Saturday, June 04, 2011

Drudge Drives TSA Controversy To Viral Status

Drudge Drives TSA Controversy To Viral Status:

"Much to the chagrin of the establishment media, Matt Drudge is still the king of Internet news, a title proven once again by Drudge’s ability to single-handedly drive the TSA controversy to the heights of viral success.

When the New York Times reported that “is now more powerful in driving news than the half-billion folks on Facebook,” it may have been done through gritted teeth. Many people have tried to dethrone Drudge from the top of the perch by word of mouth alone, claiming that he no longer holds sway in an increasingly populated news arena – and that many people have been proven wrong time and time again.

The latest example is illustrated by this morning’s’s What’s Hot section, which ranks the most popular news stories that are generating the most traffic across the entire world wide web.

Appearing second on the list behind only"

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