Saturday, June 04, 2011

God, civil disobedience and revolution

God, civil disobedience and revolution:

"The news this week was more than bleak. The economy remains in a tailspin and is getting worse; the Middle East remains highly unstable, creating the prospect of a meltdown if oil fields are taken over or destroyed by hostile interests; Germany, our strongest ally in Western Europe, has decided to end nuclear power as an overreaction to the Japan disaster, setting off an eventual energy shortage worldwide; and our nation is governed at the top by a president who not only has no clue how to rule, but who at heart sympathizes with radical Muslims who hate Jews and Christians – which, at least at present, remain the mainstay of our population and cultural base.

There is a sinking unsettling feeling in the air. Any moment I have the impression that the proverbial shoe could drop; one major catastrophic event could create a worldwide economic, social and political collapse. We are hanging by a thread, and the clock is ticking at the midnight hour.

(Excerpt) Read more at ..."

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