Saturday, October 08, 2011

Barry R. Clausen -- The High Cost of Environmental Extremism

Barry R. Clausen -- The High Cost of Environmental Extremism:

There are many radical elements of the environmental community and the Center for the (Earth First Southwest) Center for Biological Diversity (SWCBD) is probably the most despised. In recent years the SWCBD has received tens of millions of dollars (as has many others) from numerous entities including the American government to further their radical agendas. Their obvious goals are to shut down logging, mining, ranching, water usage and recreational use of not only America’s public lands but management of private property has also been in their sights.

Several years ago the SWCBD removed “Southwest” from its name making it the Center for Biological Diversity CBD and opened up field offices throughout the country.

In years past, the SWCBD has been listed in the Earth First Journal as an Earth First organization and over the years, staff members of the SWCBD have written numerous controversial articles for that radical/terrorist publication.

Among the current staff are former Earth First activist Keiran Suckling, Peter Galvin, Bill Haskins and Todd Schulke. While the Center’s staff has neither been charged nor convicted of any terrorism their beginning was somewhat controversial and circumspect.

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