Saturday, June 04, 2011

Dithering and Caving

Dithering and Caving:

"How did it come about that Congress got so overloaded with Republicans who want to bend over backwards to accommodate a “president” who hates America, and tramples on the Constitution on a daily basis?

It appears they are going to allow the debt ceiling to be raised with only minor cuts in spending, if that. This at a time when what is left of our economy is about to finish the collapse the Democrats have worked so hard to bring about. Our Republican “leadership” can’t choose between dithering or caving. Oh, the tough choices! No wonder they pay themselves four times what the average American makes – plus expenses!

However, so as not to appear to be obsessed with the economy, they also have shown that they can dither and cave on foreign policy, too. It’s truly pathetic when"

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