Monday, June 27, 2011

Our Resignation of Independence - Dwayne Horner ~ "...we are exactly who the founders were trying to protect us from,,," Bill Keffer

Our Resignation of Independence - Dwayne Horner:

"President Obama has proclaimed that we are the change that we have been waiting for; it is likely more accurate that we are exactly who the founders were trying to protect us from. In 233 years, we have fallen from the heights of proclaiming to the world our eloquent and profound Declaration of Independence to the depths of whimpering this resignation of dependence." 
Bill Keffer

"In American history and government classes across this country, we still teach our children that our founding fathers demonstrated genius both in articulating the inalienable rights belonging to each person in our Declaration of Independence, and then in preserving those rights in our Constitution. Their sole and emphatic purpose in imposing a system of checks and balances among the three branches of the federal government was to prevent the accumulation of power; and in imposing a system of federalism between the national and state governments to prevent the usurpation of authority rightfully belonging to the states or to the people. The genius, then, was not only in proclaiming the natural rights of man, but also in acknowledging the need to protect those rights from man’s natural desire for power.

Man’s desire for power does not always come from those with evil or corrupt motives. It also arises in those who believe they are possessed of beneficent, even magnanimous intentions. There are two simple reasons, however, why our founders were not fooled by the promised good intentions of their fellow man: today’s seemingly good intentions become tomorrow’s despotism; and the price of accepting the good intentions of government is paid for with a loss in liberty and a surrender in self-reliance.

Our founders unequivocally understood t".................


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