Saturday, October 08, 2011

Obama Walks the Tight Rope Between Sure Defeat in 2012 and Possible Victory

Obama Walks the Tight Rope Between Sure Defeat in 2012 and Possible Victory:

Obama Walks the Tight Rope Between Sure Defeat in 2012 and Possible Victory
- Jerry McConnell Saturday, October 8, 2011
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Whatever you may think of the man who occupies the highest office in our government, the presidency of the United States, be it stupidity or brilliance, complacent or feisty, honest or larcenous, hyperactive or lazy, leading or lagging, and I know I can find takers for all of the foregoing choices; the one thing you can’t say about him is that he is reluctant to take chances.

He practically invites comments on his daring to go where the greatest numbers of American citizens wish him not to go and does so with an arrogant “so what - see who I am” look and demeanor. He virtually dares people to criticize his actions, taken as if his imperial status as the de facto dictator, as opposed to de jure and the law of the land................

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