Tuesday, October 04, 2011

Bush responded to 9/11 according to traditional US foreign policy (We're bad to the bone.)

Bush responded to 9/11 according to traditional US foreign policy (We're bad to the bone.):

The war on terror that former U.S. President George W. Bush declared following the 9/11 attacks has been criticised for being incompatible with American traditions. Yet a new doctoral thesis from the University of Gothenburg, Sweden, shows that his decisions, actions and ideas really did not differ much from previous U.S foreign policy.

'The Bush administration is just one of many that have used these types of situations to expand the U.S. influence in the world,' says Frida Stranne, author of the thesis.


'His notion of preventive warfare was new, but his use of 9/11 to strengthen the U.S. dominance in the world is clearly just another example of a U.S. administration that has used a certain event for this purpose. The role of financial interests, ideologies, lies and exaggerated threats in U.S. foreign policy is not by any means new,' says Stranne.


(Excerpt) Read more at eurekalert.org ...

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