Monday, June 27, 2011

Frosty Wooldridge -- Impact of 70 Million Added Legal Immigrants In 24 Years

Frosty Wooldridge -- Impact of 70 Million Added Legal Immigrants In 24 Years: "When I began reciting the numbers to them, they gasped at the speed of America’s language, ethnic makeup and culture radically and forever being devolved into a third world country like Mexico.

Anyone can see it in the devolvement of our schools via academic dumbing down of curriculums. Parents can see it in the utter chaos of multi-lingual classrooms where no learning is taking place. Anyone can see it in the dropout/flunkout rates as high as 76 percent in immigrant-laden cities like Detroit, Michigan. Anyone can see it in the shoplifting of $35 million daily from our stores across America by the poor. We can see it in the illiteracy rates now at 42 million Americans who cannot read, write or perform simple mathematical equations. Crime rates reflect it with 2.3 million prisoners. We can see it in the inability of our Congress to pass anything meaningful to resurrect this economy but instead—continue costly and immoral wars, deficits, trade imbalances, scandals and joblessness, 13.4 million American children living in poverty and unemployment of 15 million Americans."

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