Saturday, September 10, 2011

Michael Cutler -- Obama Poised to Close Nine Border Patrol Stations

Michael Cutler -- Obama Poised to Close Nine Border Patrol Stations:

Clearly the administration is determined to make it increasingly difficult for our Border Patrol agents to carry out their duties to secure our nation's borders. The efforts of the valiant Border Patrol agents is also, of course, being undermined by the policy statements issued by the President and members of the administration to terminate removal (deportation) hearings involving hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens and providing employment authorization to many of those illegal aliens.

These decisions amount to the firing of a starter's pistol along our nation's borders to encourage many more aliens to run our borders and head to cities across this nation, from coast to coast and border to border!

Meanwhile yesterday, the President went before an unusual joint session of Congress that, as the reporters noted, resembled a State of the Union Address to advocate the expenditure of hundreds of billions of dollars to.............................

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