paul was asked by Reason about a report from last weekend in which an NYPD officer was caught on camera pepper-spraying protesters.

“I hadn’t heard that, since I have to admit I didn’t keep up on all the details of it,” Paul said. “I didn’t read the stories about it. But that means government doesn’t like to be receiving any criticism at all. And my argument is, government should be in the open — the people’s privacy ought to be protected. So I don’t like it.”....................

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