Friday, June 10, 2011

Al Duncan -- The Constitution Is Dead

Al Duncan -- The Constitution Is Dead: "However, it is not just the 455 treasonous representatives responsible for the replacement of our Constitutional rights by the implementation of the Patriot Act; it is also those who abstained from voting against it, since silence is consent. Responsibility also falls upon those who voted these representatives into office, since it is the American people that gave each representative of the House and Senate the power to vote on their behalf.

The Patriot Act removes restrictions on law enforcement agencies to intrude into our privacy. They can detain an American citizen indefinitely. Jose Padilla was held for almost a decade [1] and was never charged with an offense even remotely close to terrorism. Untrained, non-law enforcement agents from the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) [2] can gawk at your naked image and grope our private parts with no probable cause. They can secretly arrest us and hold us indefinitely with no due process of law, without charging us with a crime, without telling our families or allowing us legal counsel. They can search our home or our business without our permission or our knowledge. The Patriot Act allows the FBI to break-in to our homes, search our personal effects and confiscate our personal property without"

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