Tuesday, October 04, 2011

Hollywood Unhinged

Hollywood Unhinged:

Democrats sure do you use the word "racist" a lot... mostly when talking about Republicans, but especially the Tea Party. Do they even know what it means anymore? It's certainly a loaded word that incites a lot of emotion. That's their reason for using it. Nobody wants to be labeled a "racist." But what is a racist?

The actual definition is a person who believes in racism, the doctrine that a certain human race is superior to any or all others. So, when Democrats throw around the word "racist" as much as they do, are they suggesting that Republicans and Tea Partiers think they are superior to other races?

If so, how do they reconcile the fact that the Republican Party and Tea Party are made up by people of all races? Or are they just looking to use any means necessary to attempt to gain political control in this country?...............

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