Saturday, June 04, 2011

Eunuchs of the fourth estate: Sarah Palin and the press

Eunuchs of the fourth estate: Sarah Palin and the press:

"When did the media become a bunch of girly men?

The latest dispatch from Sarah Palin’s Magical Mystery Tour reveals that our tough media are a bunch of pansies who get the vapors when a bus goes ten miles over the speed limit. Politico recently reported that Sarah Palin’s bus is “a rolling menace.”

The evidence? Palin’s bus went 52 mph in a 35 mph zone. That’s, um, 17 mph over the limit. Also, they “flew right past a flashing sign informing them they were going 45 mph in a 35 mph zone.” They also ran a couple red lights as they were pulling into New York. Oh, and they did 70 on I-95. Journalists, reports Politico, describe the experience as “harrowing.”

This is a joke, right? My 80-year-old mother, when her neuropathy isn’t acting up, does 70 on I-95.

Over the last few decades, there has been a slow sea change in the media. In the old days of Hemingway, Mencken, Halberstam and Hunter Thompson, journalists were people who risked their lives. They drank too much. They were beaten up by life as part of their jobs. They sped and ran red lights. Hunter Thompson got his ass kicked by the Hell’s Angels, whom he was covering."

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