Friday, June 10, 2011

Taxpayers Pay $3.6 Million for Dope-Smoking Monkey Study

Taxpayers Pay $3.6 Million for Dope-Smoking Monkey Study: "In 2001, the NIH contributed a $328,364 grant to a study called 'A Primate Model of Drug Abuse: Intervention Strategies,' a model that analyzed drug abuse on monkeys, to evaluate 'behavioral and pharmacological treatment interventions.' Administration of the study included oral drug self-administration and smoking. Further, the study was to examine vulnerability factors, such as the 'sex and phase of the menstrual cycle as well as patterns/duration of access to drugs.' And the NIH did not discriminate against any form of drug, as they subjected the monkeys to 'cocaine, ethanol, heroin, methadone and phencyclidine (PCP).'"

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