Monday, June 27, 2011

Did Justice Prosser Choke Justice Bradley? Or Did She Attack Him First?

Did Justice Prosser Choke Justice Bradley? Or Did She Attack Him First?: "THIS IS SO WEIRD…..did Justice Prosser choke Justice Bradley? or did she attack him first? did he choke her or did she make it up? And what’s up with the CHIEF JUSTICE? Where was she and why does her name surface in all these incidents? Something really, really, really, really weird is going on…..

More information (take with a grain of salt as I can neither corroborate or deny) (from Wikipedia). This is about Wisconsin Supreme Court Justices David Prosser, Ann Walsh Bradley and Chief Justice Shirley Abrahamson. Yes, it is getting weirder!"

1 comment:

  1. It's obvious that Prosser is an a$$hole who hates women's equality. He has a long record of abusive statements about female justices. Now he has nailed down the male-abuser stereotype by offering the classic "See what you made me do to you?" defense.

    Bradley, OTOH has no record of attacking male justices, and let's note that he was in HER office where she presumably gets to say who stays or leaves.

    The only witnesses in a position to leak this event to the press were the other justices. Un-named or not, the source is credible, and both parties have confirmed that there WAS an event.

    Prosser may not be a moron and a jerk of the highest order, and Bradley's unblemished personal record does not mean she couldn't have shoved her neck into Prosser's unwilling hands, but that looks like the way to bet.


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