Monday, June 27, 2011

Devvy Kidd -- There is no such thing as "same sex" marriage

Devvy Kidd -- There is no such thing as "same sex" marriage: "A man sent me an email after my last column on the queering of America's churches saying I shouldn't be so explicit in my use of words. Wrong. This country needs some reality and not just more propaganda wrapped up in fuzzy, politically correct words like 'gay.' Oh, John and Bill are wonderful gays. Sam and Tom are gay. Well, exactly what does that mean? That the sum total of their sexual preferences are kissing and holding hands? Do people understand how they are being manipulated by words, images and repeated lies?

Is describing what homosexuals do offensive? I have yet to hear one single person say that having sex in someone else's rectum and feces is normal and healthy. Criticizing the filthy practice of sodomy is called 'hate speech.' How else should one describe sodomy practiced by 'gays'? Perhaps I should call it buggery, but it doesn't change the act."

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