Saturday, September 10, 2011

Obama ally says torture probe could have prompted CIA 'revolt'

Obama ally says torture probe could have prompted CIA 'revolt':

In a series of clarifying statements, Edley confirmed he'd used the word "revolt" but said he obviously hadn't meant it literally. "I'm quite sure that every law student in the audience knew that when I said 'revolt' I was talking about bureaucratic obstreperousness, being hyperbolic," he said. "The point was that some advisers thought, and I credit their expertise, that some in the intelligence and military communities would react to aggressive investigations and prosecutions with a mixture of demoralizing resentment and anger, with possible consequences for their mission."

Some in the same communities might also have been a bit nervous about possible scrutiny of their own roles in waterboarding suspected terrorists or wiretapping without a warrant. If so, they needn't have worried, ...

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

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