Monday, June 27, 2011

Another Vietnam Vet Speaks Out| The Post & Email

Another Vietnam Vet Speaks Out| The Post & Email: "My response to Sen. Cardin was:

Dear Senator Cardin:

Thank you for responding to my message to you in which I pointed out Obama’s illegal (per the 1973 “War Powers Act”) initial and continued use of U.S. military forces in Libya. I firmly believe that the U.S. Constitution makes the United States of America a nation of laws rather than men, and a sovereign nation not subordinate to the United Nations. Obviously you and your hero Obama, self-indicted usurper Obama I hasten to add, don’t believe that.

I applaud you for cosponsoring and helping pass S. Res 85, however that resolution in no way, shape or form supercedes the “War Powers Act” or made the United States of America subordinate to the United Nations Security Council. FYI: As Chairman of the United Nations Security Council your hero is in violation of the U.S. Constitution, Section 9, to wit:

“No Title of Nobility shall be"............................

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