Friday, June 10, 2011

Obama’s ineligibility: Weiner government

Obama’s ineligibility: Weiner government: "There is very little difference between Anthony Weiner and the rest of our permanent political class. The Democratic Party is riddled with sleaze. The Republicans are hopelessly impotent.

Our politicians now deem themselves royalty, entitled to permanent power and privilege. They consider elections unpleasant distractions. They are tyrants more onerous than George III. Removing all of them is change that we can truly believe in.

Weiner’s misfortune was that irrefutable evidence fell into the hands of people outside of the political establishment and the main stream media (MSM).

The truth about Weiner could not be hidden in the way the truth about Barack Hussein Obama has been buried by Congress and the MSM.

So, you say that there is substantial evidence that Obama may have forged documents and committed felonies?"

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