Saturday, June 04, 2011

The Obama Theater Of The Absurd

The Obama Theater Of The Absurd: "To better understand Obama's apparent madness in dealing with the absurd, we must first study concepts that sane rational men rarely consider.

His economic theory denotes nihilism, an extreme radical philosophy or attitude that rejects all traditional and moral values by destroying all prevailing systems in a revolutionary force of action. Dadaism evolved from the nihilism and came to mean anti-rules or total freedom from the restraint of traditions and rational thought. Dadaism was eventually subsumed by surrealism, but its effects have been evident in art and literature up to this time. No one expected to ever see its presence in American politics, especially in the highest office.

The surrealist attempts to express the workings of the unconscious mind and synthesize them with the conscious mind. He wants to delve into an area that is liberated from logic and reason; thus in this state beyond realism, a new knowledge of enlightenment awaits to be discovered.

Obama is providing hundreds of millions of dollars in foreign aid to countries he is borrowing from, according a recent report by Congress's research arm."

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